Friday, March 16, 2007

BBB's Notebook: TNA Impact 03/15/07

Show opens with clips of Sundays.... Stellar pay per view. Sure made that piece of shit look good.

To the ring, Jim Cornette is in the 6 sides of steel. He announces a 10 man lethat lockdown as the main event for Lockdown. He introduces the team captains. Out first in Christian Cage. The captain of team two is Kurt Angle. Christian says he doesn't like the sound of this match. Corny basically says tough shit and on with the show.

TNA iMPACT! Opening.

Mike Tenay and Don West are at the desk and they go over tonights program.

AJ Styles music hits and he hobbles to the ring on a crutch wearing a neckbrace. He says the doctors are saying his neck and back will never be the same. Says he can't put food on the table for his kids. He says Rhino is going to come out and call his wife and tell her he won't be bringing home a check. Rhino makes his way to the ring. He says he might have already called her and he may knock the crap out of him again. Styles says he wants this to be over. Rhino yells a lot and says its over. And they shake hands. Styles tries to blindside Rhino with the crutch but he catches him but Styles nails a low blow and beats him down with the crutch. Commercial time, including a Shaw WrestleMania ad.

Lockdown ad.

Back from commercial Rhino is fighting back but Christian shows up and jumps Rhino with another crutch but Angle and Joe hit the ring and its a standoff, but Cage scampers over the cage to safety.

Backstage JB is with LAX and Alex Shelly. Shelly says crackalate and Konnan spouts some confusin shit I didn't understand. He says LAX will whip 3Ds asses tonight. Commercial time again.

Back, Kevin Nash is in the ring with Sonjay Dutt. Backstage Chris Sabin is playing PS2. Sabin says he is the god of wrestling. Bob Backlund interrupts and asks why they are being exclusionary. Backlund freaks out on Borash for interrupting his training.

Back to the ring, Nash serenades Jal Lethal with Macho Mans music and out comes Lethal. He hams it up on his way to the ring.

Kaz vs. Jerry Lynn vs. Jay Lethal - 25 minutes into the fucking show, about time for a match. Lethat gets caught in a neckbreaker for a 2. Lynn slides in and attacks Kaz and hits an inverted ddt. Nice roll up/suplex by Kazarian on both men Lethal hits the "Lethal Combo" on Kaz for the win. Chris Daniels hots the ring and clubs all 3 with a baseball bat. Last rites for Jerry Lynn. Hate the face pain.

JB is backstage with Styles and Cage. Cage says AJ is the first member of his team for Lockdown. Styles says Cage promised him a title shot if he was on his team. Commercial.

LAX and Alex Shelly head to the ring.....

LAX and Alex Shelly vs. Team 3D and Brother Runt - Hernandex clubs down Dvon to start. Dvon hits a Thesz press to retaliate. LAX target Rays taped arm, Homicide stretches it on the top rope but Ray cathes him in a side slam for a 2. Runt tags in and hits a big double stomp from the top. Commercial break. Back from ad break Shelly and Hernandez each hit huge splashes on Runt from the top. Dvon takes out all 3 members of LAX, Shelly trys to escape the ring but Ray stops him. Dvon nails Shelly with a powerslam. Hernandez throws Runt at Jonny Rodz. 3D hit the wassup spot. Get the table! Rodz helps Dvon get the table in the ring. They hit 3D on Shelly. Ref is distracted and Hernandez rolls up Dvon for the win. Konnan takes the mic and says next LAX will take 3Ds legacy, whatever that meand.

Backstage Seotonin and Raven argue. Raven says they are entering an adventure in pain. He wants to inflict psychological damage. Raven tells Shane to hit Kaz but he says no. He tells Devine to do it and he says no. Raven says he will help them whether they like it or not. Commercial.

Back, JB is in the loo with Eric Young who is cleaning the toilets. Young says he needs to get out of the contract. Borash tells Young to call his friend. Robert Roode sends JB away and then berates Young.

Back in the ring, Christian and AJ adress the fans. Cage introduces Abyss as the third member of his team. Abyss is hesitant to enter the ring, Stings music hits. He stands atop the ramp and tells Christian Abyss doesn't want to be on his team. He says Abyss is a new man. Christian says Sting doesn't care about Abyss. Cornette comes out and says next week Styles and Cage will face Sting and Abyss. Sting wants to do it now and all 4 brawl in the ring to end the (shitty) show.

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