Monday, October 30, 2006

BBB's Notebook: WWE Vengeance 2005

Video package hyping Hell in a Cell opens the show.

Fireworks blow and we are l-l-live in Sin City, Las Vegas Nevada. Carlos and Huego are talking very fast at the Spanish announce table.

Intercontinental Title match - Carlito vs. Shelton Benjamin - picture quality on the dvd is awesome. Fast paced work, fun to watch. Crowd seems into it. Lots of nearfalls for Benjamin has the crowd popping. Carlito removes a turnbuckle pad while Shelton is distracted by the ref. Benjamin goes for the stinger splash but Carlito moves and Benjamin eats steel and gets pinned. Cool.

HHH and Flair arrive. JR calls the cell "Satans spawn of suffering and pain."

Victoria vs. Christy Hemme - Man, this is gonna suck. Everything about Hemme annoys me. She grunts to loud and needs to die. Victoria hangs her by her hair across her back, kinda cool. Victoria misses anice moonsault off the middle rope. Victoria gets the win after grabbing the ropes during a pin. Not total crap but pretty fucking close.

Grisham interviews John Cena. Cena was still kinda in his hip hop phase. Cena says he's a target being new to Raw. Rips on Christian and Chris Jericho.

Kane vs. Edge - fuck, I almost forgot about the Matt/Lita/Edge storyline. Lita has some of the nicest fake tits in the business. Kane dominates early. With Litas help Edge takes over on the floor nailing Kane with a spear. Kanes Undertaker-like sit up gets a big pop. Lita interferes and almost gets her neck broken by Kane but is saved by Snitsky. (He get fired?) Snitsky botches his interference and gets the briefcase to the skull courtesy of Edge who promptly gets chokeslammed and pinned.

Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle - this is the rematch from their classic WrestleMania match. Some awesome mat based wrestling to start off. Angle nails a wicked belly to back suplex on Michaels into the announce table on the floor. Looks tremendous. So much great stuff I couldn't possibly describe it all. Hard hitting and back and forth. HBK kicks out of the Angle Slam. Ref gets bumped by Angle after Shawn reverses an ankle lock. Michaels gets tossed over the top and favors his knee, Dr's come to his aid but Angle drags him back in the ring and applies the ankle lock. Shawn tries to counter but Angle holds on. Shwan finally gets out of it, twisting Angle into the buckles. Shawn hits the super kick out of nowhere and both men are down. Nearfall for HBK. Angle scales the ropes and dives off the top right into sweet chin music for the pin. FANTASTIC match!

Coach interviews Batista and tells him the odds are against him walking out with the strap. Big Dave calls Coach an ass-kissing suckup. HHH appears and the brawl.

The dude that is now the ECW ring announcer introduces Lillian Garcia, who in turn introduces Viscera. Lillian tells Vis he makes her feel things she's never felt before and he is a sexy man! They sit on the couch placed in the ring. She says she wants to sing a song for him. She starts singing..... Poorly. She finishes and Lillian takes a knee and asks Vis to marry her. Fuck this is awful. Vis says he'll take it into consideration. Godfathers music hits and he makes his way to the ring with a bunch of ho's. The GF asks Vis if he wants to be with one woman or if he wants to take a ride on the hooooo train. Vis examines the ladies. Lillian looks perplexed. Vis goes up to Lillian and yells ALL ABOARD the HOOO TRAIN. Brutal. Lillian is distraught as Vis leaves with the ladies.

John Cena vs. Chris Jericho vs. Christian - Fast paced to start, no man gets a clear advantage. Tyson Tomko is ejected after interfering several times on Christians behalf. Too much action to describe. Tomko returns to nail Cena with a big clothesline but he kicks out at 2, much to the chagrin of Christian. Cena wins with the FU on Christian after Jericho pushes him into it. Great match.

Hell in a Cell - HHH vs. Batista - hard hitting and deliberate early on. HHH gets a chain from under the ring and uses it as a weapon on Batista. Later Hunter digs out a chair wrapped in barbed wire and clubs big Dave over the back with it. Batista gains the advantage and bloodies HHH with the chair and the cell. HHH receives a powerslam on the barbed wire chair. H manages to ddt Dave on the barbed wire chair and now both men are lacerated (love that word.). HHH gets another toy from beneath the ring, the sledgehammer. Batista gets nailed with it but kicks out at 2. Batista attempts to hit H with the hammer but eats a fist full of chain. Its a war of atrition (whatever that means.....) Hunter attempts to drop a chain-fist off the middle rope but Batista gets the hammer up. Batista nails Hunter with the steps on the floor. Batista brings the steps in the ring and bashes HHH into them face first several times. Sick irish whip into the steps. Batista goes for the Batista bomb but HHH hits a low blow and the Pedigree but Dave kicks out at 2. Dave reverses a Pedigree into a spinebuster on the steel steps. Dave hits the Batista-Bomb for the victory. Awesome match.

A great PPV. A hidden gem you should seek out.

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