Thursday, June 29, 2006

This makes me sad....

I read this today and the optimism I had for ECW has quickly faded....

From PWInsider's hotline last night:
A meeting was held before last night's Smackdown/ECW taping with Vince McMahon, Kevin Dunn, and Paul Heyman. The decision has been made to pretty much break away from all the old ECW characters, ideas, and style of booking. The new plan is to make the show a full fledged third C brand of the WWE.

Vince McMahon was really let down by the reaction of the crowd at the ECW Arena house show, last week's 15% ratings drop, and the so far low ticket sales for the Smackdown/ECW tapings especially for the July 4th taping at the Wachovia Center. Those things were said to be huge factors in this decision.Paul Heyman now has even less control over the product while Tommy Dreamer has none. Heyman did script last night's show but alot of it was re-written by the WWE writers. Also for the first two weeks Heyman was in charge of running the shows backstage but that all changed last night as the show was ran pretty much like the usual for Raw and Smackdown.

A decision has been made starting with last night's taping to only fly in the ECW wrestlers that are scripted to work on the show. Only for the house show events will the entire roster be flown in. Also the old ECW referees are expected to get the axe very soon like former ECW ring announcer Stephen D'angelous did last week.

Kurt Angle will be taking time off very soon. As of late, Kurt Angle has been walking around like "the walking dead". People say that he's hurting all over all the time, but being injured isn't what he's taking time off for, and instead it's because of some sort of personal issue.Kurt Angle stayed totally to himself at the last ECW show Tuesday night and hasn't been sociable at all with anyone in ECW. He also showed up very late for the ECW show at the ECW Arena. They speculate that Kurt Angle is now looking at everything like this just isn't worth his time anymore (being in ECW that is).

I just finished downloading episode #3, will watch it tommorow after work but now I am losing hope rapidly.

Some card updated for NoC IV are up over at

So I have made the executive decision and I'm not going to renew Everything I can do on the site I can do on the blog and I kind of like it. I know I am a huge hypocite because when blogs first came out and they were a big thing I made fun of all the people that had them, but fuck it... They're cool.

The only thing that I can't do on the blog is all the downloads I've been doing over the years. To everyone that downloaded a match or a song or video or whatever, I hope you enjoyed it and I opened your eyes to something different.

The site should be down in the next day or 2.

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