Monday, January 14, 2008

Stuff and Shit....

We decided to take the kids to Calgary for the weekend to see grandma and grandpa. I felt like shit and still do but we had fun. Did a little shopping and my mom made lasagne which was awesome and then later Saturday we got Gondola Pizza. It was "The Boss" pizza and it was killer. Anyway, we had fun.

Last night we hit The Keg for supper which was also awesome. (I talk about food a lot....)

In 2 weeks we were thinking of taking the kids to Jasper but we can't seem to find a hotel room. If anyone has connections or knows a way we can get a hotel room please let me know.

The Flames are on a bit of a skid and dropped one to the Oilers last night which I'm sure I will hear all about when I get to work.

We watched the Triumph and Tragedy of World Class Championship Wrestling last night which was as depressing as I expected. It must be hard for Kevin to recount all that stuff but he got through it like a trooper. I've heard if you watch the shoot interviews of a lot of the guys that were around back then you hear a lot more about the dark side of that promotion then you will oviously hear about in a WWE-made documentary. And there was quite a dark side if there is any truth behind some of the things I have read.

I also bought the 2nd volume of JCW Slam TV. They certainly shelled out some cash to bring in a lot of big names for the shows on this go 'round. Jimmy Jacobs vs. Ultimo should be good. Still waiting for the WSX dvd's to turn up around here somewhere.

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