Monday, October 23, 2006


It was a full weekend with the family all together.

Friday we took all the kids (including Tex) to Dennys for supper and then a little shopping at the mall.

Saturday was Bradens big birthday party, it was pretty awesome. Big thank you's to everyone that came out and brought my little man a present. He cleaned up and got some pretty cool stuff and the Scooby Doo ice cream cake was so good.

Sunday was a pretty lazy day, watched a lot of the American Office season 1 and 2. Its totally hysterical, I can't decide which version I like better. I think I need to see more of the UK one.

After a fantastic steak dinner prepared by Chantal on the BBQ we just chilled untill the damn power went out for an hour or so. It's very difficult to explain to a 3 year old why his tv doesn't work!

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