Sunday, August 05, 2007

My So-Called Life

The move went pretty well. It was long and sickeningly hot but we got it done. Huge props out to Benny, Greg, Drew, Aaron and Dustin. That crew busted their asses for us. Also big-ups to my wallet for the hit it took in feeding those motherfuckers..... (Its all good guys.)

We are now in the process of unpacking and trying to figure out our lives. Thanks to Werkman-Swoboda for coming out last night and helping with the kitchen. The whole place is really starting to take shape.

Its a little weird taking the bus to work again but I'm sure I will settle back into the routine quite easily.

While plowing through cd's at work the other day I came across a couple that piqued my interest.....

The first was the Juliana Hatfield collection 1992-2002. I haven't heard or thought about her since the record that had the buffalo on the cover (the name escapes me) but those songs take me back many years and make me feel warm and fuzzy. Not to mention the fact that she is very good and never got the credit that a lot of female artists of her ilk did.

The second was the Jimmy Chamberlin Complex. I had no idea Jimmy put together a band during the Pumpkins hiatus and the Zwan debacle. Picked it up and am interested as to what it sounds like. God bless the ipod.

Chantal gave me an Xbox 360 as an early birthday present, I am extremely excited. A ton of people are up my ass to get my online set up, its gonna take some time guy, relax. After a bit of shopping and what Chantal gave me I have Forza 2, Need for Speed Carbon, Burnout 3, MLB '06 and Raw vs. Smackdown 2007. I may have to crumble and join the Halo craze next month.

Picked up the Hardcore Diaries on a whim today, I've heard its quite good.

I have other stuff to write but can't think of it right now..... Fuck.


Anonymous said...

Dude, FUCK yourself a favour...if yer gonna go shooter, stick to Gears of War OR Rainbow Six Vegas. Bro, who ya gonna trust more? The masses or a gamer who WORKED in the industry for years?!


christopherdrew said...

I had the 360 for about 6 months last year before it burned out on me (some sort of internal problem that could ONLY BE FIXED BY MICROSOFT, apparently...). I got me addicted to that stupid Oblivion game, and Condemned was friggin' fantastic. Now I miss it terribly on long cold nights when all I want is to be a half-elf slicing my way through orcs and ogres and...

...Christ, I am such a nerd.

Also: Juliana Hatfield's last few albums were very MOR, which is too bad.