Tuesday, January 09, 2007

BBB's Notebook: WrestleMania X

Show opens with hilites of WM I.

And we are live from MSG, Vince is yelling, fans are cheering. Here to sing America the Beautiful, Little Richaaaard!!

Joining Vince on commentary is Jerry the King.

Hype video for Bret vs. Owen.

Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart - The 2 exchange takedowns early on, untill Owen nails Bret with a hard slap across the face. Bret takes Owen over the top with a clothesline after a great back and forth exchange.

Bret slows the pace with a wristlock, Owen continually goes for the hair. A crucifix gets Bret a 2 count. Owen kicks Bret outside and smashes his back into the ringpost. Back in the ring a nice Irish whip and backbreaker by Own, and into a camel clutch, Bret make it to his knees and elbows out but gets caught in a belly to belly.

Bret blocks a suplex into a small package for a 2 count. Owen hits the piledriver but misses the headbut off the top. Owen tries to apply the sharpshooter but its reversed by Bret but he can't lock it on either. Owen slides to the outside but Bret hits a nice pescado cross body. Bret sells a knee injury as both men make it back into the ring. Owen goes for the injured knee including bouncing it off the ringpost.

Owen hits a dragonscrew legwhip and locks on an Indian deathlock, crowd chants for Bret. Owen then lock on the figure 4. Bret rolls it over and they make it to the ropes. Owen keeps targetting the knee untill Bret hits an enziguri. Bret takes over and hits a bulldog for a 2 count, the he hits a nice piledriver for another 2.

Up to the top and Bret hits a nice superplex for yet another 2. Bret locks on a sleeper and Owen makes it to the ropes and hits Bret with a mule kick low blow. Owen hits the sharpshooter but Bret powers out. Bret applies it but owen makes it to the ropes. Owen reverses Bret into the buckle and follows him in, Bret climbs to Owens shoulders and tries for a victory roll but Owen sits down on Brets shoulders for the 3 count.

Tremendous match, one of the best in WM history and maybe Owens finest hour in WWE.

Pettengill is backstage with Owen who says now he is the best there is.... And now he will get the respect he deserves.

Colloseum Videos WrestleMania moment: WM 2's battle royal.

Whoever the fuck the ring announcer is, introduces Sy Sperling. Sperling introduced Howard Finkel with his new rug.

Bam Bam Bigelow and Luna Vachon vs. Doink the Clown and Dink - Oh good fucking god do I have to review this match.... Bam Bam jumps Doink and takes it to him, including a drop kick. Doink tags in Dink and he tries to square off with Bam but Luna must tag in. Luna gets a smack on the behind untill she can catch him and chokes him on the middle rope. Dink runs circle around Luna untill he gets a kick in the chops for it. Luna heads to the top and misses a splash and Dink makes the tag.

Doink gets tossed over the top by Bam. Bam and Luna try and lunge for Dink but he escapes. Doink tries a sunset flip but Bam Bam squashes him. Bam hits a big headbut off the top and gets the 3 count. Thank fucking god. Dink kicks Bam in the behind and wants to scrap but Luna kicks him and slams him. He dodges a splash from Bigelow and everyone stands around awkwardly. NEXT!

Bill Clinton is sitting in the stands....

WrestleMania Moment: WM III. 93,173 pack the Silverdome.

Falls Count Anywhere: Macho Man Randy Savage vs. Crush - Savage jumps Crush on the floor but loses the advantage quickly and Crush press slams him onto the railing and pins him. Savage has 60 seconds to make it back to the ring. Savage struggles to make his way back to the ring and Mr. Fuji nails him with the flag pole but he makes it back into the ring with 1 second to spare. Crush hangs him in the tree of woe and lays the boots to him. As the ref tries to get Savage down, Fuji gives Crush some salt but Savage slaps it into his own face. Savage hits the patented axe handle and then the flying elbow. Savage shoves Crush to the floor and pins him. Fuji throws water on Crush and he makes it back in at the 1 count.

Savage takes a huge back bodydrop over the top to the floor, Crush follows him out and they brawl on the floor. Crush gets clotheslines over the guardrail into the fans. Crush goes for a piledriver but Savage flips him over. They fight into the backstage area where there is a small piece of scaffolding. Savage gets a pinfall and then ties Crushs legs to a rops on the scaffold and hangs him upside down.

Savage makes his way to the ring, and attacks Fuji as the count hits Zero and he is the winner.

Todd Pettengill interview the "president." Irwin R Schyster is in the presidents box.

Hilites of WrestleMania "fanfest."

WrestleMania Moment: Savage wins the belt at WM IV.

WWE Womans Championship: Lelani Kai vs. Alundra Blayze - sunset flip by BLayze gets a 2, twice. Kai grunts a lot! Blayze hits a hurrancanrana for a 2 count. Kai throws Blayze over the top rope and the the hair whip!!! Double underhook suplex and a 2 count for Lelani. Blayze takes over and hits a nice spin kick. Blayze ducks a clothesline and hits a belly to back suplex for the pin. Yay.

WrestleMania moment: Piper and Downey at WM V.

WWE Tag Team Title Match: M.O.M. vs. The Quebecers - Nice promo with HBK and Burt Reynolds before the match. The Frenchman jump MOM before the bell. They double team Visc.. I mean Mabel! Moo hits a cross bodyblock on Jaques. Fuck, a lot of purplr and red in the ring, burning my retinas!!

Nice double team moves by the Quebecers, much to the delight of Rave... I mean Jonny Polo! Big hotshot on whichever MOM isn't Vis or Oscar... Pierre misses a leg drop off the top, and a hot tag to Mabel. He cleans house, but misses a corner splash. Quebecers go for a double suplex but can't get Vis up. Try #2 works and Raven is giddy. Pierre hits a backsplash off the top but Mabel powers out of the pin. Pierre and Vis exchange blows and Mabel hits a weird spinning kick. Tags in the other one and they hit a fucked up splash but Raven has the ref distracted untill Oscar attacks him. Vis splashes Pierre on the floor and the bell rings. MOM win by countout. Clusterfuck.

WrestleMania Moment: Hogan and Warrior.

The Fink introduces the celebs. Donnie Wahlberg, Rhonda Shear. Shear is guest timekeeper and Donnie is ring announcer. Mr. Perfect is introduced as the guest referee for the next match.

WWF Championship match: Yokozuna vs. Lex Luger - Vince is beside himself with excitement, Cornette looks like a million bucks... Hennig looks like a giant fuckin' zebra.

They square off and Luger takes the advantage but can't take Yoko off his feet and gets a lariat. They spill to the floor and Luger bounces Yokos skull off the stairs. Luger hits an ugly elbow back in the ring, but Yoko fights back with a chop to the throat. Luger goes for a slam but crumbles to the mat. Yoko takes the top turnbuckle cover off, Luger fights back but can't take the advantage. Yoko holds a nerve pinch for what feels like hours. He eventually fights his way to his feet and elbows out but takes a shoulder block from the huge "Japanese" man. Back to the nerve hold, and the Luger is tossed to the floor.

Luger slides back in and takes a chop. And then back to the nerve hold... Fuck... Luger escapes but still can't take the advantage and back to the nerve hold. But Lugers HULKING UP!!! Breaks the hold but takes a thunderous belly to belly suples. Luger is able to smash 'Zunas head into the exposed turnbuckle and lay in a kick and a clothesline. Luger finally takes him off his feet with 3 clotheslines and a big bodyslam! He hits the flying forearm and Cornette and Fuji interfere. Luger pins Yoko but Pergect won't count and calls for the bell. Perfect heads for the back and the winner is Yoko by DQ.

In the back Hennig says Luger put his hands on him and that's why he was DQ'd. Luger and Perfect argue in the backstage area and are seperated by officials

WrestleMania Moment: WMVII the blindfold match. I can hear Woody from here.

Harvey Whipplemen takes the mic and insults Finkle. He rips on the wig and calls him a monkey face. The Fink shoves Whipplemen and Adam Bomb arrives and grabs Finkle but Earthquake arrives leading to....

Earthquake vs. Adam Bomb - squash that lasted all of 30 seconds.

Yokozuna Promo with Pettengill. Cornette says Yoko still has the belt and calls him "petting zoo." Says Hennig did a wonderful job of officiating. Rips on Bret Hart saying he's already been embarassed tonight. Banzai!!

WrestleMania moment: WM VIII and the Undertaker.

Intercontinental Title Ladder Match: Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon - Shawn takes a huge clothesline to start off the bout. Diesel interferes on Michaels behalf while Ramon is on the floor and the ref banishes him from the ring. Shawn bumps his ass off early on, Hall exposes the concrete floor before they head back into the ring.

Hall goes for the Razors Edge but gets backdropped to the concrete floor. Michaels gets the ladder and drags it to the ring but takes a huge punch to the mouth. LOVE Scott Halls punches. Shawn uses the ladder as a battering ram to take Hall down and then rams it into his ribs, then dropping it on his back. He then throws it at Hall, nailing him in the back. Shawn tries to climb ti get the belts but Hall pulls his tights down and then HBK drops an elbow off the ladder. Shawn hits a splash off the ladder, we've seen the clip a zillion times.

Again HBK tries to get the belts but Hall pushes the ladder over and Michaels hotshots off the top rope. The 2 bump heads off the ropes and they're both down. Michaels stirrs first and grabs the ladder and sets it up in the corner, and Razor reverses an Irish whip and Michaels sails into the ladder. Outside now Hall hits Shawn repeatedly with the ladder and then slingshots him into it, leaned against the ring. They take it back to the ring but Shawn is knocked back over the top. Razor climbs to get the belts but Shawn leaps off the top rope and knocks him off.

Now each man climbs a side of the ladder, and the slug it out at the top and Hall takes Michaels over and down to the mat. He sets it back up, climbs to the top and HBK dropkicks the ladder and Hall falls yet again. Michaels pushes the ladder over onto hall and then nails him with the superkick. HBK then hits a nice piledriver and then sets up the ladder in the corner and then rides it down onto Hall.

Michaels sets the ladder up over Razor and climbs but Hall stirrs and shoulder blocks the ladder over and HBK falls crotch first onto the top rope and then his foot gets caught in the ropes and Razor secures the belts for the win.

Petting Zoo is with the President and Ted Dibiase. Ted says everyone has a price and the Prez says no questions... Lame.

WrestleMania Moment: WM IX. Worlds largest toga party.

The ten man tag scheduled will not happen due to a team not being able to figure out their captain. I saw Jeff Jarrett, Rick Martel and the Headshrinkers. I wonder what the real story was.

Hype video for Hart/Yoko.

More celebs for the Main Event. Guest timekeeper is Jenny Garth, guest ring announcer is Burt Reynolds.

Reynolds introduces Rowdy Roddy Piper as the guest referee.

WWE Championship Match: Bret Hart vs. Yokozuna - Yoko jumps Hart before the match, he tries to fight back but to no avail. Yoko takes the slow and plodding offence to Hart, as he argues with Piper. Cornette hops on the apron and Piper runs him off. Hart dodges a Yoko splash and tries to take over with strikes and a headbut which knocks him down to his ass. Hart continues to strike to chop the big man down. Cornette pulls Piper out of the ring while he is counting and Piper KO's Corny.

Yoko is now back on the offence, choking and headbutting Hart. Yoko and Piper go nose to nose before he drops a huge leg on Hart. Yoko taunts Hart to get to his feet and the tosses him over the top to the floor. Back in the ring, Hart moves out of the way of an avalanche and then hits a nice bulldog off the middle rope. Hart then hits a nice sliding lariat but only gets a 2 count. Hart leaps off the middle rope but gets caught with a Belly to belly. He drags Bret to the corner and goes up for the banzai and falls off the rope crashing to the mat. Hart pins him for the victory and the title. Horrible finish. The face lockerroom empties to celebrate with the new champ.

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