Monday, October 15, 2007

It's Early

I just got in from my night shift in time to hear Richard smell Sal's foreskin..... God bless Sirius.

Markys birthday was fun..... Stamps won a thriller this afternoon..... Flames have strung together a couple of wins..... H.I.M. Is sold out but I'm hoping to swindle my way in..... Rockies continue to cruise on their way to the Series...... Ummm.... I think that's it..... Oh yeah, shitpipe.


christopherdrew said...

Stop listening to H.I.M.

Stop it right now.

There is no excuse for such a thing to exist, sir.

BBBoris said...

But I like them.

christopherdrew said...

No. You are CONFUSED. You are ill, and should be committed to the nearest psychiatric institution where they will feed you lots of drugs and immerse you ice and fix your brain with electricity. LOTS of electricity.

Only then will you no longer be CONFUSED.