Monday, March 26, 2007

BBB's Notebook: TNA Impact 03/22/07

I think the "notebook's" are going to be written a little differently from now on. Less recap and more opinion. After all, its my fuckin' notebook isn't it....

-A "hell froze over match?" Really Vince?

-Man Rhino is chunking up again.

-They better pull the trigger on whatever they are gonna do with Serotonin. I'm losing interest.

-Sting is annoying me.

-LOVED Team 3D bringing out all those belts. Drove the point home. Liked the intense exchange between Buh Buh and Konnan which is big considering how much Konnan blows.

-Enough with fucking Backlund.

-I like the new Chris Daniels.

-I think Jim Cornette plays his part very well and adds a lot to the show.

-Jacqueline has the charisma of wallpaper paste.

-The Best of AJ Styles Volume 2? Sweet.

-The woman (who I assume to be Abyss' mom) was such a lame fucking angle. Terrible.

-Impact is just bad. It needs something, I don't know what it is but its a terrible show.

1 comment:

Chantilly said...

I prefer these updates...I actually read both of them...more opinion and less facts make it better reading.
Well done...bout time. Now about my notebook you are buying me....hint