Monday, July 17, 2006

WWE Saturday Night's Main Event 7/15/06 Review

Hulk Hogan Promo w/ Brooke Hogan - He's glad to be here blah blah blah. Orton hits the ring and challenges him for SummerSlam.

Rey Mysterio ©, Batista and Lashley def. Finlay ©, King Booker and Mark Henry - Match basically built to a tag to Batista who destroyed everyone and hits the Batista bomb on Booker for the win.

Carlito and Trish def. Johnny Nitro © and Melina - Decent fun little match. I really like the pairing of Trish and Carlito.

DX (HHH and HBK) def. The Spirit Squad (Kenny, Johnny, Mikey, Nicky and Mitch) - Vince added a wrinkle to the match that if you are pinned and eliminated you are put in a little "holding cell" cage next to the ring. Basically a squash, dX destroys everyone and eventually Vince gets superkicked into the cell by Shawn Michaels. Very anti-climatic.

Promo with Great Khali, Big Show and Undertaker - Hypes the GAB match and Show challenges 'Taker to an ECW title match on Tuesday night. (What are they trying to do to me!!)

Extreme Rules Match: Sabu def. Stevie Richards - Basic Sabu squash but he needs to measure distance a little better because these arabian facebusters he's trying to finish matches with look like shit.

Orton RKO's Hogan in the parking lot after being shoo'd away from Brooke.

Diva bull-riding. Who gives a fuck.

John Cena def. Edge by DQ - Seemed a lot shorter then the 8 minutes it actually was. A standard Cena/Edge match which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Edge gets DQ'd after Lita pulls Chioda out of the ring during a pin attempt and slaps him. After the match Cena hits the FU on Edge off the ring steps through the announce table.

I give this show a 6.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.