Monday, July 17, 2006

TNA Victory Road Review

Johnny Devine w/ Alex Shelley def. Shark Boy - Nice to see Devine in a role other then Team Canada, he gets the win with a brainbuster. Nothing special.

PPV Show:
The Naturals w/ Shane Douglas def. The Diamonds in the Rough w/ Simon Diamond - Shane Douglas introduced the "new" Naturals... I haven't watched much TNA lately so I don't really remember the old Naturals. They get the win after a top rope dropkick. After the match Douglas got in the face of his new team, Tenay explained this as they won but it wasn't good enough.

Rhino vs. Monty Brown - I don't get Monty Brown, and I don't think I ever will. They brawled in the ring and then to the floor and in the crowd and all over the building untill the match was called a double DQ or countout or whatever.... Sucked.

Homicide & Hernandez w/ Konnan def. Sonjay Dutt & Ron Killings - After interference from Konnan, Hernandez nailed Dutt with a powerbomb for the win. Lots of high impact stuff made for a fun match.

At this point, Team Canada came to the ring to disband. I'm not sure the angle as I haven't watched much TNA lately but it seems Eric Young was to blame as he took a lot of heat from his teammated but the crowed LOVED him. This was fucking LOOOOOOONG. Way too long.

Senshi def. Frankie Kazarian - Senshi gets the win after the top-rope double stomp in a match I really liked. Good to see Low Ki back.

Raven def. Larry Zbyszko in a Hair vs. Hair Match - Didn't really watch this one but I assume it sucked and the haircut took forever.

Chris Sabin & Jay Lethal def. Kevin Nash & Alex Shelley - This was a rerally fun match and Nash was used in a way where he would be involved but not drag down the workrate. I really liked it.

The James Gang & Abyss def. Team 3D - A really fun brawl to watch, SPike almost got killed during the crowd surfing spot. Abyss tossed him into the crowd and after surfing for a minute or 2 he was dumped back into the ringside area and it looked like he hit his head on the steps. It was also fun watching Buh Buh try and staple a sign that saud "ECW fears TNA" to Abyss' head. Spike was horribly put through a table with a Black Hole Slam by Abyss for the finish.

AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, & Sirelda def. America's Most Wanted & Gail Kim - This one was good but it could have ben great. They just didn't click and Sirelda is pretty brutal, anyone know anything about her?

Sting def. Christian Cage, Samoa Joe and Scott Steiner - Jerrett threw "gasoline" in Stings eyes and he disappeared for a while only to make the trimphant return with bandaged eyes to pull Cage off Steiner and get the pin. Decent I guess.

I give the show a 6.5.

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