Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Trying to remember what the fuck has been happening lately.

Sunday night after the store closed it was game night. It was pretty impressive, a bunch of the guys brough in their gear and out Home Theatre department was turned into game land. It was a lot of fun playing Rock Band with everyone.

Speaking of Rock Band, it is pretty fun but the drums are taking some getting used to. I can't seem to play "Black Hole Sun" on hard.

The Flames play the Wild tonight, their only game in 11 days so I hope to fuck they win.

Heath Ledger died today. I don't really know all that much about him but that he is going to be the new Joker. Anyway, its a shame when someone that young and talented wastes it.

The new set on Raw last night was pretty cool. No idea what the hell is going on though. When did Jeff Hardy become a main eventer?

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