Friday, August 31, 2007

Quote of the Day

"I'm not going to paint it, I'm just going to use it to ram people." - Chantal, who wants a Hummer.

Monday, August 27, 2007

3 More Things....

1. Mongolie Grill kicks fuckin' ass.

2. Howards on vacation.... AGAIN!

3. I will have pictures and some videos from vacation and Karaoke and PWA soon. Here or Facebook.... Or both..... Whatever....

A Weeks Worth of Stuff...

Oh, here we go....

The holiday was awesome. To attempt to sum it up, night 1 we hung out with my brother and I played Guitar Hero for the first time, its a pretty sweet game. However, I suck at Rainbow Six Vegas. Next night we got together with Tiny and Lisa and sawe their new house (which is sweet. That is also the night I discovered Jimmi got married and didn't even tell me, nevermind invite me. Someone tell him he's a jerk..... :-)

Saw my sister and the kids, Logan is cute as hell and very smiley all of a sudden.

Next day we decided to be really crazy and go to Calaway Park. For those around here that don't know, Calaway Park is a dumpy little amusement park North(?) Of Calgary. We rode a few rides and Chantal swallowed her own vomit on the Ocean Motion 3 times which was worth the pride of admission.

Next day we hit Banff which was a bit of a downer because they are re-doing the main street so it was ripped up and blocked off. But we still had an awesome time. We took a carriage ride and Chantal bought some Raspberry Cordial (whatever the fuck that is) and some candy at Welchs.

Next was the hi-lite for me, a Calgary Vipers baseball game. Seats nice and close, awesome game. Good times.

We headed back home Thursday morning and chilled until Karaoke Friday night which was a blast despite the fact that I am a fucking retard.

Saturday was PWA, where I came up on the short end of the stick again. It was a really solid show and everyone kicked ass. I was really proud to be even the smallest part of the roster, everyone rocked it out.

Sunday was SummerSlam and it was a lot better then I expected to be. The finish of Punk/Morrison was weak but other then that nothing stuck out that was super stink-worthy. I was intrigued by my peers apparent hate of CM Punk, but their opinion is always welcome.

Picked up my router and shit for our wireless network, X Box live looks pretty sweet and internet on the notebooks around the house is even sweeter.

I am becoming a regular contributer on Join if you can so you can (as Dustin would say) get access to my collection without the annoying VHS tapes.

There was more but I can't remember and I have to be up at 4 so good fucking night!

Return of the living...

I haven't forgotten about the blog, just getting back into the swing of life. Today was the first day back to work, ugh.

I have a lot to write about the holiday, PWA, Summerslam etc. One day I will have time.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Mysteries of the World...

Why does it take me over an hour to get home from work on the bus but only 25 minutes to get there?

Anyway, last night we played some more Star Wars Lego before Big Brother came on. As for BB, it amazed me how that blonde chick (her name escapes me, Melanie, Melissa?) Had her imagination run away with her on one sentence from Jen of all people. Now I understand editing plays a pretty big part in what we see but still, it was a little rapid.

Eric was in a tough spot with this whole silent treatment thing which lasted all of about 12 seconds but that only increased (blonde chicks name here)'s paranoia. I wonder if there will be a shift and Dick wil stay and Dustin will go. Seems like being nominated is the safest position to be in lately.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Quote of the Day 2

"I'm in the bathroom and I have poop on my leg!' - Jonny.

Today sucks

Work was a disaster, messy as fuck and things were not done the way I had done them initially.

My regular bus didn't come so I ended up on the fucking tour bus to the mall, and the dvd I ripped for XWT is all fucked up. I think it my have been because it was copy protected but I have no idea.

And the damn PVR still isn't working, I'm losing my patience big time.

Quote of the Day

"Her nose is funny but her body is hot. I wanna touch it." - Drew on Big Brothers Danielle.


Countdown to vacation: 4 days. Place looks like a bomb went off..... Oh well, as the bird on the Flintstones always said, it's a living.

Kissology volume 2 comes out today, looks too awesome. Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park is on it, but the name is changed to Kiss verses The Phantoms. Legal issues? I wonder why the name change.

Monday, August 13, 2007

The Sheik

I just finished watching the Iron Sheik on Howard TV and it was totally worth the wait. He is entertaining as fuck and it was awesome the way they got him all riled up.

I didn't realize how big Artie has gotten, he really is a fat fuck.....

BBB's Notebook: ECW 08/07/07

-The jobber that the Boogeyman beat looked a lot like Bobby Roode.

-Striker yelling "more daddy more" is humorously creepy....

-This is the end? No one will remember your name? Yeesh, someone kill me.

-Balls jobbing to the Miz 2 weeks in a row makes Boris sad.

-It appears Kelly has a soft spot for Mr. Mahoney and frankly, who wouldn't!

-The Raw rebound makes me sorry I missed Raw. And sadly there was not one snippet of in-ring action during the segment.

-Morrisons entrance music doesn't suit his Doors gimmick at all.

-Worst. Hip swivel. Ever.

-Punk and Morrison had moments of goodness and moments of total shit.

BBB's Notebook: ECW 07/31/07

-Holy fuck, John Morrison. I can't take it. He can't pull this off. Not even the smallest bit believable. I believe the Boogeyman more then this shit.

-Ok dude, we got it. Don't explain the whole 15 minute thing again. Fuck.

-A 12 minute opening promo on a 1 hour show is a little much....

-Is Stevie getting a push? Is my wildest dream coming true?.... No, I doubt it. But it will be fun while it lasts.

-Its kinda fun watching Big Daddy V squash multiple jobbers.

-Is Boogeyman looking a little less jacked or is it just me?

-Balls vs. The Miz blew.

-The Dreamer vingette with all the old clips made me sad. Oh how I long for the old days....

-I like Burke more and more every time I see him.

-Punk, Burke and Dreamer was quite good.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

sunday Sunday SUNDAY!!

We just got back from dropping Braden off, we had a pretty good weekend.

One of the hilites was playing some 360 with Chantal. She is hooked on Star Wars Lego but her Need for Speed skills could use a little work. She drives like Stevie Wonder.

We had our pictures done at Wal Mart this afternoon, the dude that took them was quite a piece of work. He kept whipping the kids into a frenzy when we were trying to calm them down.

Thursday, August 09, 2007


Rush Hour 3 sucked. I really wanted to like it too but the plot was transparent and there was a lot of cheese. Hanging with Shigs however, is always a good time.

Got a bunch of new tapes that I'm pretty excited about. A bunch of World Class, some old NWA including Crockett Cups, and stuff like that.

I'm attempting to start contributing at XWT in whatever way I can, stay tuned.

Can't seem to get the PVR to jive with the digital cable box so some rearranging is in order.

Braden is coming tommorow, can't wait for him to see the new place.

Quote of the Day 2

"I bang chicks and leave...." - Drew.

Quote of the Day

"I used to watch it in the morning, I think it was too smart for me." - (yet again) Drew, on Dawsons Creek.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Quote of the Day 2

I can't keep track of all the amazing and stupid shit Drew says. I'm sorry Chantal but this guys is a goldmine!

"If I had a girlfriend I totally would have banged her." - Drew, during the discussion that none of the couples he went to the cabin with this weekend had sex.

Quote of the Day

"Way to go Zack." - Drew, upon learning that on "Saved by the Bell Hawaiin Style," Zack fucks Kelly in the ass.

(I am a horrible person.....)

Monday, August 06, 2007

BBB's Notebook: ECW 07/24/07

-Ok, I don't get this whole John Morrison deal.... The first week he talked fairly normally and the next he's yapping about 'eternal darkness.' Is he supposed to like a Jim Morrison type of deal or what?

-The 15 minutes of fame clock... Lol so lame I like it.

-He needs to decide what he's gonna do with that belt, are you gonna carry it over the shoulder or hold it. Decide!!

-Hubristic? What the fuck does that mean?

-HHH returns at Summerslam.... Yay. I don't even know how Raw is these days, I don't watch the damn show. Grizz?

-YEAH STEVIE!!! Take that motherfuckers!!!!

-Nunzio.... It's Little Guido dammit!!

-As much as he is a piece of shit, Mizanins knee lift-neckbreaker finish is good.

-Big Vis has man-tits of Abby-like proportions.

-Awesome squash by Big Daddy V.

-Fuck, Tommy took a LOT of heat before the hot tag. Punk looked like a hero and Dreamer looked like a bag of shit.


We got the TNA Lockdown ppv DVD in at work today, it's a WHOLE PAY PER VIEW of CAGE MATCHES!!!!111oneoneone11 (that's for you Dustin.)

Cracked open the X Box last night and fired it up and its prety fuckin' cool. Baseball looks amazing as does Raw vs. Smackdown but its really damn hard! And if anyone knows how to unlock the ECW One Night Stand Arena, please let me know.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

My So-Called Life

The move went pretty well. It was long and sickeningly hot but we got it done. Huge props out to Benny, Greg, Drew, Aaron and Dustin. That crew busted their asses for us. Also big-ups to my wallet for the hit it took in feeding those motherfuckers..... (Its all good guys.)

We are now in the process of unpacking and trying to figure out our lives. Thanks to Werkman-Swoboda for coming out last night and helping with the kitchen. The whole place is really starting to take shape.

Its a little weird taking the bus to work again but I'm sure I will settle back into the routine quite easily.

While plowing through cd's at work the other day I came across a couple that piqued my interest.....

The first was the Juliana Hatfield collection 1992-2002. I haven't heard or thought about her since the record that had the buffalo on the cover (the name escapes me) but those songs take me back many years and make me feel warm and fuzzy. Not to mention the fact that she is very good and never got the credit that a lot of female artists of her ilk did.

The second was the Jimmy Chamberlin Complex. I had no idea Jimmy put together a band during the Pumpkins hiatus and the Zwan debacle. Picked it up and am interested as to what it sounds like. God bless the ipod.

Chantal gave me an Xbox 360 as an early birthday present, I am extremely excited. A ton of people are up my ass to get my online set up, its gonna take some time guy, relax. After a bit of shopping and what Chantal gave me I have Forza 2, Need for Speed Carbon, Burnout 3, MLB '06 and Raw vs. Smackdown 2007. I may have to crumble and join the Halo craze next month.

Picked up the Hardcore Diaries on a whim today, I've heard its quite good.

I have other stuff to write but can't think of it right now..... Fuck.