Sunday, September 16, 2007

Stuff with extra Stuff...

Well, so far Xbox live really sucks. I'm not sure if it was the connection I had with Shigs but the gameplay is choppy and the earpiece is useless because it cuts in and out constantly.

However, NHL 08 is pretty sweet. The graphics are phenominal and thanks to 'classic controller' I can play it and not want to shoot myself.

Had some folks over last night for no particular reason, they had quite the time playing with the kids old wrestlers. (Video to come hopefully.)

It annoys me that all these cool gadgets we have that are supposed to be so amazing, and none of them work. Our wireless internet is really cool, but very unreliable and is hurting my torrent business (not that I condone anything illegal like uploading torrents...)

Anyway.... Jays are tied with Baltimore in the top of the 11th, may go to Dustins to watch the ppv tonight but I am so out of the loop not sure if I'll get anything out of it.

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