Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Hardcore TV and Cloud Busting....

I downloaded a couple of episodes of The History of ECW from WWE 24/7. It's put together very well, hosted by Taz with awesome old episodes of Hardcore TV. I wish Shaw would get their heads out of their asses and add WWE 24/7.

I had an interesting conversation before bed last night about Cloud Busting. After doing some research I discovered Cloud Busting is a mind over matter task of laying on your back and using your mind to make clouds disapate. NOT however, about drunken knuckleheads laying in fields with their cocks out which leads to the question... What the hell is going on in small-town Canada??

Cloud Busting: an Experiment in Orgone Energy
Laurie J. Robinson
Franklin Pierce College
running head: ORGONE ENERGY


This is an examination of the effects of orgone energy in humans and their ability to bust clouds. Subjects would look at the target cloud for two minutes and will the clouds to disappear. The data was taken from the appearance of the clouds after a two minute interval. A Chi Square was performed with the significance x2 (1)=39.92, p, <.0001. The results of this study were significant and supported Reich's idea that thereis in fact an energy that functions in all organisms. Orgone energy was first discovered by Willhelm Reich while doing research on the cancer process of radiation properties in Sapa bions (Boadella, 1974). Reich named the radiation orgone because its discovery resulted from consistent applications of the orgasm-formula and its effects on organisms (Boadella, 1974). The term orgone means the energy found within all organisms and is basic to the orgasm reflex (Davidson, 1991). Baron Charles Von Reichenbach believed that orgone energy functioned within the human organism and in our atmosphere since the beginning of life (Eden, 1972). Von Reichenbach also believed that the scientific world couldn't see and would not see the energy regardless of their belief that odic force does or does not exist. Von Reichenbach called his research in this area odic force. He used different objects and test situations to see if people would benefit from or be healed by the existence of this mysterious substance. Reich believed that orgone energy is visible to the human eyes. He thought that the color of the energy was a blue or bluish gray *(Reich, 1948). The color of the sky that you see in good weather is what Reich felt was the effect of the energy on your eyes. Orgone energy can be seen from satellites and looks like a ring of unknown depth revolving around the earth (and other planets) in the same direction from west to east (Reich, 1945). Reich hypothesized that when the orgone ring around the earth changes rotation from east to west instead of west to east the orgnonotic content is at its lowest point (Reich, 1994). Orgone energy is most abundant in organic substances such as water, wood, soil, plants, and animal fur such as wool (Mann, 1973). Independent of human and animal organisms, orgone energy can be measured thermically, electroscopically and can be measured on the Geiger-Muller counter, can be obtained in evacuated tubes, and can also be detected on x-ray photography (Reich, 1944). Many studies on orgone energy have been done with the aid of an apparatus called the orgone energy accumulator (Reich, 1944). There are many different versions of accumulators that can be used. Reich believed that the more layers of the organic matter - the higher the concentration of orgone energy (Starz, 1978). Reich's experiment on the effects of temperature, the accumulator looked like a box with a tube coming out of the top and a smaller tube projecting from the side of the apparatus. The accummulator was made up of six layers of organic and non-organic materials. The first innermost layer was made up of cotton and then of wood and then alternated between cotton and wood so that the last accumulator pulled the energy through the other layer into the iron sheet. The temperature was measured from the inside through the opening at the side, the temperature was higher inside the accumulator than the outside temperature (Reich, 1944). There are many other uses for the accumulator and the study of orgone energy on electroscopes, cultures of protozoa, cancer in mice, cancer and other diseases in human beings, radioactivity, and the lumination of the air. A caution was put on the building of accumulators for independent research because of the Institute of Orgonomy was afraid that if an accumulator not be properly constructed or that there too many accumulators in the same area, the use of all the accumulators at the same time may disrupt the balance of the orgone energy in the air and would have serious environmental implications (Cattier, 1971). Reich has also done experiments in cloud dissipation using an apparatus he simply called the cloud dissipation apparatus (Barth, 1961). The apparatus was used in a tropical area for the sole purpose of dissipation of cumulus clouds selectively. The procedure for this included the photographing of the cloud and examined for a short time, the decision as to whether or not the cloud will be used in the experiment. The decision as to whether or not the cloud will be used in the experiment. The decision is based on whether or not the cloud is growing in size or shrinking in size. Once the decision was made a coin was flipped to determine whether or not the apparatus was used in the experiment to dissipate the cloud (i.e. whether the cloud was in the control group or the experimental group). The experiment that I conducted is similar to that of the experiment explained above except that I used raw orgone energy and no apparatus was used.

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