Monday, July 09, 2007

The Latest Headlines

We found a place to live. It's far away and expensive but we really like it and it will be awesome for us and the kids. We are looking for moving volunteers.....

Big Brother has started, and so far as usual I hate them all. The guy who is "Americas Player" seems to be my favorite so far. The broad who cried over her picture needs to die and the annoying gay dude also needs a dirt nap.

The Stamps got there asses kicked and now I owe Connie lunch. Fuck.

We watched a pretty good chunk of the Live Earth concerts and while I'm annoyed by the whiny concept I enjoyed the music. It was my first look at the new Pumpkins lineup, they sounded good although Billy looked quite disinterested.

The part of the whole thing that I found most hilarious (besides Madonna yelling "jump motherfuckers" on live TV) was her commercial about buying music online. Madge said we should buy music online to conserve oil that would be used to deliver cd's to stores. Allow me to chime in on this stupidity.

1. This gives every Joe Blow who illegally downloads music (which is everyone) the excuse to say they are 'environmentalists' and saving the planet by downloading music.

2. Hasn't the record industry been begging us to buy cd's for the past ten years or so?

3. In this age of big box stores like Future Shop, Best Buy etc... Isn't the oil being used to deliver cd's also being used to deliver computers for people to buy to download music on?

Anyway, just my 2 cents. I giggled my ass off at all the people in the crowds at those concerts with there plastic disposable beer cups. They care about global warming. Any congregation of that much humanity is never a good thing.

But, I am sick, feel like shit so I am going to try and nap. Looking forward to putting out the new Pumpkins (and Bad Religion) cd's tommorow.

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