Monday, January 28, 2008

The Weekend

And what a weekend it was. On Friday we took the kids to the Drillers home opener. Now I'm not a big fan of soccer but I really enjoyed it, especially since they played the team from Calgary, which I always get behind. Calgary United FC got their asses kicked 10-4 but it was fun. Looking forward to going back in March, if not sooner.

Saturday we all went shopping, thanks to bonus time. We got the first thing for the new baby, a stroller/car seat that is cool and has the Chantal-required cup holder. The kids did really well, especially seeing as I didn't look at the prices of the fucking toys they picked. I don't know who the fuck Ben 10 is but they love it. I also got a little tiny Bobby Lashley figure that I forgot to give to Dustin last night.

Saturday night we decided to have a "sleepover pajama party" in the living room being that we all got new jammied. The kids each got Pokemon jammies and Chantal got an awesome Flames night shirt. I got Playboy bottoms that are the most uncomfortable fucking things I have ever worn.

We watched the Empire Strikes Back. Now, it is incredibly frustrating trying to explain to Chantal how Star Wars works. The first star wars is episode 4. And then the ones that came out in the 90's were prequals. Episode 1 was in 1999. Simple as that.

We heard about the blizzard on Friday and it wasn't supposed to hit until Sunday at about noon so we figured we would get up Sunday at about 9 and hit the road about 930 to take Braden back to Wabamun. Unfortunatly we got up at 9 and it was full-fledged fucking blizzard-mania. So it was a white-knuckled drive to Wabamun to bring Braden back to his mom.

Now on our way back into town we decided to go have breaky at Dennys because we were all starving, we got there and the wait was over an hour so we said fuck it and went to McDonalds. During the trip we get a call from Chantals mom asking if we wanted to come over for chili and to help roll change. We said sure, why not and we headed over. Now I figured helping roll change was just a few bucks in change or whatever. Little did we know that we got there and Chantals mom and her boyfriend Chris had been throwing all their change into jars for 2 fucking years and they had tons. We counted up when we finished and they had (I shit you not) two thousand fucking dollars in change. It weighed a ton. But it was all good because I always had a Caeser in my hand and it was good times.

After that it was off to Dustins for the Royal Rumble. It was a good time as usual, talking shit with all the boys and watching the show. From what I actually paid attention to, the show was good and the big surprise was the return of Cena. The WWE did the near impossible by keeping his return a secret and continue feeding false information that he wouldn't return until summer.

I have a ticket to go to the Oilers/Sharks game tommorow which should be fun. Anyway, that's the latest.

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