Thursday, November 30, 2006


I don't want to go to work tonight, there's a Sports Disasters marathon on TLC....

Lawsuits For Borat

Cindy Streit, the lady who owns an etiquette business, has filed a lawsuit against Sacha Baron Cohen and the people behind the new Borat movie.

Streit is requesting an investigation into possible violations of the California Unfair Trade Practices Act. Streit was approached by a representative from a Los Angeles-based company called Springland Films wishing to arrange an etiquette session for an "international guest from Belarus Television."

The resulting footage ended up in the successful Borat film. Streit's lawyer, insists her client was told the episode "will be filmed as part of a documentary for Belarus Television and for those purposes only." However, a spokesman for the movie's distributor, 20th Century Fox, brands the claims "nonsense."A scene where Borat brings a bag of his own feces to Streight's dinner table during a dinner party is one of the film's more talked-about scenes.

Cohen and the film have already had several lawsuits filed against them by many of the people featured in the film as well as others claiming to be the "real" Borat that Cohen based his character off of.

Tracklisting And Release Date For New Finger Eleven Album

Finger Eleven return with their fourth release, Them vs. You vs. Me on March 20, 2007.
Finger Eleven's self-titled prior release has sold 560,688 copies and has been certified gold by the RIAA. The success of the release was largely fueled by the massive hit "One Thing," which continues to be heard on radio stations across the country as a recurrent on their play lists.

The tracklisting for Them vs. You vs. Me is as follows:

Falling On
I'll Keep Your Memory Vague
Lost My Way
So-So Suicide
Window Song
Sense Of A Spark
Talking To The Walls
Change The World
Gather & Give
Them vs. You vs. Me
Easy Life

Wednesday, November 29, 2006



Song of the Day


ECW DEcember to Dismember

For those interested, I'll be having the ECW pay per view at my place this Sunday.

I'm actually pretty excited for the show. I feel like I did before the first One Night Stand, I really don't know what to expect. Especially considering there has only been 2 anounced matches, what's a WWECW ppv going to be like. Who's going to be on it?

Apparently the show in Augusta isn't sold out, which may not bode to well for future ECW ppvs. I guess the buy rate will tell all.

Quote of the Day

(Talking about Desperate Housewives)

Shigs: "I think they have a pedophile on there now."

Boris: "Nice."

Tuesday, November 28, 2006



Christmas Party Part 2

Christmas Party

Photo of the Day


Boxing all day on the Fight Network.. Boo! I want all the ROH, NOAH and FMW I've heard so much about. I wonder if TNA Explosion is any good.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Quote of the Day

"I'm squirmy and I like choking people" - Jessica B.

Roddy Pipers Health

Roddy Piper has been diagnosed with Lymphoma Cancer. He will begin his battle against this cancer immeadiatly.

The following is a statement from Mr. Piper;

“It seems like I have been fighting someone, something, someplace, in some manner, my whole life. But this fight, is one I am gonna win!”

Ever Forward,

Roddy Piper

Kick its ass Hot Rod!

Song of the Day

Todays song of the day is here.


The mother-fucking Fight Network is here!! This is gonna be sweet, I've been waiting forever for this channel.

Todays lineup looks like this:

So You Wanna Fight
Ring of Honor: The Future Is Now
Gym Boxing - June 18 2005
International Vale Tudo Championship 4
Georges St.Pierre Training
Georges St.Pierre Training
Memphis Wrestling Show #44
Gym Boxing - Sept 10 2005
Ring of Honor - Joe vs Punk II Show 1
Memphis Wrestling Show #44
So You Wanna Fight
Gym Boxing - Sept 10 2005
Nu-Wrestling Evolution
Memphis Wrestling Show #44
Nu-Wrestling Evolution
TNA Xplosion
Ring of Honor: The Future Is Now
Channel 149 on your Shaw Digital.

BBB's Notebook: TNA impact! 11/23/06

Show begins with hilites of Genesis.

We go live to the ring and the introduction of the new NWA champion Abyss. James Mitchell says he feels like a proud father. Says Sting was on a trip to hell at Genesis. Stings music hits and he heads to the ring but it sure doesn't look like him. Off comes the mask and its Christian Cage. Cage asks if this is what he has to do to get a title shot. Stings music hits again and he comes down from the roof onto the announce table. Sting says he'll take on Cage tonight and says he's in a bad mood. Cage says he'll face Sting if he puts the #1 contendership on the line, Sting says its Showtime!

Impact opening.

AJ Styles/Christopher Daniels vs. The Naturals - Naturals double team Daniels early on. Styles and Daniels use double team moves to take over. Styles hits a frog splash followed by a B.M.E. For the win. Rhyno tries to help celebrate by Styles walks away from him.

Eric Young dressed as a turkey appears at the broadcast table.

The VKM appear somewhere in Stamford ready to attack WWE. To be continued.

Jim Cornette is in the ring demanding LAX turn over the tag belts. He introduces Petey Williams. Cornette tells Williams that he showed his true red, white and blue colors. Williams says someone had to stop LAX and it was him. They raise an American flag to the rafters and LAX's music hits and they hit the ring. LAX has a lawyer and he serves Cornette with papers saying their rights were violated. Williams attacks Konnan and company but the numbers are against him. They lay him out and cover him with the Mexican flag untill AMW hot the ring. They brawl untill Kurt Angle comes out and starts throwing suplexes and clears the ring. Samoa Joes music hits and he comes down the ramp and its commercial time.

Back, Joe tells Angle he was undefeated for 18 months. He asks Angle for a rematch. Angle says yes on one condition, nothing happens to each other and they watch each others backs untill Turning Point.

The VKM are back somewhere in Stamford. I have no idea what the fuck is going on....

Jeremy Borash is in the TNA spotlight hyping live events and DVD's.

Robert Roode is in the ring ripping on Eric Young and his turkey suit. Roode says he wants a rematch with Young.

Eric Young vs Bobby Roode - Roode attacks Young on the floor. Young gets the win with a quick roll-up. Roode gets the mic and yells at Traci. He blames her for his loss and says Young could beat her in a bikini contest.

Paparazzi Production meeting. Again, I don't know what the fuck this is about.

Christian Cage vs. Sting - Sting follows Cage out to the ring and jumps him from behind. They brawl though the crowd. Commercial time. Back from commercial Cage has the advantage in the ring. Sting hulks up and no sells punches and begins to beat down Cage including a big press slam and a Benjamin splash. Cage pulls the ref in front of Stinger Splas #2. Sting locks on the Scorpion Deathlock but is jumped by Tyson Tomko. Oh fuck me. The 2 beat down Sting.

To close the show VKM are outside Titan towers.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

BBBoris' Notebook: ECW on Global 11/24/06

Show opens with clips of last week.


Matt Striker is in the ring with his blackboard and desk. He says he will destroy Lashley tonight. He says he and Lashley are a lot alike. He gets cut off by Lashleys music.

Matt Striker vs. Bobby Lashley - Lashley destroys Strikers desk and blackboard. Lashley destroys him in seconds and finishes with the dominator.

The Hardy Boys (Team Extreme?) Vs. The FBI w/ Trinity - both Hardys work over Guidos arm. Guido takes over as Jeff misses the whisper in the wind. FBI use quick tags to keep the advantage. Matt gets the hot tag ans cleans house. Hardys hit Mamaluke with a powerbomb/neckbreaker combo, a twist of fate and a swanton bomb and that's it.

Backstage RVD is warming up when he is approached by Paul E. Paul says he respects Van Dam for going into the extreme elimination chamber. Heyman says tonight if Holly wins the Extreme Rules match, he gets RVD's spot at the ppv.

Sabu video package.

Kevin Thorn vs. CM Punk - Thorn dodges a high knee in the corner to take the advantage. Kelly Kelly comes to the ring to cheer on Punk while he's in a Boston Crab, and it seems to work as he rolls through and applies the anaconda vice for the win. After the match, Arial and Thron attack Kelly untill Punk makes the save. Mike Knox appears at the entranceway and looks forlorn.

Big Show is in the ring with Heyman. Says no one will be the same after the chamber. The fans have brought back the 'what' and Show says "Leave it to Nassau to be 5 years behind." Fucking brilliant. Show says he likes his odds because no one is a challenge for him. Lists off all the challengers he's beaten and says no one can beat him. Lashleys music hits and he heads to the ring. They face off and show punches him and goes to hit him with the belt but Lashley ducks and pops Show with the belt. Show is pissed!

Vingette showing the dangers of the Elimination Chamber.

Extreme Rules - Rob Van Dam vs. Hardcore Holly - they exchange rights to start it off. RVD hits a somersault splash and they head to the floor where Van Dam hits the corkscrew leg drop. Holly pulls Van Dam into the chair set up in the corner to take over. Holly stomps on a chair over Van Dams face then drops him throat first over the back of the chair. Holly hits a nice dropkick sending RVD to the floor. Holly puts a chair over Van Dams face and hits an ugly leg drop from the top. Holly takes a belt off of someone at ringside and whips Van Dam with it. Van Dam uses kicks and speed to take back over and skateboards a chair into Holly in the corner then hits rolling thunder on the chair. Van Dam hits a superplex on Holly off the top onto a chair and then the 5 Star onto a chair onto Holly for the 123.

Jackie Martling

After listening to a few episodes of Master Tape Theatre, it seems to me all that Jackie did was sit in the back and laugh.

Am I wrong?

BBB's Notebook: WWE Royal Rumble 2006

Next years is coming soon so I should watch this years I suppose.....

We are live from Miami, your hosts are Michael Cole, Tazz, Jerry the King and Joey Styles.

Again Carlos and Huego are talking very fast.

Cruiserweight Title match - Kid Kash vs. Funaki vs. Jamie Noble vs. Nunzio vs. Paul London vs. Gregory Helms - everyone gangs up on Helms early on as he is a renegade from Raw while the others reside on Smackdown. Fun match with lots of spots. London does a shooting star off the top onto 4 guys on the floor and not a single one catches him. Helms wins with a shining wizard on Funaki. after tossing Noble out of the ring.

Backstage Teddy Long is with Vince. Teddy says he's here to help Vince supervise but Vince says he's got it and Teddy takes his leave. The hopper with all the RR numbers is surrounded by 3 divas I don't know. They all look the same. Randy Orton enters and pulls his number. He looks happy. HHH enters and draws his number. He tells Orton he's going to win the RR. Hunter looks displeased with his draw, Orton says he's screwed.

Trish is warming up to ref her match and Mickie James trys to talk to her but she says she has to go. Mickie says wait, she has something important to say. She says she loves her. Trish exits and I puke.

Mickei James vs. Ashley - special referee Trish Stratus - I assume this will suck. They tie up and roll all the way to the outside, I assume because Ashley doesn't know how to do anything else. As Ashley works over the arm Joey Styles tells us she is becoming quite a wrestling superstar and god kills a kitten. Slow boring and shitty. Mickie powerbombs Ashley out of the corner for the win. Tries to celebrate with Trish but she'll have none of it.

Commercial for WrestleMania 22.

Gregory Helms is in the WWE Instant Access area, whatever that is.

Backstage Vince is being creepy with the Divas as usual, Big Show arrives and draws his number. Rey enters and Show says its cool that Rey is dedicating tonight to Eddie. Rey draws and isn't pleased.

JBL w/Jillian Hall vs. The Boogeyman - this will suck (as well). JBL hides behind Hall, throws her to him and powders to the outside. Boogie spits worms on her and Bradshaw jumps him from behind. Boogie gets the win with a pumphandle powerslam. Match couldn't have been over 3 minutes. Not sure if he was no selling or just doesn't know any better.

Backstage in the draw area Shelton and his momma draw their number, and he looks happy. Shelton says he's gonna throw Shawn Michaels over the top rope. Melina arrives and wishes Benjamin good luck but momma drags him away. MNM draw their numbers. They both look indecisive.

The Royal Rumble Match - I'll do my best to keep up. Cool video montage explaining all the mini-dramas in the Rumble. Lillian goes over the rules but is interrupted by the Spirit Squad. Apparently they have a Rumble cheer which is extremely lame. Lillian finishes going over the rules.

#1 is HHH and is followed up by Rey Misterio at #2. Rey uses his speed to take it to HHH. Simon Dean is #3. Dean attacks a prone Rey but is cut off by HHH and he and Rey team up and oust Nova. Out next is Psicosis. He walks to the ring, I figure he'd have a car..... Rey and Psi team up a little on HHH but it doesn't last long. Psi tries to crucifix powerbomb Rey over the top but its reversed into a huracanrana and Psi is out.

Out next is the Nature Boy. He and HHH hook it up immediatly and brawl away. It doesn't last long as Flair gets backdropped over the top and out. Big Show is out next. Show goes right for Hunter. Out next is Coach (?). He goes after Show and is tossed out immediatly. Up next is Lashley. He and show eye each other up and they go at it. #9 is Kane. Kane and Lashley slug it out. Lashley beats down everyone! #11 is Sylvan Grenier. He goes after Lashley but gets launched over the top big time. Kane and Show chokeslam Lashley and toss him over the top. Then Kane and Show go at it. They goozle eachother at the ropes and HHH dumps them both over the top. Out next is Carlito. #12 is Chris Benoit. He immediatly tangles with HHH and crossfaces Carlito. Up next is Booker T but he is dumped over the top immediatly by Benit who continues to brawl with HHH. #14 is Joey Mercury followed by Tatanka. Tatanka cleans house much to the fans delight. Out next is Johnny Nitro at #16 and he gets chopped down by Tatanka. The incredibly ugly Trevor Murdoch is up next. Rey skins the cat 3 times to avoid elimination. Number 18 is Eugene. He tries to shake hands with Murdoch but gets sucker punched and "hulks up." Airplane spin! Out next is Animal with his neon green shoulder pads (?). No eliminations for quite some time.

#20 is RVD. He was making his return from injury and this event. Huge pop for Van Dam. He eliminates Animal. Up next is Orlando Jordan. Man I forgot all about him. Following him is Chavo. Big Eddie chants for both Rey and Chavo. Chavo hits the 3 Amigos on Nitro and then goes up top for a frog splash but is pushed to the floor by HHH. Out next is Matt Hardy. Lots of folks in the ring, making this fun to watch. Hunter has a few near-eliminations. #24 is Super Crazy followed by Shawn Michaels. HBK is cleaning house and eliminates Murdoch. #26 is Chris Masters, back when he was still jacked. Out next is Viscera. Vis squashes Matt Hardy with a samoan drop and then attempts to fuck him in the ass and tosses him over the top.

#28 is Shelton and his momma. Eugene is eliminated by Benoit. #29 is Goldust. Goldust is back! The final entrant is Randy Orton and he eliminates Benoit. Vis is eliminated followed by Chris Masters. Goldust gives Carlito the shattered dreams but then gets eliminated by RVD. Jordan is eliminated by Orton. HBK eliminates both members of MNM. HBK superkicks Shelton over the top. Vinces music hits and he heads out the the ring. Vince jawjacks with Michaels and Shane McMahon appears in the ring and dumps him over the top rope. Shawn goes after Shane but gets cut off by HHH.

RVD eliminates Carlito with a kick. 4 remain. HHH, Mysterio, RVD and Orton. RVD and Mysterio strike a deal of sorts amd team up and team up for some cool double-team moves. Van Dam gets caught on the top rope and HHH launches Mysterio into him, eliminating RVD. Orton and H beat down Rey untill he hits a double DDT. Rey hits a double 619. He drops the dime on Orton but gets a lariat from HHH. Orton and HHH fight it out while Rey is down. Rey eliminates HHH with a body scissor. Orton and Rey remain. H pulls Rey out of the ring and throws him into the steps and then back in the ring. Orton has a big smile on his face. He picks up Rey into the powerslam position but Rey flips into a hurracanrana and eliminates Orton to win the 2006 Royal Rumble.

Tish is in the Instant Access area and Mickie James says she knew she'd do the right thing and that she loves her. Mickie leaves but Trish goes after her.

WM 22 ad.

Chavo, Dean Maleno and Benoit congradulate Rey, but are interrupted by Edge. He says its about time he won the big one and that he won't challenge Edge at WM.

Hype video for Cena vs. Edge.

John Cena vs. Edge - WWE Championship Match - they brawl to the floor early and Edge hides behind Lita which enables him to spear Cena into the steps. EdgÉ baseball slides Cena into the front row. Cena barely makes it in before the countout. According to a sign in the crowd, Shawn fears donut. Edge holds the advantage for several minutes. Cena misses a big leg drop off the top. Cena fights out of a choke and drops Edge with punches and a shitty blue thunder driver. Lita interferes but it backfires and she gets popped off the apron by Edge. Cena hits the FU and Edge taps to the STFU. Weak match.

Backstage Todd Grisham tries to interview Edge and Lita. Jim Duggan shows up and tells Lita she's a HOOOOOOOO!!

Kurt Angle vs. Mark Henry - World Heavyweight Championship Match - Angle uses quickness to try and stay out of the clutches of the big piece of shit. Angle gets dumped to the floor and Daivari puts the boots to him. Henry locks on a bear hug for about 2 hours before Angle is able to take him over. He applies the ankle lock but Henry powers out. He tries an Angle Slam but Henry is too big but he is able to take him over with a German suples. He is able to hit the Angle Slam but Henry kicks out a two. The straps come down and he applies the ankle lock again and Henry again kicks him off, this time bumping the ref. Angle grabs a chair and clubs Daivari with it and then heads into the ring to use it on Henry but he blocks it and tosses Angle across the ring. Angle hits a low blow and clubs Henry with the chair twice to take him down. Henry kicks out at 2. Angle takes the cover off the buckle of the middle rope and drop-toe-holds Henry into it and pins him for the win. Themtahc was shit.

After the match the Undertakers music hits. Out come the Druids and 'taker on a horse drawn cart. Undertaker motions that he wants the belt and them shoots lightening out of his hands (!?) The ring collapses with Angle in it. Gay.

Saturday, November 25, 2006


Kenny Loggins on Ice? Right fucking on!!!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Song of the Day

I've decided to add a song every day to download and listen to. Hopefully I'll be able to keep it up every day.

Todays song is here.


Before I get to this edition of 3BTV I'd just like to say that I do not condone racism in any way. I do think that this video is too funny.


It's Here!

Lo and behold the Sirius Stiletto arrived at my store today and it looks cool. I want one SO bad!


Over the past few months I have been introduced to some great restaurants around town. Here are the ones I have been to with Chantal, in order of how great they were.

#1 The Creperie. I was a little skeptical because I thought it was fruity-tye crepes but they had all kinds of great stuff. I had a ginger beef crepe and it was amazing. And it was a very romantic place to eat.

#2 That's Aroma. I had chicken parmegan that was great and the atmosphere was fun. Great spring rolls as well.

#3 The Mongolie Grill. A fun place to go with a group of people. I'm still learning how to fix myself enough food but it's top notch.

#4 Dadeos. A 50's style fun look to it, and the Po' Boy sandwiches are awesome. On Whyte Ave.

#5 Lazias. Cool decor, very modern. Don't remember what I had but I remember enjoying it.

#6 Delux Burger Bar. A hip and happening burger joint. Food was good but I should have had what Chantal had. And instead of mints after dinner you get cotton candy. Good for a sugar high :-)

Damn, I forgot the Oriental Noodle House.... I'd rank it around #3, it was very good.

Did I forget any?

Just heard....

The new Fallout Boy song on Sirius at work. A different sounding song then I would expect but it was pretty catchy.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


In a theatre waiting for Borat to start. People are fucking annoying. This couple next to us brought in dinner for 2. Everyone wants to sit next to us. This sucks.

Parting Gift

As a sort of a going-away gift, a couple of folks that work for me picked me up a little gift...

Yes, it is a chocolate cock tree. There are tits and an ass that go along with it..... Tasty.

Aut-ummms Birthday

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Saturday, November 18, 2006


Almost a heartbreaker but damn that was fun to watch.


-I downloaded a cool player for Sirius online.... It's pretty sweet. You can preselect your favorite channels down the left hand side and you have a list of everything on every channel right on front of you.

-As much as I hate to admit it, Christy Hemme is doing a pretty decent job as TNA's announcer spokesbroad. They're calling Joe vs. Angle the dream match of the decade.... With hype like that they better deliver, and there's no reason why they shouldn't.

-The Oilers just went up a goal on the Wings, hopefully they can hang on. Flames have broken out of their slump and are on quite a roll... I hope it continues right to the cup.

-Finished watching Disc 3 of the Piper dvd. It's full of nothing but Pipers Pits and I loved every second. Certain things were done back then that you couldn't do now, such as Piper calling Bruno Samartino a "stupid wop."

Man Part II

That's save of the year!!


This is the longest fucking goal review ever.......





Some exciting stuff happening right now... I have a new job.

I gave my notice at Best Buy yesterday, it was pretty weird. I've been there for 4 years, one of the few who have been there since the beginning and it's very weird leaving. My new job is at WCB doing labor market research. I'm a little nervous because it's something I've never done before but I hear it is a fantastic place to work with great potential to move up and courses to take etc...

Braden and I put up the Christmas tree last night, he had fun and was eager to help. A couple of different ideas of what we can do today but first we need to get out of our PJ's.

I watched the TNA 2 hour Impact and I quite liked it. They wanted to go for a ppv feel and I think it worked. I'd like to check out the ppv this weekend just for Joe/Angle.

I fell asleep before I could record ECW last night, if anyone has it please let me know.

Friday, November 17, 2006


Right Fucking On.......

Oilers Game

I got to go to the Oiler game last night against the Blues, it was awesome. It's pretty sweet when the one game you get to go to is a really solid win.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Quote of the Day

Boris: "its to show we live in a diversified world."

MacPhail: "why? Because there's a bunch of black kids there?"

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

BBB's Notebook: ECW on Global 11/10/06

Show opens with hilites of monkey Heyman from last week.


CM Punk vs. Mike Knox - Knox sends Kelly back to the locker room. Classic speed and finesse against strength and brawling. Better then I thought it would be. Punk hits a nice STO off the ropes and. A shining wizard in the corner but gets caught in a nice looking backbreaker. Punk eventually wins with the anaconda vice after a sweet backfist into a rock bottom. Punk qualifies for the Extreme Elimination Chamber.

Bacstage Rebecca interviews Elijah Burke and Sylvester Terkay. No idea what the fuck he was talking about.

Paul Heyman heads to the ring with his riot police. Heyman has his gorilla mask. He shows footage of himself from last week, again. Heyman says tonight Hardcore Holly and RVD will face the Big Show and himself. Not only that but also by the end of tonight 5 of the 6 men in the chamber will be secure. Next week the last man will be confirmed. Anyone from ECW, Raw or Smackdown will be able to enter the chamber.

Little Guido w/ Trinity vs. Daivari w/ Khali - Daivari wins with a cool looking hammerlock-ddt. Nothing special. After the match Khali chokeslams Guido.

Test vs. Tommy Dreamer - Test takes it to the floor early and smashes Tommy into the ringpole. Test wins with a swinging neckbreaker.

RVD & Hardcore Holly vs The Big Show & Paul Heyman - Show takes it to RVD early but he tries to use his speed to fight back. Show continues to beat down RVD for some time. Van Dam is finally able to make his way over to Holly for the hot tag and Hardcore hits the ring and beats down on RVD. Show and Holly lay quite a beating to RVD and he shakes Heymans hand.

Moron of the Week

MISSISSAUGA, Ont. (CP) - The Toronto Argonauts have come down on receiver Arland Bruce III for accusing CFL officials of being racist and taking bribes following the club's loss to Montreal on Sunday in the East Division final.

The Argos issued a statement Monday evening, stating they had fined Bruce an unspecified amount for his comments and emphasizing that the opinions expressed by Bruce are not shared by the CFL club.
The move came hours after Bruce met reporters and backtracked slightly from his original statements but still didn't apologize for making the accusations.

"If you go back three weeks, we haven't been getting the calls we should've got and that's just a frustrating thing," Bruce said. "There might have been some things said out of frustration but it is what it is. There were some unbalanced calls for us.

"I didn't say referees are racist or this league is racist. I just said it's a question, is that possible for that to happen?"

But Bruce, a CFL all-star this season after finishing second in receiving with 77 catches for 1,370 yards and 11 touchdowns, was far more accusatory when he sounded off in Montreal following Toronto's loss.

"I don't think the referees like Pinball," Bruce told reporters, referring to Argos head coach Mike (Pinball) Clemons, who is black. "I think they are racists.

"How come there are no black referees in the CFL. They're racists."

Bruce didn't stop there. He then accused the Alouettes of actually paying the officials off for Sunday's game.
"How much did (Montreal's) coach pay the refs, that's what I want to know?" Bruce said. "Good luck to them in the Grey Cup.

"I hope they pay them off there, too. Make another $5,000."

On Monday, Bruce refused to play the race card.

"I haven't had any type of racism issues since I've been in Canada," he said. "I love Canada, I love Toronto.
"But it made me think out of frustration. I mean, what's the deal? We get a penalty on a catch and the referee tells him (Clemons) to pick it (challenge flag) up because we're not going to get it. Those things make you wonder why you'd say that to a coach challenging something?

"The racial issue, I don't think this league is anything like that but it makes you wonder why aren't there any African-American referees in this league? Have any tried out? Are they eligible, just things like that. But I know this league isn't a racial league. It really has made a pathway for me and a lot of other people who are African-American."

George Black, the CFL's director of officials, declined comment about Bruce's remarks. However, the league was to speak to both Clemons and Bruce later Monday before deciding what punishment to hand down.
"The CFL firmly rejects the notion that racism or illegal activity has any presence within our game," the league said in a statement. "The league is investigating the remarks and will determine appropriate action at the conclusion of such investigation.

"Until such time, the league will not be offering further comments."

Clemons also refused comment about Bruce's remarks, but said he spoke to Black last week about the Argos' players feeling that they were not receiving a fair shake from league officials.

"I let him know our situation had gone past what is normal, that our guys were actually cutting jokes and laughing about it," Clemons said. "They weren't laughing because they thought it was funny, they just felt like the calls were not going to go in our favour, that we were not only going to have to play the opposing team but we're going to have to play the referees, too.

"He (Black) was cordial. He tried to explain some specific situations in that he assured me that the guys were going to do a good job for us this week."

Bruce said he'd welcome an opportunity to speak with Black in person.
"I wish I could talk to Mr. Black, one on one at the table," he said. "I know a lot of other coaches and players would like to, too.

"If you look at the referees the times that we've played, be it Montreal or other teams, it has been unbalanced officiating on our part."

Monday, November 13, 2006

Sunday, November 12, 2006

BBB's Notebook: Born into Controversy, The Roddy Piper Story.

I've been waiting for a long time for this one to come out.

The feature is yet another solidly-produced WWE piece, covering the beginning of Pipers career in Canada and moving through Kansas and on to Portland.

Great feature on the Starrcade '83 dog collar match with Greg Valentine and then his move to New York.

Covers the Mr. T era and the legit heat that exists there, as well as WM 3 and Adrian Adonis.

Many guests weigh in on why Piper painted himself half black in his feud with Bad News Allan, they also discuss Pipers taking time off every so often to keep his character fresh.

I was a little surprised at the coverage of the HBO interviews and his WCW tenure.

Definetly go pick this up, disc 2 has tons of matches and disc 3 (which I can't wait to watch!) Is nothing but Pipers Pits.

This has been another poorly written dvd review by yours truly.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Wednesday, November 08, 2006



Keep an eye on Faith Hill... Greatest thing I have ever seen.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

K Fed

I read this and giggled to myself:

Several gossip sites are reporting that Spears left Federline days ago after he snapped into a rage, screaming at Spears and destroying property. The reason for the outburst was apparently because Spears laughed at a tape of Federline's WWE appearances.

More lives destroyed by the wrestling business....

A Young Mans Letter to George W.

Dear Mr. Bush;

Poop and pee.



Monday, November 06, 2006

A young mans letter to George W.

Dear Mr. Bush

Poop and pee.

The Weekend

OK, let's go through the list:

-I was forced to wear a dress and was publicly humiliated by PWA Comissioner Kurt Sorochan.
-I was basically physically ASSAULTED by Juggernaut.
-The PWA Mayhem Championship was lost.
-The Stampeders lost the Western Semifinal.
-I'm as sick as fuck.

All in all a pretty horrible weekend to be alive. I don't know what's going to happen at Christmas Slam December 9th but there are going to be 2 angry motherfuckers in that building that night.

Woo Hoo!

New Urinal Pucks!? Its a great day to be alive.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Quote of the day

"Its time to get ballsy" - DJ Heavy D

Saturday, November 04, 2006

BBB's Notebook: ECW on Global 11/03/06

Show opens with a recap of the RVD/Show ladder match.

Paul Heyman (and his yellow suit) appears and says RVD has won a chance at the ECW title and says RVD has chosen the December to Dismember PPV for that shot. Heyman says he can name the stipulation. He sayd 6 men will compete for the title in the first Extreme Elimination Chamber.


Qualifying match for the Extreme Elimination Chamber - Kevin Thorn vs. Sabu - There is a new entranceway and I hate it, and the ropes are white. What the fuck? Fast paced decent match to start. Thorn slows it down with an armbar. Sabu wins with the Camel Clutch after a sweet springboard DDT.

Sandman interview. Talks about facing Umaga Sunday but then a clown walks through the shot and gets caned.

I am SO sick of the fucking Marine.

Daivari with the Great Khali vs. Shannon Moore - Daivari works over the arm. And gets the pin with a DDT. Squash. After the match Khali chokeslams Moore.

RVD interview. He says Heyman tricked him. Now he has an Extreme Elimination Chamber match. He will walk out the Champions. Holly appears and says tonight they are parteners.... He has his "back."

ECW Diva Halloween Costume Contest - Kelly Kelly vs. Trinity vs. Ariel - Trinity starts, she has caution tape over her.... Chestal region. Arielis wearing her usual outfit. She says its not a costume and she dresses like this every day. Kelly is dressed as CM Punk. The fans vote Trinity the winner. Mike Knox hits the ring angry at Kelly. Punk appears and they brawl. Punk gets the best of him and launches him over the top to the floor.

In the back Mike Knox challenges Punk for next week.

Rob Van Dam and Hardcore Holly vs. Test and The Big Show - fairly bland match, nothing that really jumps out. Referee gets bumped and someone in a gorilla suit hops the rail and hits him with a pipe and Show gets the pin. Gorilla mask comes off and its Paul Heyman.