Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Apparently Darryl Sutter is stepping down as coach of the Calgary Flames to concentrate on General Manager duties.... Jim Playfair will be his replacement.

Not sure what to think of this, big fan of Sutter as the coach but the moves he's made as GM speak for themselves.

Next Seasons Flames schedule is here
Nest Seasons Oilers schedule is here

Been reading a lot of blogs lately.... Had a lot of time alone and I'm trying to fill it up as best as I can. I skim through blogger blogs by clicking the "next blog" button in the top right corner and I read all of my friends, as well as just people I know.

Been reading my friends and I had a few comments:

Moks: When did you start at HMV and how did that come about? And what happened to the gigs at the P&W?

Matt: Good luck with the poker but be careful, this is real life.

Shigs: How was She Wants Revenge? I hated them at first but they are growing on me a little.

Jesus: Sorry about Portugal, that must have sucked for you.

Fleets: I'm not sure how I feel about another prosperity check... As a parent I'd like to see that money pumped into schools and things like that to give my child more advantages, but a check for $400 would be nice. The surplus is what, $8 billion? Why not do both....

Cleaned the hell out of my bedroom today, threw out a lot of stuff and took a lot of clothes to the 2nd hand store.

It's really hot in here and this little fan isn't really cutting it.

Inked on A&E is a good show, I dig it.


Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

Anonymous said...

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