Monday, August 27, 2007

A Weeks Worth of Stuff...

Oh, here we go....

The holiday was awesome. To attempt to sum it up, night 1 we hung out with my brother and I played Guitar Hero for the first time, its a pretty sweet game. However, I suck at Rainbow Six Vegas. Next night we got together with Tiny and Lisa and sawe their new house (which is sweet. That is also the night I discovered Jimmi got married and didn't even tell me, nevermind invite me. Someone tell him he's a jerk..... :-)

Saw my sister and the kids, Logan is cute as hell and very smiley all of a sudden.

Next day we decided to be really crazy and go to Calaway Park. For those around here that don't know, Calaway Park is a dumpy little amusement park North(?) Of Calgary. We rode a few rides and Chantal swallowed her own vomit on the Ocean Motion 3 times which was worth the pride of admission.

Next day we hit Banff which was a bit of a downer because they are re-doing the main street so it was ripped up and blocked off. But we still had an awesome time. We took a carriage ride and Chantal bought some Raspberry Cordial (whatever the fuck that is) and some candy at Welchs.

Next was the hi-lite for me, a Calgary Vipers baseball game. Seats nice and close, awesome game. Good times.

We headed back home Thursday morning and chilled until Karaoke Friday night which was a blast despite the fact that I am a fucking retard.

Saturday was PWA, where I came up on the short end of the stick again. It was a really solid show and everyone kicked ass. I was really proud to be even the smallest part of the roster, everyone rocked it out.

Sunday was SummerSlam and it was a lot better then I expected to be. The finish of Punk/Morrison was weak but other then that nothing stuck out that was super stink-worthy. I was intrigued by my peers apparent hate of CM Punk, but their opinion is always welcome.

Picked up my router and shit for our wireless network, X Box live looks pretty sweet and internet on the notebooks around the house is even sweeter.

I am becoming a regular contributer on Join if you can so you can (as Dustin would say) get access to my collection without the annoying VHS tapes.

There was more but I can't remember and I have to be up at 4 so good fucking night!

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