Sunday, January 14, 2007

BBB's Notebook: ECW on Global 01/12/07

Show starts with clips of Lashley and RVD from last week. Tonight will be the rematch.

Floooooooooor!! Haha they dubbed out Heymans "tribe of extreme" soundbyte.

CM Punk vs. Hardcore Holly - Punk goes for the Vice early but Holly makes it to the ropes. He tries again but Holly goes to the eyes. Punk uses strikes to hold the advantage and dispatches Holly to the floor but misses a tope. Holly brings it back in the ring and beats down Punk. Holly hits a nice legdrop from the middle rope but only gets a 2. Punk knees Holly in the head from a vertical suplex position and hits a nice series of moves before getting cut off with s drop kick. Holly gets the win with the Alabama Slam. Punks first loss in ECW.

Test is backstage, and is approached by a ref telling him his match is next. Test says he's been overlooked and should be fighting for the title. Test says he's not going out for his match, and he has nothing left to prove.

Elijah Burke is in the ring, taking up Tests time. Burke has asked Terkay to stay in the back and he is gonna knock somebody out. Sandmans music hits and he is in the crowd. Sandy does the beer schtick with the fans and makes his way to the ring. They go nose to nose, Sandman blocks a fist with the cane and canes Burke after taking a few lefts. Burke hits the floor and heads to the back. Weird segment.

Great Khali promo video.

Extreme Rules: The Great Khali vs. Tommy Dreamer - Khali clubs and headbutts early, Tommys taking a beating. Khali boot-chokes Dreamer in the corner. Dreamer thumbs the eye and hits Khali with a street sign but Khali punches through it. Double arm choke-slam and pins Dreamer with one boot.

RVD is backstage with the new interview broad. He says people think he doesn't care about anything. He cares about ECw and being the champion. Says the ECW title is coming home.

WrestleMania recall, Bam Bam and 12:21:12 PM from XI (next up in my boxset)

Kevin Thorn vs. Shannon Moore - Arial tits are huge. Moore jumps him at the bell but loses the advantage right away. Moore gets tossed backwards off the middle rope and then he receives an ace Crusher hanging from the top rope. 123 and its over.

Lashley is stretching backstage.

Kelly Kelly video. She returns next week.

ECW Championship: Rob Van Dam vs. Bobby Lashley - The 2 have a standoff early after trying to gain the upper hand. After commercial Lashley has the advantage. Huge biel from Lashly but receives a drop toe hold into the buckle. Nice pescado leg drop from Van Dam and a 2 count. He hits the split legged moonsault for another 2. Nice leaping sidekick off the top from Van Dam and another 2. RvD locks on a headscissor and then a thrust kick for another 2. Lashely dodges a kick and hits a huge clothesline in the corner but can't hold the advantage and RVD hits rolling thunder for a 2 count. Lashley fights back with a belly to belly suplex but misses a spear and flies outside the ring. RVD lays Lashley on the table but he moves out of the way of the corkscrew legdrop. Back in the ring Lashley takes over. He hits 2 big suplexes and a huge spear. Test storms the ring with a chair and lays out Lashley and Van Dam. End of show.

This is not a test
By Noah Starr
Written: January 14, 2007

Mess with Test and you will fall like the rest. At least that seemed to be the message the powerful Superstar was trying to deliver to RVD and ECW Champion Lashley when he laid them out with a steel chair during their ECW World Title match.

Test seemed furious at being overlooked as the deserving contender in his quest for the ECW World Title. The referee ended the main event following Test’s interference, which allowed Lashley to retain his spot as the ruler of the house of hardcore. has learned that on Tuesday night, the ECW on Sci Fi main event will be a Triple Threat Match pitting Test, RVD and Lashley against each other for the ECW World Title. Will Test’s ruthless aggression lead him to victory? Will RVD’s death-defying maneuvers land him on top? Or will the awesome power of Bobby Lashley help keep the former Armed Forces Champion wearing the coveted ECW title?
Find out at 10/9 CT on ECW on Sci Fi.

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