Wednesday, January 02, 2008

BBB's Notebook: The Hardcore Diaries by Mick Foley

Well, I'm sure I am in the minority, but on the whole I don't think this was a very good book.

Its not totally without merit, the story of the buildup to One Night Stand was quite enthralling, and to be honest it was the only part of the book that wasn't throw-away to me.

A lot of it seemed very self-serving and tried too hard to be humorous.

The amount of name dropping was staggering and there was a definite political agenda as well that I could have done without.

Maybe I look for something different in a "wrestling book." What it can teach me, what I can learn about the business and what I can learn about certain performers but I don't think I really learned anything, but perhaps that wasn't the point.

I do however enjoy the recounting of certain events that I can go back and watch tapes and dvd's of and see it from a different perspective.

I guess I just didn't get what I was looking for out of this one.

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