Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Had a pretty awesome long weekend even though I worked most of it as usual. Saturday was a birthday dinner for Chantal, Mel and I at their Moms place. Awesome BBQ'd chicken, beers around the firepit and we exchanged gifts. I got a killer dvd recorder that I can't wait to start using, as well as a really nice jacket from Roots.

Sunday Chantal and I went for dinner at a great Italian restaurant, I wish I could remember the name. I had the chicken parmegan and it was tremendous.

Last night we all had chinese home cooked by Chantal, it was awesome and then it was off to trivia.

The Stamps killed the Esks yesterday, I am going to the game Friday with my sister and her husband. I'm looking forward to it. And then Saturday is the 3rd annual Karaoke Birthday Extravaganza. Should be very fun.


Chantilly said...

You forgot the belt, the restaurants name was That's Aroma and unless you didn't invite Melody and I to the first one...this is only the second annual Birthday Extravaganza. You may be thinking of Cancer Free Night.
This year should be fun...we will have to take the camera

Chantilly said...

You forgot the belt, the restaurants name was That's Aroma and unless you didn't invite Melody and I to the first one...this is only the second annual Birthday Extravaganza. You may be thinking of Cancer Free Night.
This year should be fun...we will have to take the camera to take pictures of globulous things

Anonymous said...