Tuesday, April 10, 2007

BBB's Notebook: TNA iMPACT! 04/05/07

-Why the hell did Rhino run to the ring, just to run to the back again?

-Don West did a pretty good Heyman impression "Gore! Gore! Gore!"

-I dig Jim Cornette.

-Electrified Steel Cage? I'm intrguied as to how this will turn out.

-God, Angle looks like hell.

-Sonjay as Oz? Sweet.

-Backlund throwing in the towel, nice touch. Correct me if I'm wrong but is that not how the Iron Sheik won the WWF title from Backlund?

-Fuck, this Abyss/Sting thing is reaching levels of ultra-lame.

-A blindfold match? Yikes, horrible flashbacks of Jake and Martel.


Chantilly said...

why? Why? Because this is TNA B and everyone has to run in at some point. Betcha the match was interupted by a commercial also right?

Michael Avery said...

That is indeed how the Sheik beat Backlund, and how Backlund would beat Bret at SS ten years later.
