Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Birthday Weekend

The 2006 birthday weekend kicked some serious ass.

Friday night was the Stamps/Esks game. My sister, Dafyd and Patrick came up from Calgary for it. The end result didn't turn out as we liked but the game was awesome and I had a great time. It sucks taking that walk of shame out of the stadium after the Stamps lose but I'm used to it now, I've done it a few times.

Saturday was the Annual Karaoke Birthday Extravaganza. The turnout this year was the best ever, tons of people came out. I believe the hi-lite would have to be Drago and myself belting out "I Want it That Way" by the Backstreet Boys. Total class.

Sunday I helped Benny out with the backyard a little and then we all went out for Supper at Bonanza. The food there is really good, I quite like it.

And of course last night was the tradition of finishing in 2nd place at trivia. Hey Benny, read your atlas and let's get 'em next week!!

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