Thursday, December 28, 2006

BBB's Notebook: TNA Impact

Show opens with clips of Kurt Angle going nuts last week.

We go live into the arena for....

Kazarian vs. Sting - Total squash for the untouchable Sting. Blah.

After the match Sting calls out Abyss to give him back the NWA title belt but says in return he wants a title match. He has untill the end of the show to accept, and not to bring Mitchell.

Impact opening video.

Jay Lethal and Sonjay are handing out candy canes or some shit.

Borash promo w/ Rhino and Angle. Rhino yells as usual. Angle tells Joe he asked him to grant him his rematch and he said no. Tonight he will get his rematch, it's real (ugh)

In the ring, Raven is caning Kazarian for his loss.

Borash interviews Eric Young with a leg lamp a 'la A Christmas Story. Brother Ray shows up and says the Naturals will get reaquainted with them tonight.

Table Match: The Naturals vs. Team 3D - A squash on par with the first match. The Dudleys act is fucking stale. Post match Shane Douglas says his experiment is over and has a fit.

JB is outside Joe's locker room when Tomko asks him where the production truck is and says the world will want to see this dvd.

The Truth is in the ring Christmas rapping (lol get it?) While Jay Lethal and Petey Williams hand out shit to the fans. Fuck this is horrible.

PCS pogo stick competition. Sonjay wins, I hate myself for laughing at this shit. Low Ki steals the whole bit every time.

Santa Claus is in the ring handing out more shit when LAX's music hits and they head to the ring. Konnan has a Christmas Tree and says it symbolizes how poor he was at Christmas. He tells Santa he owes him a Dolphins jersey from "back in the day." Santa climbs into the ring and says Konnan should be full of cheer and good will. He tries to give LAX a present and then jumps LAX.... Santa is brother Runt and he gets his ass kicked untill the troops arrive to save his ass.

VKM are on their way to a live WWE Raw event. They yell a bunch of dumb shit in the crowd outside. Blash.

Tenay interviews AJ Styles. Styles says Rhino is a sore loser and not too smart. Says he doesn't trust Joe. Joe steps out of the locker room and tells Style is he has a trust problem he's in the wrong business.

Shane Douglas in an anti-smoking Spike TV commercial. Nice.

Tenay interviews James Storm. He says Harris was selfish and everything was handed to him. Says he's not sorry at all and AMW is not over.

Abyss' music hits and he heads to the ring alone. Stings music plays and he makes his way to the ring with bat and belt. Sting tells Abyss to stop thinking about the past because he can't change it. Says he wants his title shot at the ppv. Christian appears on the screen, outside somewhere. He says what Abyss did is unforgiveable. Points to a building that looks like a prison. Sting says he doesn't need to listen to Cage and to shake his hand and give him the match. Goozle!!! And Sting fight out of it and they brawl untill security comes out and breaks it up. Tomko heads to the ring to distract Sting and Christian cleans house, dressed as security. Abyss saves Sting from a beating and Mitchell is irate.

AJ Styles/Samoa Joe vs. Rhino/Kurt Angle - All 4 brawl on the floor to start. After commercial Angles in the ring kicking ass untill Joe breaks it up. Angle hits Olympic Slam on Joe while he tried to choke out Rhino and AJ steals a pin on Rhino for the win. After the match Angle locks on the ankle lock on Joe and the show ends.

Fucking BRUTAL show. Man that was terrible.

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