Saturday, September 01, 2007

The Latest and Greatest

We got the wireless network set up yesterday so as I type this I am sitting on the couch with the notebook in front of the TV. Could I be any more lazy and lame.

The kids are in bed with minimal freaking out that both of their moms are not around..... And now I am debating what to do..... Try and play some more (mega-confusing) X-Box Live, watch some Kissology volume 2, some wrestling, maybe some Dawson (yeah, that's right fuckers)... Who knows, the world is my proverbial oyster.

So, we have a dog..... A Jack Russel Terrier named Sadie (Who the fuck is Jack Russel anyway?) It's a harmless enough dog other then the boundless energy and the fact that it thinks I am a toilet. It will get better......

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