Monday, July 16, 2007

Stuff and the like...

-Fuck, someone outside my apartment on another balcony is smoking weed and it's stinking up my apartment....

-Had a good trip to Calgary this weekend, saw my family and did a little bit of shopping and stuff. And breakfast with Mr. Avery was a bonus.

-I can't believe Jen won HoH, fuck me....

-Paris Hilton is thanked in the liner notes of Zeitgeist and there is a picture of her in the special edition book. Nattie Neidhart is however also thanked so that cancels out Hilton.

-Hmm, not really much else to say. Need to do some hardcore packing as it's 2 weeks to moving day, speaking of which, we are still looking for volunteers....


Drew said...

two things...
fuck i know i fucking hate jen with a fucking passion, go DICK haha dick,
second if i am off i am willing to help you move

Chantilly said...

Oh are my hero....You are the wind beneath my wings...thank you!