Saturday, December 30, 2006


Chantal makes the BEST sandwhich I've ever had. She should open a shop.

Friday, December 29, 2006


Parents need to control their unruly fuckin' children.

Quote of the Day

"Your tailpipe is polished!" - Karla B.

Ebay is Fun

So apparently The Ultimate Nutcase is selling 2 of his WWE legends figures on Ebay for $300.... Someone asked a question in the Q and A part of his Ebay sale and Jimmy answered in true Jimmy Fashion:
Q: Warrior, You sir are HILARIOUS!! You are my hero. If I ever become famous I wanna go off my rocker just like you. Dave

A: What you mean is that you know will never become famous, but in your dreams when you fantasize that you might one day, you would want to have the confidence and belief in the staying power and value of your product like I do MINE. The difference between the truth you are ashamed to tell and the ridicule you find humor and comfort in, can be analogized like this: You run a pawn shop and I sell valuable collectibles. You have to sell 15-16 figures to make just at $300. I have to sell one. Our ads cost about the same, around $3-5. On top of that, your 15 figures, even given away for free, can never match the value of buying the SET for $300 from me with COA's and autographed 8x10's. If you think so, then you win the prize for hilarity, not I. Who's off their rocker? And who's the hypocrite? You bash me for capitalizing off the value I worked hard and sacrificed to build, and yet, you run out and buy my Intellectual Property, which I own the legal right to license, and, then, you turn around and resale it for a profit, yourself! For you, and others like you, I consider my highly-valued auctions charitable contributions to the study and practice of psychology. All you begrudging flops get to write and belittle my auctions and, therefore, have your self-esteems fed vilely the same. It makes you all feel bigger and more socially-conscious about yourselves: Is he nuts? $300 for action figures! Why, I wouldn't pay... Excuse me, Davey Boy, yes you would. That is, if you had it, you would. You want these figures, Davey Boy, but you can't afford the $300. You’re welcome for, both, the business lesson and my charity. And I must, in return, thank you for the laughs and the fun break of two minutes I spent scrawling this out for further public amusement. Have a great non-motivational, indebted life. W


-What the fuck happaned to main events? I watched last weeks Impact and ECW and the 2 main events combined were under 15 minutes.... I weep for the future.

-Tough day today.... Sending PWA Youtube videos of myself to my boss and watching Office clips.... It's gonna suck when the holidays are over and it's back to business.

-Wednesdays Flames/Canucks game was a heartbreaker. I'd rather lose 10-0 then lose in Overtime like that (but I'll take the point!)

-Tonights ECW is a best of 2006.... Not quite sure what to make of that.

The Chantal Dictionary

Zigang (zigg-gang) - A celebratory phrase used after mocking. "You're a piece of shit... ZIGANG!!"

Carspicious (kar-spish-us) - See 'auspicious.' "That was a very carspicious occasion."

Disscussionment (diss-kusshon-ment) - A combination of an argument and a discussion. "Did you hear Jill and Dafydd's discussionment?"

Reconoider (Ree-kon-oider) - To fix, mend, repair or adjust. "I need to reconoider my living room."

Thursday, December 28, 2006

BBB's Notebook: TNA Impact

Show opens with clips of Kurt Angle going nuts last week.

We go live into the arena for....

Kazarian vs. Sting - Total squash for the untouchable Sting. Blah.

After the match Sting calls out Abyss to give him back the NWA title belt but says in return he wants a title match. He has untill the end of the show to accept, and not to bring Mitchell.

Impact opening video.

Jay Lethal and Sonjay are handing out candy canes or some shit.

Borash promo w/ Rhino and Angle. Rhino yells as usual. Angle tells Joe he asked him to grant him his rematch and he said no. Tonight he will get his rematch, it's real (ugh)

In the ring, Raven is caning Kazarian for his loss.

Borash interviews Eric Young with a leg lamp a 'la A Christmas Story. Brother Ray shows up and says the Naturals will get reaquainted with them tonight.

Table Match: The Naturals vs. Team 3D - A squash on par with the first match. The Dudleys act is fucking stale. Post match Shane Douglas says his experiment is over and has a fit.

JB is outside Joe's locker room when Tomko asks him where the production truck is and says the world will want to see this dvd.

The Truth is in the ring Christmas rapping (lol get it?) While Jay Lethal and Petey Williams hand out shit to the fans. Fuck this is horrible.

PCS pogo stick competition. Sonjay wins, I hate myself for laughing at this shit. Low Ki steals the whole bit every time.

Santa Claus is in the ring handing out more shit when LAX's music hits and they head to the ring. Konnan has a Christmas Tree and says it symbolizes how poor he was at Christmas. He tells Santa he owes him a Dolphins jersey from "back in the day." Santa climbs into the ring and says Konnan should be full of cheer and good will. He tries to give LAX a present and then jumps LAX.... Santa is brother Runt and he gets his ass kicked untill the troops arrive to save his ass.

VKM are on their way to a live WWE Raw event. They yell a bunch of dumb shit in the crowd outside. Blash.

Tenay interviews AJ Styles. Styles says Rhino is a sore loser and not too smart. Says he doesn't trust Joe. Joe steps out of the locker room and tells Style is he has a trust problem he's in the wrong business.

Shane Douglas in an anti-smoking Spike TV commercial. Nice.

Tenay interviews James Storm. He says Harris was selfish and everything was handed to him. Says he's not sorry at all and AMW is not over.

Abyss' music hits and he heads to the ring alone. Stings music plays and he makes his way to the ring with bat and belt. Sting tells Abyss to stop thinking about the past because he can't change it. Says he wants his title shot at the ppv. Christian appears on the screen, outside somewhere. He says what Abyss did is unforgiveable. Points to a building that looks like a prison. Sting says he doesn't need to listen to Cage and to shake his hand and give him the match. Goozle!!! And Sting fight out of it and they brawl untill security comes out and breaks it up. Tomko heads to the ring to distract Sting and Christian cleans house, dressed as security. Abyss saves Sting from a beating and Mitchell is irate.

AJ Styles/Samoa Joe vs. Rhino/Kurt Angle - All 4 brawl on the floor to start. After commercial Angles in the ring kicking ass untill Joe breaks it up. Angle hits Olympic Slam on Joe while he tried to choke out Rhino and AJ steals a pin on Rhino for the win. After the match Angle locks on the ankle lock on Joe and the show ends.

Fucking BRUTAL show. Man that was terrible.

Knoxville: "Jackass Number Three"?

RT-News writes: "Could there be a third "Jackass"? Johnny Knoxville says that -- while there is nothing definitive in the works per se -- he plans to shoot some footage that may grow into a second sequel.

Knoxville hinted to iF Magazine (via Dark Horizons) that, like "The Godfather," "Lord of the Rings," and "The Apu Trilogy," there could indeed be a third installment in the stunt/public embarrassment series. While he's satisfied with the conclusion of the second "Jackass," there are some scenes he still wants to film.

"There's some stuff I'm still wanting to shoot, and we might shoot in November," Knoxville said. "It's not for a three, it's just because it's something I really want to do, and I said I was gonna do it, and then I could not not do it."

And, if that's the case, cast member Dave England said it will be more of the same."'Jackass' is what it is, to turn it into something else would just bum people out," England was quoted as saying."Jackass: Number Two" opened at number one at the box office, and, to the surprise of even the cast members, garnered surprisingly good reviews."

Jackass 2

In the Boxing Day mayhem at Best Buy I managed to pick up a copy of Jackass 2 for Chantal. It was hilarious, just as good if not better then the first.
Ryan Dunn is quite an unlucky chap and Johnny Knoxville is just straight-up fuckin' crazy!

If you haven't seen it, go pick it up.

The Office’s Jenna Fisher wanted to be on Dancing with the Stars, but producers said no

The list of celebrities who want to be on Dancing with the Stars continues to grow. Jenna Fisher says in an interview with TV Guide that her people approached the show, but producers said no.
Fisher plays receptionist Pam on NBC’s The Office, which is unquestionably the best comedy on television right now. She says, “I tried to get on Dancing with the Stars, and they wouldn’t take me. True story! I shot the first season of The Office, and I thought, ‘The show’s going to get canceled, and I have to milk every opportunity I can.’”

Since the ABC series started airing in the summer of 2005, and The Office debuted in March, she may have been applying for the show’s first season, or perhaps for the show’s second season, as it was renewed in July of 2005.

Regardless, they said no. Fisher says, “My manager called, my agent called, but they didn’t bite.”


Christmas was awesome this year, best Christmas I've had in recent memory.

Took a few days in Calgary to see the fam, ate well and had a great time, then headed back home and picked up the kids and had Christmas day at Chantals moms. More great food and cool gifts, I had a great time.

I scored pretty huge this year too, tons of clothes including an awesome pair of jeans and 2 pairs of shoes, 2 books, MASH season 11 (I now have them all, yay!) and some stuff for my desk at work, a bunch of tools, and much other cool stuff.

Chantal loved the mixer and the kids were in their glory.

Hope your Christmas went well too, drop me a line or leave a comment and let me know how you did as well.

New Flames Scoreboard

Fitzpatrick falls to 3rd in NHL all-star voting

CBC Sports
The chances of Vancouver Canucks defenceman Rory Fitzpatrick playing in the NHL all-star game have hit a bit of a snag.

The 31-year-old blue-liner dropped to third among Western Conference defencemen in voting results released by the league on Wednesday.

Scott Niedermayer of the Anaheim Ducks leads the defencemen with 540,380 votes, followed by Nicklas Lidstrom of the Detroit Red Wings at 522,345. Fitzpatrick has earned 486,842 votes.
Fan balloting determines the starters for the 55th NHL all-star game, which will be held in Dallas on Jan. 24 (CBC, 8 p.m. ET).

Fitzpatrick needs to finish among the top two in voting for defencemen to be eligible to play in the contest.

Fitzpatrick doesn't have a point in 22 games this season but has garnered support thanks to a high-profile write-in campaign started on the internet.

Several high-profile hockey personalities have spoken out against the "Vote for Rory" campaign, including Phoenix Coyotes coach Wayne Gretzky and Hockey Night in Canada commentator Don Cherry.

Cherry called the campaign to elect Fitzpatrick to this year's all-star game "a joke" on Coaches Corner last weekend.

CBC Sports Online hockey columnist Scott Morrison also blasted the idea of a journeyman defenceman such as Fitzpatrick playing in the all-star contest.

"The campaign has not exposed an oversight by the league on the ballots, but rather a flaw in the system, that because of the power of the internet an unworthy player can muster enough support to crack the top two, maybe the top one, in voting. Congrats on that," wrote Morrison in his Hockey Night Extra Blog.

Fitzpatrick has not said whether he will play if voted in

I agree with Cherry, I hate this whole thing. It's a fucking joke and I hope if he does make it he has the class to pass and not play.

Mass Transit

Last night I tried to explain the Mass Transit incident to Chantal. Here is a write up on it that explains it a little better than I did as well as some of the footage.

ECW: The Mass Transit Incident
May 23, 2005 by Steve Brinn

When shocking wrestling events are thought up, one thinks of many names. Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Hulk Hogan, but few think of a jobber named Mass Transit.

Mass Transit was a portly kid that showed up at an ECW show. Had he known what would happen that night, he probably would have stayed home.

It was November 23, 1996 in Revere, Massachusetts. It was a stop on ECW's tour of Northern part of the country. The semi-main event was The Gangstas vs D-Von Dudley and Axl Rotten. For whatever reason, Axl Rotten could not make it to the show. Enter, Eric Kulas. He was a kid that wanted to make it big as a wrestler. He had no previous training, but he thought it would be his big break. He did have some in ring experience, wrestling midgets. He went by the name Mass Transit and he went to the ring wearing a bus driver's suit. Now not only did he have this against him, but he was terribly out of shape, weighing in over 350 pounds. Having talked to Paul Heyman, he was given a chance.

The boy was only 17, but had a fake ID. Not only that, but his father vouched for him. Kulas had told Heyman that Killer Kowalski had trained him. Heyman, with enough proof for him, had him replace Axl Rotten later that night. Kulas was fine with this, even after being told he had to blade. Kulas told New Jack that since he didn't know how to blade, he'd have to do it for him. New Jack agreed, solving that problem. Like quite a few jobbers, Mass Transit was not taken kindly by the fans. They were furious that they saw this fat kid instead of Axl Rotten. Mass Transit yelled back, not endearing himself to the fans. After a few minutes into the match, Kulas was left in the ring with New Jack.

D-Von was a factor in the match, he just never was able to help Kulas. Like most matches from The Gangstas, they were gonna focus on one man with every weapon they had. Nothing new, except for how far it went. At first, New Jack hit Mass Transit with a crutch a few times. This, of course, was nothing new. Next came the guitar, a favorite of New Jack's. A toaster was used next, hitting Mass Transit over the head. The crowd cheered seeing Mass Transit laying across the mat. New Jack pulled Mass Transit up by the hair, and sat him up.

Taking his trusty Exacto knife, New Jack cut deeply into Transit's forehead. Much deeper than it usually and should be. Mass Transit screamed, pulling away from New Jack. Blood pooled across the mat. Of course, being bloodthirsty and all, the ECW fans ate it up. To finish the kid off, New Jack tries to scoop slam Mass Transit, but he's too heavy. Laying him down, New Jack gets to the top turnbuckle with a chair and crashes into Mass Transit's head. Blood was literally squirting out of his head.

New Jack goes for the pin, but there's no ref around. Unofficially over, the paramedics come out and try to stop the bleeding. As more medics come out, New Jack gets on the mic and insults Mass Transit. At a nearby hospital, Kulas would get 50 stitches into the head. This shocking event was recorded on tape by fans. It was sent to Pay Per View providers and the television debut of ECW was cancelled. It was eventually rescheduled, but several providers refused to show it. ECW's problems would not stop there.

In July of 1998, the Kulas family sued ECW and New Jack for physical AND psychological damage. The family claimed that Eric did not know he was going to be in a hardcore match, and he also claimed that he was almost killed in the ring. ECW claimed that it was a match that got out of hand but nothing illegal had occurred. In the trial, Kulas claimed that he did not know that New Jack would blade him. He denied that he knew he'd be treated the way he was in a match against The Gangstas. He also claimed that Paul Heyman told a reporter that it was an initiation for him into the ECW family.

On the flipside, New Jack claimed that Kulas did know what was going to happen. He also said that Kulas said it was okay for him to get bladed and that Kulas' father knew of what was going to happen from talks backstage. New Jack claimed that you can see Kulas puffing his cheeks, a way to increase the bleeding. Jerome Young, aka New Jack, claimed that his first to attempts to blade did not work. This is due to the fact that Kulas had never bladed before. When he tried again, he accidentally pushed too deep and that caused the massive bleeding. Evidence used against New Jack was his mic claims and a shoot interview he later did.

Young claimed that on the interview he was working in character. That his New Jack character loved to inflict pain and violence. Adding to ECW's case, although Kulas claimed to be scarred, no scars could be seen. Also, Kulas was reportedly walking around backstage and talking to wrestlers before being taken to the hospital. Supposedly he was only suing after he found out he would not be an ECW regular. In the end, ECW and New Jack were acquitted of the charges and Kulas would not get any money. Kulas could not keep his story straight, which severely hurt his case. On May 12th, 2002, Eric Kulas died at the age 22.

There will always be the question on who is to blame. All parties are partially to blame, but I think the one who shares the most blame is the father. He should have known what his son was getting into beforehand. Also, he should not have lied for his son. Lets say he didn't know the ECW product, he should have known that his untrained son was in no shape to be in the ring.


Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Friday, December 22, 2006

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Fight Network

....Kicks fucking ass. Finally got around to recording some ROH and it's stuff I haven't seen yet. Sweet.

Quote of the Day

"You can eat my veg" - Karla B.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Sorry Jonny...

I couldn't afford this one.... :-)



Saturday, December 16, 2006


Michael Bolton Tribute on Ice is on!!!

Punk vs. Holly

Holy fuck, who came up with that finish?

Friday, December 15, 2006

I want this car!!

Vernon deserving of jersey retirement

Calgary Flames do not retire jerseys lightly. Much thought and much debate go into making such a decision. Choosing to retire just the second jersey in team history, the Flames will hoist goalie Mike Vernon’s No. 30 to the rafters on February 6, 2007.

It was a unaminous choice among owners and excutives with the hockey team. And so it should be.

While many fans had a love-hate relationship with Vernon during his two stints in his hometown, the Calgary native is deserving of the honour.

I’ve known Vernon since the 1989 season, coincidentally, the year the Flames last won the Stanley Cup when the then-26-year-old Vernon saved the day in many of the 22 games the Flames played en route to winning the Cup on the storied ice of the Montreal Forum.

His on-ice exploits speak for themselves. Two Stanley Cups (the second came in Detroit in 1996-97 along with a well-deserved Conn Smythe Trophy as the most valuable player in the playoffs). Six times an all-star. A 20-year career with four teams — Calgary, Detroit, San Jose and Florida.

In 26 seasons, only one other Flames player has a jersey in the rafters. That would be Lanny McDonald, the Hall of Famer who had his jersey retired on March 17, 1990. McDonald was the co-captain during the Flames Stanley Cup year and knows how much Vernon meant to the team during those playoffs.

“Vernie is the biggest reason we are all wearing Stanley Cup rings,” notes McDonald. “A good friend, a great teammate and a fierce competitor, Calgary can be proud of their hometown boy.” Couldn’t have said it better myself.

Vernon, at a news conference announcing the jersey retirement, was his normal quippy self. But you could tell it was an emotional day. It will be even more emotional on February 6 when he stands on the ice with his wife, Jane, his four children and his father, among other family members.

There will be a flood of emotions. A flash of faces he has know throughout the game.
“I always enjoyed coming to the rink and seeing the guys, seeing the coaches, seeing the training staff. They made it fun for Mike Vernon to play hockey,” he said.

He joked that he thought he might never play in the NHL after making a brief appearance against Edmonton and giving up ” four goals in 10 minutes and a goals against average of 22.2 or something.”

But he stuck with it, spent time studying other goalies and ended up having a terrific career.
“I’m a hometown boy. It makes me feel good. I’m blessed to have had a long career and have been able to play in front of friends and family. One day my son will be able to look up and say ‘That’s my dad’,” said Vernon.

On February 6 all of Calgary will look up and remember what a great goalie Mike Vernon was for the Calgary Flames.

Mike Vernon was my favorite player when I was younger and I can't wait to see this, it's totally deserved. I'd give anything to be at the Saddledome that night.

Computer Lab

I've volunteerd (is that how you spell it?) to watch the computer lab for most of the day. I get the folks started on their typing tutorials and that's about it. Not much to do otherwise. 3 folks in here right now including a new client who I just started off...

Kinda quite and boring but sometimes that's nice.

Besy Buy shift was cancelled last night because truck was late which was good, I got to go for Jonnys birthday dinner.

Red Sox, Matsuzaka reach preliminary deal

BOSTON (AP) -- Japanese ace Daisuke Matsuzaka is in Boston, and it looks like he'll be staying a while.The Red Sox reached a preliminary agreement with the 26-year-old right-hander on a six-year contract that would guarantee him a minimum of $52 million -- enough to get him to fly cross country well before Thursday night's deadline to seal the deal.

"Theo and I were still negotiating terms when we arrived," agent Scott Boras said after a long day of talks with Red Sox general manager Theo Epstein. "We finalized the deal when he arrived in Boston."The Red Sox have called a 5 p.m. Thursday news conference to announce the agreement.Matsuzaka gets a $2 million signing bonus, $6 million next year, $8 million in each of the following three seasons and $10 million in each of the final two years.

The agreement includes $8 million in escalators based on awards that could bring the total to $60 million over six years.Boras said the final negotiating session began at about 5:30 a.m. in California on Wednesday, and within 90 minutes he was confident there would be an agreement."Daisuke really had three choices," Boras said.

"He could sign now. He could wait another year or he could wait two years and become a free agent. He had to determine how much money he was willing to give up now."The Red Sox won the bidding for Matsuzaka's rights last month, promising to pay Seibu $51.11 million if it let him leave for the major leagues. But they had just 30 days -- until midnight EST Thursday -- to negotiate a deal.

When talks stalled, the Red Sox brass flew uninvited to Boras' turf in Southern California on Monday to meet with him in person. They said they had to leave Wednesday morning, with or without an agreement; Boras had said he would not let his client make the cross country trip unless the sides have the makings of a deal.In the end, Matsuzaka got on board Henry's plane at John Wayne Airport in Orange County, Calif., and Boston radio stations and Web sites tracked its path as religiously as they had been counting down the minutes to the deadline.

After a 4-hour, 43-minute flight, the Dassault Mystere 900 tri-jet with a Red Sox logo on the tail landed in a light rain at Hanscom Field in Bedford at 5:16 p.m.Red Sox chairman Tom Werner, president Larry Lucchino and Epstein disembarked with Matsuzaka and Boras. Matsuzaka exchanged handshakes and bows with members of the Red Sox welcoming party before getting into an SUV.There were several dozen fans to greet him and about the same number of reporters, many of them Japanese.

A radio station distributed signs that pictured two dice and a "K"; Matsuzaka's first name is pronounced "Dice-K."

As he left the airport for Mass General, Matsuzaka rolled down his window and appeared surprised by the gathering. He waved and smiled when he stopped briefly alongside Kim Miner and Rebecca Powell, 17-year-olds from nearby Concord who were holding a sign that said, "WELCOME HOME DAISUKE."

"I was so psyched," Miner said. "Because there was a small crowd, we got to see him close."Matsuzaka has a 108-60 record in Japan with a 2.95 ERA and 1,355 strikeouts in 204 games. He was MVP of the inaugural World Baseball Classic last March, won by Japan.

Negotiations had slowed because the Red Sox looked at the posting fee and the eventual contract as a $103 million payout for one pitcher. "That magnitude is certainly the right ballpark for the commitment of the ballclub," Epstein had said.Boras focused just on the money going to his client, saying: "Free agent pitchers who are 26 and have Matsuzaka-like ability receive salaries in excess of $100 million over five or six years in free agency.

"Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Thursday that he was "so impressed" by Matsuzaka after reports of the six-year, $52 million deal."(Matsuzaka) is Japan's best pitcher, and his ability was fully evaluated," he said.

Bam's Unholy Union/Wrestling Society X

Coming soon to MTV... This is gonna be awesome:

"Bam's Unholy Union" will document the lives of Bam, finance Missy, and all the friends and family during the months leading up to the anticipated wedding, and culminating with the big day itself. MTV's cameras will capture Bam as he tackles a world that is completely foreign to him. From wedding planners to picking out fine china to bachelor parties, Bam will inevitably throw curveballs into the process throwing everything off course. For Missy, she has only a few short months to find a dress, get a caterer, find a venue, send out invitations and plan the entire wedding. And, of course, April and Phil, a few random uncles, and his buddies, Dunn, Dico and Rake, will all be along for the ride. Margera has previously starred in MTV hits "Viva La Bam" and "Jackass."


Each week on "Wrestling Society X," the most talented warriors the world has ever known will battle each other and their surroundings, creating an experience that will alter viewers lives irrevocably. Featuring an onslaught of death-defying feats, aerobatic maneuvers, and truly athletic performances, "Wrestling Society X" will showcase the unique talents of some of the best in the business including aerial assault artist Jack Evans, the arrogant catalog models, Matt Sydal & Lizzy Valentine, the amazing third generation heir to a wrestling legacy Teddy Hart, as well as the likes of former World Champions Vampiro and Sean "6-Pac" Waltman. Also appearing in each episode will be a very special musical guest, performing live in front of hundreds of rabid fans and the fiery combatants.

Hopefully MTV Canada will carry both shows, definetly wanna check them out.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Every Year

The Howard Stern show where they exchange Christmas gifts is killer. Too funny.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Tracklisting For New Nine Inch Nails DVD

Nine Inch Nails will release the DVD Beside You in Time on February 27.

The main portion of the DVD features 19 songs mostly shot during the band's 2005 tour. Two of the tracks - "Right Where It Belongs" and "Beside You in Time" - can be viewed from alternate camera angles.

Bonus features include five songs ("Somewhat Damaged," "Closer," "Help Me I Am in Hell," "Non-Entity" and "Only") recorded during NIN's summer 2006 outing, music videos for "The Hand That Feeds" and "Only,"

2005 rehearsal footage of "Love Is Not Enough," "The Collector" and "Every Day Is Exactly the Same" and an image gallery.

The tracklisting for Beside You in Time is as follows:
"Love Is Not Enough"
"You Know What You Are?"
"Terrible Lie"
"The Line Begins To Blur"
"March of the Pigs"
"Something I Can Never Have"
"Gave Up"
"Right Where It Belongs"
"Beside You in Time"
"With Teeth"
"The Big Come Down"
"The Hand That Feeds"
"Head Like a Hole"

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Joe Nieuwendyk forced to retire

Florida Panthers centre Joe Nieuwendyk has been forced to retire because of recurring back problems. Nieuwendyk announced his retirement Wednesday.
Nieuwendyk, 40, in his twentieth NHL season, scored eight points while playing just 15 of the team's first 29 games, because of injuries. The South Florida Sun-Sentinel reports that he visited a back specialist in Cleveland last Friday.

Nieuwendyk had 564 goals and 1126 points in 1257 career games and won Stanley Cups with three different franchises: Calgary (1989), Dallas (1999) and New Jersey (2003). He won the Conn Smythe Award as playoff MVP in 1999.

'I have the reached the stage where structurally my back isn't going to get any better. It's not the way I intended it, but I have to be realistic as well,'' Nieuwendyk said.

''He was an all-around elite player,'' said Montreal Canadiens general manager Bob Gainey, Nieuwendyk's coach and GM with the Dallas Stars. ''He is the kind of player whose accomplishments merit consideration for the Hall of Fame.''

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

A Whole Bunch of Stuff

Tons of things going on...

-Went to Calgary to see the family last weekend. It was a last minute decision, we were in the car picking up Braden abd decided to head out. I loved the impulsiveness of it.... We had a great trip, saw my entire family including my brother who I haven't seen in a long time. We had lunch and the kids almost left with him. We're going to hook up again at Christmas time.

-On the way back to town we hit the ditch accidentally and it blew my mind how many people stopped to try and help us dig and push out. Eventually a tow truck that was passing by stopped and pulled us out for free. To everyone that stopped, thank you. You're helping restore my faith in humanity.

-Started my new job on Monday. The first 2 days were a lot of orientation and seeing how the whole machine works. Today I started doing my job and it's pretty challenging. Research is tough depending on what they give you to go on. But everyone is super-nice so I think it's gonna be ok.

-I was going to review last Fridays ECW show but after the shitty ass pay per view I just watched it and didn't do any writing about it.

-Speaking of ECW:

Distraught by the results of December to Dismember, ECW Representative Paul Heyman appeared to be distant and depressed Monday afternoon at the North Charleston Coliseum hours before an ECW live event.

This condition was further exasperated by Mr. McMahon, who decided to send Heyman home. The WWE Chairman cited slumping television ratings and a disgruntled talent roster as causes for Mr. Heyman’s dismissal.
Check back with for updates on the status on Paul Heyman and ECW.

Thats from Apparently the real deal is:

Paul Heyman was sent home from the RAW/ECW taping earlier today following a meeting with Vince McMahon. is playing up the story, saying McMahon sent Heyman home due to a decline in ECW ratings and wrestler morale. The real story seems to be that Heyman has been removed from the WWE/ECW creative team and could be done with the company entirely. He hasn't officially been released yet though.

A meeting is apparently ongoing backstage at the taping with ECW talent to discuss Heyman's departure. It is very likely that tomorrow's ECW on Sci-Fi will be produced with no input from Heyman.


Signs indicate that Paul Heyman is done with WWE, although nothing has been confirmed yet. Word is that Vince McMahon was extremely upset with Heyman today, blaming him for how awful the ECW PPV was yesterday.

Of course, most people close to the situation feel that McMahon had more to do with the booking of the show than Heyman did, but Heyman got the blame. Many feel that Heyman was getting the bad end of things because he was still stuck in the past and was not accepting the "new ECW."

Heyman and other ECW workers were all upset about the PPV last night and Heyman apparently expressed his dislike of the booking before and after the show. Things came up between Heyman and McMahon last night that continued today and led to the meeting (which Stephanie McMahon also attended) where Heyman was sent home.

At this point, all signs point to this being a legit story and not a storyline.

Plus when it comes to the Big Show (from

Show's over
By Craig Tello
December 6, 2006
The World’s Largest Athlete has made his life’s biggest decision, and for now, WWE and
ECW will be without a giant.

Not since Andre the Giant has there been a man of Big Show’s stature who’s made such impact on sports-entertainment. But, after more than seven years in WWE and a five-month reign of dominance in the reborn ECW, Big Show has decided to take time away from the ring.
Enduring not only one of the most physical confrontations in his career against new ECW World Champion Lashley on ECW on Sci Fi, but also experiencing the agony and misery within the torturous Extreme Elimination Chamber, it seemed that this week was the breaking point for the giant.

Some close to Big Show have said that his pride was lost after losing the ECW World Title. His lingering emotions and injuries, coupled with several tumultuous days contributed to his decision to step away.

“I’m a raw-boned bastard that breaks things and moves the immovable objects. When I’m injured, I can’t do those things,” said the Extreme Giant. “I’m much more valuable healthy both mentally and physically, and this hiatus will help me to get there.”

According to Big Show, he has been plagued by a multitude of injuries from herniated discs to torn muscles, but has still competed through the pain. Bodily damage of this nature is something an ordinary individual (of far smaller size) could never endure, let alone carry the weight of the ECW World Title in a highly physical realm of hardcore.

“I’ve reached a point in my career right now where I am a little run down and hurt pretty bad physically,” explained the Extremist. “I’ve been wrestling the past three months pretty much in pain every night. I can’t compete at the level I want to compete at, and that’s the most heartbreaking thing.”

Despite his display of supremacy, Big Show claimed that his performance in the ring has not been at his full potential. It is this that has driven the immense competitor to step away from WWE for now.

“I think every athlete reaches a point in their career when he really has to check himself and evaluate what is going on,” said the 500-pound Extremist. “Anybody who knows me knows I need a break. People go through life so fast sometimes they miss it; I just want to put on the brakes.”

According to the World’s Largest Athlete, the physical ache he’s experienced doesn’t compare to the emotional anguish that’s accompanied his decision to take a break not just from his career, but also the familial lifestyle of sports-entertainment.

With a career that’s spanned more than one decade, Big Show has held every major World Championship in sports-entertainment and is the only man to hold the WWE Championship, ECW World Title and World Heavyweight Championship.

More importantly, the Extreme Giant said that in his conquests, he’s had the extraordinary opportunity to have battled the biggest icons in sports-entertainment including Hulk Hogan, Triple H, Ric Flair, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, The Rock, Undertaker and countless others.

“It’s bittersweet; this business is a family. I’ve been traveling and I’ve been in this business for 11 wonderful years,” stated a passionate Big Show. “I’ve been able to work with almost every top Superstar in this business that’s ever meant anything… I’ve had some very memorable matches and I’m thankful for it.”

Whether cheered or jeered by WWE fans, Big Show has always been respected and kept audiences in sheer awe. Now, the seven-footer is anxious to take some time away from the spotlight, though that spotlight shines extra bright upon an individual of such mammoth size.

“Being this big, you can never hide,” he admitted with a large grin. “I’m thankful for it but right now I just want some time for myself. I’m thankful for the fans and I hope that they can respect this decision and can be supportive too.”

While Big Show hopes to recover and refresh himself, he discussed his possible involvement in a future WWE Films release.

“I want to reinvent myself if possible, and find out who Big Show really is,” he admitted. “I’d like to do a WWE movie – a comedy – because I have a pretty good sense of comedic timing. I’m a pretty humble, lovable, funny, easy-going guy with a short fuse. Then again, like Chris Rock said, nobody wants to laugh at a big guy who could beat your ass.”

Until then, it’ll be a “big, bad show tonight” and every other night until the Extreme Giant makes his way back home to the squared circle.

“I’m thankful for everything,” asserted Big Show. “For every man who has stepped in the ring with me and trusted me with their bodies. For WWE officials who have been so supportive of my decision when I basically went to them in tears and told them I was burnt out.”

In addition to these very genuine words, Big Show also had a message for ECW and WWE fans alike.

“I’d like to give a special thanks to ECW fans,” he added. “I wasn’t a part of the original ECW, but I gave all I had for them and I hope solidified my part in ECW. For anyone who has cheered me, loved me, hated me and booed me: thank you.”

Sunday, December 03, 2006


Just finished watching December to Dismember. I'll have to give it a good look again but first impression was it sucked.

It was an eventful weekend. More to come....