Monday, October 23, 2006

Loose Cannon DVD Review

I was pretty excited for this one, as I usually am for WWE documentary style dvds. I can't wait for the Piper one.

Anyway, I really enjoyed it as WWE did a pretty good job of chronicling not only his wrestling career but his non-wrestling sports career. I had no idea Pillman excelled at hockey in his younger years. They also spent quite a bit of time on his WCW career which is unique for a WWE release.

I loved the old Stampede footage, it makes me feel young again. I need to get more of it. I wish I taped it every Saturday when I was a kid.
They glossed over his ECW time quickly which I guess can be expected considering he was only there for a short time and never wrestled a match but the story behind it is fascinating. If you want to know more pick up Hardcore History by Scott Williams.

I also loved the fact that they made a point of saying Pillman never used recreational drugs and died of a heart attack.

There are tons of extras, I still think they go a little overboard on the extras. I usuall watch very little of them mostly due to the fact that I've seen it all already.

Very well done and emotional. Pick it up.

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