Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Raw Thoughts

-This Rosey/Trump thing is awful. Holy fuck this is bad. I wonder if they can get sued at all for this. If they can then I may do it. Crowd is shitting all over it, I love it. At least they appear to be trained. TNA chant!! I fucking love it!! Oh well, a payday for Ace Steel.

-Khali..... Yay. Well, no more of him on ECW. If Daivari stays I'll be happy.

-The "Extreme Makeover" is a great move name.

-A HHH-less WrestleMania? Has there been one in recent memory? Grizz?

-Goldberg vs. Lesnar on the WrestleMania Recall. Gold. That reminds me, I need to get back to my WM box set, Left off at WM X.

-83 days untill WrestleMania.

-Crowd seems pretty hot tonight.


dar said...

honestly, i am heartily sick of both rosie and the donald. they need to grow up. geez. lol

Anonymous said...

Let's see, time to break out the historian brain

22 vs Cena
21 vs Batista
20 vs Benoit
19 vs Booker T
18 vs Jericho
17 vs Taker
16 vs Rock/Show/Foley
15 vs Kane
14 vs Owen
13 vs Goldust
12 vs Warrior

Yeah, you could say it's been a while.
