Thursday, October 12, 2006

ECW on Sci Fi 10/03/06 Review

Show opens with Paul E and Hardcore Holly reliving the nasty cut from a week ago. Holly wants RVD but Paul says he can't compete due to liability insurance. Test attacks Holly from behind with a chair. Paul E says RVD will face Test.

Intro video... Flooooooooor!!!

Sandman and Sabu vs. Big Show and Matt Striker - pretty plodding in the early going... Not really much to it. Show and Striker get the win after a splash on the Sandman after a botched whie Russian legsweep.

Recap of Holly/Heyman.

Kelly and Trinity hype next weeks extreme strip poker.

Kevin Thorn vs. Tommy Dreamer - Decent back and forth action. Thorn uses his cane on Dreamer on the floor to score the pinfall. Short but watchable.

Fucking Marine promo. Was See No Evil any good?

Maria hypes Extreme Strip Poker.

CM Punk vs. Danny Doring - Dorings looking a little chunky. Punk wins handily with the Anaconda Vice. After the match Kelly Kelly appears and congratulates Punk and dedicates her strip dance to him untill Mike Knox appears and says he's getting really sick of this and tells Punk to stay away from his girl. Punk says the problem is his girl staying away from Punk. They square off in the ring but Knox backs off.

Ashley and Kristal (?) Hype Extreme Strip Poker.

Extreme Rules: RVD vs. Test - RVD hits rolling thunder on the ring steps on the outside, very cool. Test takes a sunset flip powerbomb through a table on the floor. Some cool old school-ish ECW action. Heyman and his riot police appear at ringside. The riot police interject and beat on Van Dam on the floor. Big Show appears and pushes Van Dam off the top rope through a table and Test hits his finisher for the win. Pretty fun to watch.

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