Wednesday, March 28, 2007

BBB's Notebook: WrestleMania 16 (AKA WrestleMania 2000)

-Ice T and the Godfather.... Good lord.... "Grab your bitches!" LoL

-D Lo and The Godfather vs. Bossman and Bull is killing my will to live. Was Bull Buchanen one of the Truth Commission? I don't remember. Grizz?

-Ahh back when Tazz was still over and had a chance to shine. Its cute.

-Tazz wins the Hardcore title!!

-Viscera wins the Hardcore title!!

-Funaki wins the Hardcore title!!

-Rodney wins the Hardcore title!!

-Joey Abs wins the Hardcore title!!

-Thrasher wins the Hardcore title!!

-Pete Gas wins the Hardcore title!!

-Tazz regains the Hardcore title!!

-Crash Holly regains the Hardcore title!!

-Hardcore Holly wins the Hardcore title and the (shitty but not totally without merit) hardcore battle royal.

-Now that I think back, this was the WrestleMania All Day pay per view. I remember it well.

-Head Cheese.... Sigh.

-JR having microphone problems is too funny. Surprised they didn't edit that out.

-T & A vs. Head Cheese was surprsingly good.

-The Kat and Mae Young. Booty and the beast.

-Bubba Ray Dudley was still trying to run with the Southern accent.

-The ladder match was full of spotty goodness.

-The Kat vs. Teri was dreadful. Thank god it was short.

-Eddies first WrestleMania....

-Kurt Angles first WrestleMania as well.

-I may be incorrect but this may have been Jericho and Benoits first WrestleMania as well. Grizz?

-Benoit/Jericho/Angle was excellent.

-X Pac Sucks! X Pac Sucks! X Pac Sucks!

-Oh Pete... You are incorrigable.

-The 4 way main was really good (Rock/Foley/HHH/Show). The Rock is one of the best "late kick-outers."

-Ah the Infamous Foley short-jump to the table.

A pretty enjoyable and solid show.

1 comment:

Michael Avery said...

1. Yes. Bull Buchanan was Recon of the Truth Commission. Interestingly enough, the whole Truth Commission gimmick was first going in the USWA. True story.

2. Again, yes. Jericho debuted in summer of 99, and Benoit early 2000, so this was the first WM appearance for both.
