Friday, September 21, 2007


So Dick won Big Brother.... I had a feeling Danielle wouldn't have the cakewalk that everyone figured.

The Oilers white jerseys look like practice jerseys... Did I say that already?

We have the kids this weekend which is always awesome.

New cd's:

The problem is, when I get a new cd it gets thrown on the ipod and I always shuffle songs on the ipod so I never really listen all the way through. Sometimes I miss the old discman days.

Saved By The Bell: Wedding in Vegas is on TBS right now, not a bad way to kill a couple of hours before work.

All out Halo 3 shit is arriving, I've never done a midnight launch before so I am a little nervous about it but I think it will be fun. Nerve racking but fun.

WWE released The Sandman, leaving Tommy as the only 'ECW Original' left from the failed experiment..... Oh yeah, I guess Balls is still there too. I'm 3 weeks behind. I just don't have the time to keep up on it all, stupid life.

Chris Crocker, best known for his YouTube plea to “leave Britney alone”, has signed with 44 Blue Productions. So far, the video has been watched by 8.3 million people, although he “had developed a large Net audience via numerous video performances posted on,” Variety reports. The company’s president, Rasha Drachkovitch, told the paper that “Chris first got on our radar a year ago. It’s going to pretty much be the ‘Chris Crocker experience.’ We consider him a rebel character that people will find interesting. He’s going to be a TV star.”

Are you fucking serious? Everything that is wrong with the world today.

Stamps are on a roll with 3 big wins.... Jays are just playing out the string and the Flames have looked less then impressive so far in the pre-season. Beer me strength.

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