Monday, November 27, 2006

BBB's Notebook: TNA impact! 11/23/06

Show begins with hilites of Genesis.

We go live to the ring and the introduction of the new NWA champion Abyss. James Mitchell says he feels like a proud father. Says Sting was on a trip to hell at Genesis. Stings music hits and he heads to the ring but it sure doesn't look like him. Off comes the mask and its Christian Cage. Cage asks if this is what he has to do to get a title shot. Stings music hits again and he comes down from the roof onto the announce table. Sting says he'll take on Cage tonight and says he's in a bad mood. Cage says he'll face Sting if he puts the #1 contendership on the line, Sting says its Showtime!

Impact opening.

AJ Styles/Christopher Daniels vs. The Naturals - Naturals double team Daniels early on. Styles and Daniels use double team moves to take over. Styles hits a frog splash followed by a B.M.E. For the win. Rhyno tries to help celebrate by Styles walks away from him.

Eric Young dressed as a turkey appears at the broadcast table.

The VKM appear somewhere in Stamford ready to attack WWE. To be continued.

Jim Cornette is in the ring demanding LAX turn over the tag belts. He introduces Petey Williams. Cornette tells Williams that he showed his true red, white and blue colors. Williams says someone had to stop LAX and it was him. They raise an American flag to the rafters and LAX's music hits and they hit the ring. LAX has a lawyer and he serves Cornette with papers saying their rights were violated. Williams attacks Konnan and company but the numbers are against him. They lay him out and cover him with the Mexican flag untill AMW hot the ring. They brawl untill Kurt Angle comes out and starts throwing suplexes and clears the ring. Samoa Joes music hits and he comes down the ramp and its commercial time.

Back, Joe tells Angle he was undefeated for 18 months. He asks Angle for a rematch. Angle says yes on one condition, nothing happens to each other and they watch each others backs untill Turning Point.

The VKM are back somewhere in Stamford. I have no idea what the fuck is going on....

Jeremy Borash is in the TNA spotlight hyping live events and DVD's.

Robert Roode is in the ring ripping on Eric Young and his turkey suit. Roode says he wants a rematch with Young.

Eric Young vs Bobby Roode - Roode attacks Young on the floor. Young gets the win with a quick roll-up. Roode gets the mic and yells at Traci. He blames her for his loss and says Young could beat her in a bikini contest.

Paparazzi Production meeting. Again, I don't know what the fuck this is about.

Christian Cage vs. Sting - Sting follows Cage out to the ring and jumps him from behind. They brawl though the crowd. Commercial time. Back from commercial Cage has the advantage in the ring. Sting hulks up and no sells punches and begins to beat down Cage including a big press slam and a Benjamin splash. Cage pulls the ref in front of Stinger Splas #2. Sting locks on the Scorpion Deathlock but is jumped by Tyson Tomko. Oh fuck me. The 2 beat down Sting.

To close the show VKM are outside Titan towers.

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