Monday, September 24, 2007


Tyler fixed the port forwarding on the desktop and the notebook and now the torrent are humming along quite nicely. I'm very happy.

I am so behind in my wrestling again, it sucks. I have 3 (and soon to be 4) weeks of ECW tv, an episode of Dragon Gate infinity, the new ROH ppv and much more. Not to mention the throngs of tapes I have in the closet in the office.

Don't have to work until 8 tonight due to the stupid fucking midnight Halo launch.... It's cool though because the Jays have a day game at Yankee Stadium that just started.

Talked to Woody and Peter the other day and got some bad news. Paul, who played guitar in the last band that I was in here in Edmonton, passed away. If I remember correctly, he had a lot of issues with cancer many years ago including having a tumor removed from his head. He was an amazing guitar player. If I can find the cd I will upload a song or 2 so you can hear him play.

I'm done with pre-season bullshit, drop the puck already! And how could the Stamps lose to fucking Hamilton?? Bullshit.

If anything funny or interesting happens dureing this lame Halo bullshit, I will post it with the Blackberry. And speaking of blackberrys, Chantal had to get one for her new job which I find funny as hell.

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