Saturday, March 17, 2007

BBB's Notebook: ECW on Global 03/16/07

I keep forgetting to record the ECW show so I'm a little out of the loop but hey, how hard could it be to catch up. Let's get this shit over with.

Show opens with Randy Orton yelling at Edge because he has to face Lashley tonight.

New opening video.

We are live in Trenton New Jersey. Joey Styles and Tazz have the call.

The New Breed make their way to the ring for....

Over the top rope battle royal. Elijah Burke, Matt Striker, Marcus Cor Von, Kevin Thorn, Sabu, Rob Van Dam, Sandman, Tommy Dreamer - Everyone pairs off early. Striker eliminates Sandman. Sabu and RVD eliminate Cor Von. Thorn eliminates Sabu. Nice sunset flip powerbomb by RVD on Striker. Van Dam eliminates himself and Kevin Thorn witha cross body. Tommy is alone with Burke and Striker. Dreamer fights his way out of a corner and eliminates Striker. Burke jumps him from behind. Burke dropkicks Tommy off the top rope but Dreamer hangs on to avoid hitting the floor, Burke puts the boots to Tommy but he won't fall and Dreamer eliminates Burke for the win. All the originals celebrate with Dreamer in the ring. Mick Foleys music hits and he heads to the ring. Commercial break.

Back from commercial, Foley has the mic and says people think he's there for a cheap pop and a book plug and they are right. But he's also here to talk about WrestleMania. Foley says he sold out at ONS 2. He says he's proud of his book. He says everyone should buy it including Tommy Dreamer. Foley says his pop isn't like it used to be because of ONS because he shined the spotlight on Dreamer. Foley says he will be at WrestleMania hiding in the upper deck. He says he will chant ECW with all the fans. Awesome promo, I'll try and put it up ASAP. Snitsky video. Commercial break.

Kellys Expose. Dancing broads, but Snitskys (awesome new) music hits and he hits the ring and the Nitro Girls bail.

Snitsky vs. Michael Deacon and Danny Jacks - He dispatches one to the floor, Big boots the other one and its over before it started. He is an ugly motherfucker.

Backstage CM Punk is taping up when Elijah Burke approaches and says he went about it wrong when he asked Punk to join the New Breed. He says he has a better chance of winning Money in the Bank with the New Breed in his corner. Commercial.

Battle of the Billionaires promo video.

Bobby Lashley vs. Randy Orton - Edges music hits and he makes his way to ringside. Orton takes the advantage early, choking him on the middle rope but Lashley fights back and Orton powders. Commercial. Back from commercial, Orton has Lashley in a Boston Crab. Lashley struggles to the ropes and Orton unleashed the Garvin Stomp. Lashley gets up and hits Orton with an ugly backdrop but Orton holds on the the offense. Orton goes for the RKO but Lashley shrugs him off. Edge tries to interfere but gets caught by the ref and banished from ringside. Hmmm a little fishy. Orton is pissed and Edge has a shit eating grin as he walks to the back. Commercial break. Back from the break, they battle on the floor with Orton using the ring steps. Orton hits a vertical suplex on the floor. Back in the ring Orton gets a 2 count. Orton once again stomps all over Lashley and drops a big knee for another 2 count. "Sanjaya Sucks" sign in the crowd, too funny. Orton reapplies the Boston Crab and this match is really starting to suck. Orton uses the top rope for leverage. Lashley grabs to bottome rope to break the hold. Boring chants from the crowd. Lashley avoids a charge from Orton and he hits the ringpost shoulder first. Lashley shoulder blocks Orton in the corner more then once and gets a 2 count. Lashley beats down Orton in the corner and hits a powerslam for the pin and the win. Vinces music hits and out he comes looking pissed. Nice suit though.

Main event was weak but this show beat the shit out of this weeks TNA Impact.

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