Friday, January 26, 2007

My Experience of the Laundry Mat…

My Experience of the Laundry Mat…
By Karla B.

So last night I decided that I better go to the laundry mat to wash my clothes instead of it taking me all night to do at the apartment. Things were all going fine and dandy until I put my clothes into the dryer and some old man decided to start talking to me. I just thought he would like talk for maybe 5 minutes or so but no….For forty minutes I heard all about the Lord Jesus Christ!

This man went on and on reciting the Gospel word for word back to me, even stating the Chapter and Verse from the Bible. I couldn’t believe it. I figured he’d give it up after a couple minutes noticing I wasn’t really paying attention to him but no; he went on and on and on. He then asked me if I was a Christian and I said yes but I don’t go to church often. Once he heard that he asked me if I was able to say the name “Lord Jesus Christ”. So I said it and he then figured I needed to pray with him. He tried and tried to get me to repeat after him “Lord Jesus Christ, I repent my sins…” I looked at him and thought to myself this dude is crazy…But I politely said “Yes I believe in God but right now I do not need to pray.” He sat silent for a few moments and I thought I just may get lucky and he would leave me alone. Boy was I wrong…All over again he started reciting more words from the Bible. One after another remembering to include the Chapter and the Verse, I was simply amazed…How could he remember all of this, myself I have never even read the Bible. I know a few things but to be able to recite word for word I’ve never seen before except from our Pastor.

After he was done reciting verses he then went on to tell me how he had never heard the Gospel till the age of thirty-eight; Stating that it changed his life forever. He will now be going to Heaven and hoping that just by spreading the word of God that he will not be going alone. I got to hear about when he was younger being a biker and wanting to ride for the Hells Angels which he now realizes was only going to send him to Hell.

Another part of his rambling on was that Jesus can do anything and everything. When you need him you just call his name. I got to heard all about his “near” death experiences and how just simply saying “Lord Jesus Help Me” things instantly changed. Which I do not believe but that is me…

He then began to ask me if I do drugs…or if I drink…or if I go to bars…Is that really any of him business; I don’t really thing so…But I said no to all three hoping that he would be satisfied…boy was I wrong again! I then got to hear all about different people getting killed at clubs and young people murdered at parties. He also told me that drugs, alcohol and partying is a straight road to hell and there is no way to be freed unless you repent your sins to Jesus himself.

Finally the dryer stopped…I thought to myself “I am free!” I can fold my laundry and get out of here. Was I wrong again…Even while I was folding my laundry I got to hear more stories of Jesus and how he changes the world…I heard that if you show compassion he will show compassion. He also told me that all we need in life is the faith to believe in “Our Lord Jesus” and that if we repent our sins all of our sins will be forgiven.

So it’s now forty minutes later and I have my laundry folded and put in the bag, I am trying to leave but the dude will not stop talking. So I finally said “Have a good night and take care” All the way out the door he repeated “May God Bless You”…”When you need him just call his name”… “repent your sins and your sins will be forgiven” oh and I can’t forget I got a couple more verses from the Gospel…and out the door I went and the forty minutes of Hell was now over…

As I drove home I was in pure amazement…Never expected that to happen when it started out as a nice quiet night at the laundry mat…I will remember next time not to go alone…


Chantilly said...

The morale of this story Karla is to go to Church. LOL

Anonymous said...

Chantal, I go to Church on my one day a year...Christmas Eve...The devil sits in my seat everyother Sunday...Karla B.

Chantilly said...

Ok but was going and doing the laundry at a laundry mat? How long did it take? Was it worth it? I contemplated doing that too.

Anonymous said...

Laundry mats scare me for that very reason, never know who you're gonna run into! That story sounds very similar to all the times i spend with my Aunt and Grandmother on my Dad's side, so i can sympathize! Miss ya lots Karla!


Anonymous said...

Laundromat. Laundry mats are rubber mats you stand on when you do laundry, and they haven't been invented yet.

Anonymous said...

Pft, the correct response to this is to start chanting "Yes my dark lord, I shall dispose of the messenger of the enemy"

Shit, I have been subjected to too much of kyles music.

Anonymous said...

Well not that I am a huge fan of going to the "Laundromat" but it is way better then spending ALL day doing it at the apartment and can cost less too. It was about an hour an 15 mins. The 4 loads at once (in one machine) is great and everything will fit into one dryer...this was the first time that someone talked to me...I can say I will go you more time to do other things then sit in the apartment all day waiting...
Hello Nadine, How are you doing? Miss you too...
Karla B.