Sunday, January 06, 2008

BBB's Notebook: WWE Royal Rumble 1990

-It's odd seeing Tony Schiavone doing WWF events.

-"The fans are whacking away".... "The 2 teams are feeling each other out"... Man, the Rougeaus and The Bushwhackers has a lot of homoerotic undertones.....

-The Bushwhackers are quite over.

-"Savat kick." You don't hear that anymore. I'm gonna start using it.

-Only DiBiase could use the word "Gestapoism" into a promo.

-A battle of PWA alumni, Brutus vs. The Genius.

-Poffo plays gay very well, almost too well......

-A double DQ? These 2 need to settle this at Night of Champions 2008!

-Ah the Greg The Hammer faceplant. Awesome.

-Valentine and Ronnie Garvin was an interesing match. Submission matches were pretty rare back then.


-The late Saphire. "Tons of fun" as Jesse the Body would say.

-Good lord, what the fuck is the Warrior talking about?

-Fuck Jake was good.

-What the hell is on Neidharts head?

-It's Rumble time! DiBiase drew #1, Koko is #2.

-Koko is out, up next is Jannetty.

-Jannetty is out, up next is Jake. Wow, he's over huge.

-Piper is a house of fire!

-The Red Rooster..... Sigh......

-Akeem looks retarded.

-Hogan and the Warrior are the final two.

-Oh wait, they aren't. Nevermind....

-Wow, I was way off. Serves me right for falling asleep during the damn Rumble.

-Hogan, Rude and Perfect are the final 3.

-Rude is out..... And Hogan is Hulking up!!!!!

-And Hennig is out, Hogan wins. I for one am shocked......

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