Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A Long Overdue Update

What's new....

Camping was good but we had to cut it short due to rain. When it wasn't raining (and even when it was) it was a lot of fun and the kids seemed to enjoy it. And I was a lot warmer during then night then I was last May.
So we went home a day early and just chilled and watched some movies including Back to the Future 2 and Master of Disguise. Now I have been told I am nuts, but BTF 2 was a piece of shit. All it was was part 1 with an extra Michael J Fox running around and no new Crispin Glover. Master of Disguise was surprisingly good, I could watch that Turtle scene all day.
Fathers day we went out for breakfast and played some cards with Mel and Benny. I made the mistake of staying up until 1 AM watching the TNA ppv that night. It was about what you would expect from a TNA ppv. Stuff that didn't make sense, and stuff that was confusing. However, LAX vs. Low KI and Rhino was surprisingly good. I will try to put it up on the video blog so you can have a look. Does anyone even watch the shit I put up? Let me know.
Since I moved departments, I hate my jon and I sense big changes coming to my store. Some good and some really shitty.

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