Saturday, September 30, 2006

Tapes Available

If you want any, drop me an email at and I will hold them for you. Cost is $5 apiece.

Tapes currently available:

ECW Path of Destruction
ECW House Party '98
ECW The Night The Line Was Crossed
CMLL ppv 03/17/00
WWE WrestleMania XX
ECW One Night Stand 2005
WWE WrestleMania XXI
ECW Barely Legal (Pioneer master)
WWE WrestleMania X8
Toryumon #78
T2P Desembercierto 02/16/02
ECW Extreme Matches Vol. 2
ROH 2nd Anniversary Show
T2P 09/08/02
WWE vs. ECW Head to Head/ECW One Night Stand 2006

Why Didn't Anyone Tell Me...

.....There is a Roddy Piper dvd coming out?

Friday, September 29, 2006


It's early and I am at work. The price I pay for dedication :-)

Well, PWA Fallout was to be tonight but it was unfortunatly cancelled so Juggernaut can rest easy for a little while longer.

Pretty excited to head out to Calgary next weekend. See all my friends and have an awesome Thanksgiving dinner with my family. And the best part is that Chantal and the kids are coming too.



Thursday, September 28, 2006

Tapes for Sale

All the details are here.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


We finally won at Trivia last night... Victory is sweet. Unfortunatly it looks like I won't be able to make it next week so those fuckers better save some cash for me! :-)

Jonnys injury is healing nicely, you hate to see that happen to a kid so young but it will build character, unlike trying to crush a water bottle on your head which just makes you look like a numbskull (Love you baby!)

Butler's going to be back in the country in early October, trying to put together a trip to Calgary so we can all go see him. Haven't seen him in years, it will be good to catch up.

Monday, September 25, 2006


Friday was the Big Mean Nadine birthday bash at the Union Hall. I felt a little old and out of place but it was a fun and Nadine seemed to have a blast and that's what really counts.

Braden spent the night Saturday which was 100 kinds of awesome. He got to play with Jonny for the first time in a while and we had a great time. It was cute seeing him and Jonny laying on the bed in their jammies watching a movie. It was so great for us all to be together again. Tex and Mrs. Tex came by for a bit Saturday which is always fun. I love Tex "I threatened to beat the shit out of him" stories... Which is every story.

Last night some folks came by for the TNA ppv. What I saw was good but as usual we talked through pretty much the whole thing and listened to some more "I threatened to beat the shit out of him" stories.

Watched Amazing Race last night and then resumed my "workout" schedule (wink wink). All in all an awesome weekend.

Trivia is tonight, come one come all (This means you Fleetwood... fucker) We're going to win, I guarantee it!



Thursday, September 21, 2006




So, I'm reading my favorite blog this morning and a certain lady has the nerve to write that Howard Stern is a buffoon, and Bam Margera is the love of her life.... I take issue with both of those claims.

DVD Recorder - The Saga Continues

OK, I just talked to some annoying bitch from RCA on the phone and she told me I should use DVD+RW discs (Kyle says it shouldn't matter, and I listen to Kyle) and to unplug it for 30 minutes and reset it. I unplugged it and I'm going to re-set it and try again with the discs I have, because I have 90 of the damn things left!

DVD Recorder

Make that 4. Damn.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

DVD Recorder

My DVD recorder has failed to record 3 times in a row now. Quite confused as to why it's not working. Anyone have any ideas?

God, Say it isn't so!

WWE has come to terms on the release of Boogeyman (Marty Wright) as of today 9/20/06. We wish Marty the best in all future endeavors.

WWE Magazine

Because she is the sweetest of the sweet, Chantal picked me up a copy of the new WWE Magazine.

I have to say I was totally surprised by it. I had heard it was similar to a Maxim type of magazine and it is really well done. A lot of it is ripped off directly from Maxim but it's a good fun read. I will definetly continue to read it.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

TNA No Surrender

A Message From TNA President Dixie Carter To The TNA Fans:

“In the course of history, there are defining moments that change the fabric of a company forever. These are moments that are spoken about for years, not days, and serve as benchmarks in the annals of a company’s growth. And on occasion, those moments transcend the individual company and re-write the history of an industry. This Sunday at the NO SURRENDER PPV, an announcement will be made that will do just that. You will not want to miss the NO SURRENDER PPV.”

Goldberg? Angle? 2 hour time slot? All of the above?

Monday, September 18, 2006

A Break in the Gloom

Is that the sky I see above? I can't really tell, it's been so long. Hopefully it starts to warm up because it's fucking cold outside lately.

Slowly converting my tapes to dvd's, I decided to give away the tapes to friends as I convert them, stupid me... I could have made a little cash selling them. Oh well.

I recommend sex to anyone who need a new exercise plan... My muscles are tight and a little sore from my workouts :-) I am well well taken care of by my baby.

The PWA show is fast approaching and I am excited. Can't say why just yet but definetly make plans to attend.

I'm hoping to hit trivia tonight, if you wanna come drop me a line. We can use all the help we can get.

Saturday, September 16, 2006


Rosie O'Donell is a cunt.


Sloan are playing the Dinwoodie on October 28th. New album in stores Tuesday.

I still haven't gotten my Bad Religion ticket yet... Damn.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Birthday Karaoke Pics

Special Bonus: Boris does concrete!
She loves me, can't you tell?
Boris and Drago Backstreet-it up!
Yikes... That's a lot of Kyle...
Drago Metro's-it up.
Ummm... Phil. Jerk.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Birthday Weekend

The 2006 birthday weekend kicked some serious ass.

Friday night was the Stamps/Esks game. My sister, Dafyd and Patrick came up from Calgary for it. The end result didn't turn out as we liked but the game was awesome and I had a great time. It sucks taking that walk of shame out of the stadium after the Stamps lose but I'm used to it now, I've done it a few times.

Saturday was the Annual Karaoke Birthday Extravaganza. The turnout this year was the best ever, tons of people came out. I believe the hi-lite would have to be Drago and myself belting out "I Want it That Way" by the Backstreet Boys. Total class.

Sunday I helped Benny out with the backyard a little and then we all went out for Supper at Bonanza. The food there is really good, I quite like it.

And of course last night was the tradition of finishing in 2nd place at trivia. Hey Benny, read your atlas and let's get 'em next week!!

Friday, September 08, 2006

History of the WWE Championship DVD Review

Watched the first disc with Tex and the rest by myself the other night and to be honest, I was a little disappointed. I realized that I already have or have seen most of the matches and watching Pedro Morales vs. Ivan Koloff is worse then death.

I would have made this a one-discer and done it documentary style with interview and maybe a handful of matches as bonuses. Most of the WWE documentary style dvd's are quite well done.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

McMahon DVD Review

Watched half of it last night but started dozing off about 1 AM so I finished it this morning.

I enjoyed it as I usually do with the WWE documentary style dvd's but it crossed over into a fluff "Vince is so great" piece a few times. Some giggle worthy moments such as (I think) Gerald Brisco saying Vince doesn't like being surrounded by "yes-men."

I wish it would have touched more on the early years but I suppose you only have so much time.

The extras were cool, including the Smackdown taping after 9/11, His motocycle accident and William Regals rehab.

Anyway, I liked it quite a bit.

Not sure what to watch next, Maybe One Night Stand, and I am interested in seeing how WWE chops up Barely Legal. The History of the WWE Championship dvd is going to require a bit more of an investment of time. I'd like to watch it all at once but I don't think that's realistic.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Got my hands on the One Night Stand, McMahon and History of the WWE Championship dvd's so I'll have some cool stuff to watch over the next little while.

Someone made a torrent of all the musical performances from the Stern Labour Day Weekend marathon. Some totally kick ass stuff I'm going to put on my MP3 player.

I think Magni is going to win Rockstar. Jackass 2 looks so funny.

In closing, think positive thoughts, you are unbeatable and unstoppable and amazing. You know who you are.


Is a big smelly fuckin' douchebag.


Due to the fact that he is the fuckin' man, Greg Shigeyoshi got my dvd recorder to work, it's pretty sweet. Can't wait to start using it.


Had a pretty awesome long weekend even though I worked most of it as usual. Saturday was a birthday dinner for Chantal, Mel and I at their Moms place. Awesome BBQ'd chicken, beers around the firepit and we exchanged gifts. I got a killer dvd recorder that I can't wait to start using, as well as a really nice jacket from Roots.

Sunday Chantal and I went for dinner at a great Italian restaurant, I wish I could remember the name. I had the chicken parmegan and it was tremendous.

Last night we all had chinese home cooked by Chantal, it was awesome and then it was off to trivia.

The Stamps killed the Esks yesterday, I am going to the game Friday with my sister and her husband. I'm looking forward to it. And then Saturday is the 3rd annual Karaoke Birthday Extravaganza. Should be very fun.

Satan's Death Shit

We finished 2nd by 7 points tonight but we had fun as usual. This week Chad and Dustin came out, the more the merrier.... Now if only someone can figure out why my awesome new DVD recorder isn't working. I have about a million dvd's to make.

Had a pretty awesome weekend, I'll probably write more about it in the morning. Time to go to bed and enjoy the last few hours of the Stern all request weekend.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Stop... Castle Time!

We were so proud of our castle we decided to send it out worldwide!