Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Quote of the Day

"It better be black forest or I will have to slap a bitch." - Drew, upon wondering what kind of sandwich he had for lunch.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Apparently there are something like 29 000 sex offenders on myspace. I wonder if I could make some money launching sexoffenderspace.com.....


Packing is going well, we got a lot done last night and this morning I have been taking buckets of shit to the garbage.

I feel a little weird throwing oit some stuff I've had for a long time such as my Def Leppard 'Historia' VHS video. My dad gave it to me for my birthday like it was like 10. I know I will probably never watch it again but it was weird to toss it. But its all good, the start of a new era.

Artie gave out his phone number this morning but by time I called it was totally jammed. Too funny, would have been sweet if I got through.

Apparently the Weekly World News tabloid is ceasing production. I used to pick one up every now and then because it was great for laughs. Always makes me think of Sandi when I see one, she used to love it.

I think the Jays are finally at 500. 9 games back in the wild card race, is there even a remote possibility they can make a run?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


You can see 2 shitty videos I made from the Sloan show over on the video blog.

Zodiac came out on dvd today, I can't believe I still haven't seen it. I was very annoyed at work today when I ended up getting half my new release cd's half way through the damn day. I was pleasantly surprised when I was doing the feature wall and found out that Zeitgeist is #1 in Canada.

Apparently the whole Jackass thing is off for Summerslam, not sure why but I am definitly not surprised.

Apparently Court Bauer gave his notice and left WWE. When the fuck was Court Bauer hired by WWE in the first place.....

Packing is continuing for themove on Saturday. It's gonna be tight but we will be ok. Looking forward to camping in a couple of weeks as well.

fuck my neighbors kid is loud and annoying, only a few more days.....

I may join rateyourmusic.com.... It's similar to dvdafficionado.com but with music.... It would take me forever to catalogue all my shit tho.... Speaking of music, with the gift card I won at work I picked up an awesome guilty pleasure... Kiss Alive 1 through 4 remastered in a box set, ripped it for my ipod along with the new Silverchair which I am intrigued about as their last record was tremendous.

I wanted to write more, to bitch about has been wrestlers turning their backs on the business that made their living just to get their fucking asses back on TV, but I'm tired and that willt ake too much effort. Man, I'm backed up on stuff I need to watch and burn off the PC. God I will be happy when this move is over and we can settle in.

Monday, July 23, 2007

The Weekend

This weekend was chock full o' goodness....

Friday we went to Taste of Edmonton. I'm still not sure what to think about ToE. It's called a 'festival' but it's just a street with a bunch of kiosks from restaurants and a beer garden with a stage. It's really quite an odd little happening but it's pretty cool and we had a good time and some tasty chow.
Saturday we went to the Grand Prix in the morning. It's quite the happening, I've never really been to anything like it. The cars were load and fast and it was pretty cool. I liked it a lot more then I thought I would.

Saturday night we went to the Ex to see Sloan, I had a great time and Chantal was a trooper :-) It was a sweet show as usual.

Sunday I was feeling quite run down so I just chilled and watched Baseball and relaxed. Now we need to pack our asses off as Phoebe would say.

Thursday, July 19, 2007


-Holy Fuck, I just saw Tammy Faye on Larry King. The last time I saw her on TV was the Surreal Life, apparently now she is very ill with cancer and looks like the Crypt-Keeper.

-Michael Vick was indicted for dog fighting, including electrocuting, hanging and beating dogs to death. What a piece of shit, but I'm sure he'll get off and be in the starting lineup for the Falcons this fall.

-John Kronus died. That sucks, he was a big guy that could pull off cruierweight spots. Liked his stuff with Saturn back in the old days of ECW.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

More of the same....

Packed all my wrestling tapes and dvd's last night, only 9 big boxes.... No big deal.... :-)

We watched Sunday and Tuesdays episode of Big Brother last night and it's starting to get interesting. Jen needs to seriously die, it has to be an act because nobody can be that obnoxious and stupid. The 'drinking game' that the guys came up with made me laugh like hell. I'm really starting to like Evil Dick especially the way he ripped into Jen more then once. Unfortunatly tommorow will suck because 1 of the most dominant personalities will be gone.

While Joe is annoying in his over-the-top uber gay way, he is entertaining as is Dick. One will be going home....

The Jays totally fucked it last night against the Yankees...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Latest in News and Entertainment

It's hot... It sucks... I'm fat... I'm going to die.
Packing sucks but it needs to be done. I just want this move to be over so we can get on with our lives.

The Vegas trip has become a Toronto trip which is cool with me for many reasons.... Chantal can see her family, and I can see...

I am ultra excited, I hear you can get tours of the Rogers Center as well.... Hockey Hall of Fame, Muchmusic maybe, this could be very cool.

Going to watch Sunday's Big Brother tonight before the new one... I'm sure Jen will do something stupid, actually looking forward to it.

The AP on Benoits toxicology report is in...

The Associated Press - The Georgia Bureau of Investigation said Tuesday that steroids and other drugs were found in the body of pro wrestler Chris Benoit, and prescription drugs were also found in the bodies of his wife and son.

Also found in Benoit were the drugs Xanax and hydrocodone, according to a statement from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. The GBI said Benoit was negative for blood alcohol.The statement said Nancy Benoit had Xanax, hydrocodone and hydromporphone in her body.

The son, Daniel Benoit had Xanax in his system, the statement said. The GBI said it could not perform tests for steroids or human growth hormones on the son because of lack of adequate amount of urine.Xanax is an anti-anxiety drug. Hydrocodone is a painkiller.The statement was released just before an afternoon news conference.

The test results were expected to shed more light on Benoit's last moments. Authorities said Benoit killed his wife and 7-year-old son in their metro Atlanta home last month, placed Bibles next to their bodies and then hanged himself on the cable of a weight machine.

Anabolic steroids were found in the Benoits' gated home, leading officials to wonder if the drugs played a role in the killings. Some experts believe steroids can cause paranoia, depression and violent outbursts known as "roid rage."Toxicology tests were conducted on Benoit's body to determine if steroids or other drugs were present. Blood-alcohol tests also were conducted on his body, and chemical tests were conducted on the bodies of the wife and son.

Federal authorities have charged Benoit's personal physician, Dr. Phil Astin, with improperly prescribing painkillers and other drugs to two patients other than Benoit. He has pleaded not guilty.

Investigators office has also been raided Astin's office several times since the deaths, seizing prescription records and other medical documents.Before he was charged, Astin told the AP he prescribed testosterone for Benoit, a longtime friend, in the past. He would not say what, if any, medications he prescribed when Benoit visited his office June 22, the day authorities believe Benoit killed his wife.

No comment, tired of talking about it really...

Monday, July 16, 2007

Stuff and the like...

-Fuck, someone outside my apartment on another balcony is smoking weed and it's stinking up my apartment....

-Had a good trip to Calgary this weekend, saw my family and did a little bit of shopping and stuff. And breakfast with Mr. Avery was a bonus.

-I can't believe Jen won HoH, fuck me....

-Paris Hilton is thanked in the liner notes of Zeitgeist and there is a picture of her in the special edition book. Nattie Neidhart is however also thanked so that cancels out Hilton.

-Hmm, not really much else to say. Need to do some hardcore packing as it's 2 weeks to moving day, speaking of which, we are still looking for volunteers....

Friday, July 13, 2007


George Takei is back next week!!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Quote of the Day

"Shigs doesn't masturbate, Shigs nails bridesmaids." - Corey the New Guy.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

BBB's Notebook: ECW on Global 07/07/07

-The old ECW music with the new opening doesn't mesh at all.

-Dreamer and Nitro was bland but had good psychology.

-Extreme Expose returns next week.... Yay.

-Wow, Punk and Nitro from Vengeance. I wonder if they will edit out the 'We want Benoit' chants.

-It sounded like they dubbed 'ECW' chants over the Benoit ones.

-Punk and Thorn was decent. Thorn looked strong in the loss.

Monday, July 09, 2007

The Latest Headlines

We found a place to live. It's far away and expensive but we really like it and it will be awesome for us and the kids. We are looking for moving volunteers.....

Big Brother has started, and so far as usual I hate them all. The guy who is "Americas Player" seems to be my favorite so far. The broad who cried over her picture needs to die and the annoying gay dude also needs a dirt nap.

The Stamps got there asses kicked and now I owe Connie lunch. Fuck.

We watched a pretty good chunk of the Live Earth concerts and while I'm annoyed by the whiny concept I enjoyed the music. It was my first look at the new Pumpkins lineup, they sounded good although Billy looked quite disinterested.

The part of the whole thing that I found most hilarious (besides Madonna yelling "jump motherfuckers" on live TV) was her commercial about buying music online. Madge said we should buy music online to conserve oil that would be used to deliver cd's to stores. Allow me to chime in on this stupidity.

1. This gives every Joe Blow who illegally downloads music (which is everyone) the excuse to say they are 'environmentalists' and saving the planet by downloading music.

2. Hasn't the record industry been begging us to buy cd's for the past ten years or so?

3. In this age of big box stores like Future Shop, Best Buy etc... Isn't the oil being used to deliver cd's also being used to deliver computers for people to buy to download music on?

Anyway, just my 2 cents. I giggled my ass off at all the people in the crowds at those concerts with there plastic disposable beer cups. They care about global warming. Any congregation of that much humanity is never a good thing.

But, I am sick, feel like shit so I am going to try and nap. Looking forward to putting out the new Pumpkins (and Bad Religion) cd's tommorow.

BBB's Notebook: ECW 06/26/07

-Vinces appearance was quite somber and understandably so.

-I don't buy Jonny Nitro as ECW champion, his match with Cena was bland. And way to establish the new champ by having him lose to Cena in his first match after winning the title.

-"Sing happy birthday to the mark." Brilliant. Nothing like a little Hot Rod to brighten your day.

-Is the Boogeyman over? Someone tell me.

-Punk and Burke was pretty good. Getting a little tired of watching the 2 of them go at it though.

BBB's Notebook: ROH 'Respect is Earned' PPV

-Fuck, Morishima throws those clotheslines like bombs.

-Crowd is hot as hell, Danielson is OVER!

-Marafuji and Romero finished really strong.

-The Sweeny/Toland promo was too long.

-Castagnoli and Sydal vs. The Briscoes was tremendous. Really put the Briscoes over. Sydal has a great SSP.

-Delirious and Roderick Strong was good, didn't do too much for me.

-Main event finished strong and built up nicely. I'm not sold on Morishima, I'll have to see more.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

BBB's Notebook: TNA Impact 06/28/07

-Nice vingette to try and give the main even a "big match" feel.

-The main event is first, ok......

-Tomkos plastic piece of guardrail is hilarious.

-Angle, Christian and Rhino was ok, just a tad fucking overbooked for my taste....

-Next week Team 3D vs. LAX vs. Styles and Daniels? Could be very good.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

BBB's Notebook: TNA Impact 06/21/07

-Match of Champions? For fuck sake TNA, do something simple!

-Nice acceptance speach Kurt.

-TNA ringtones and wallpaper? Where do I sign up!

-Uh oh, Rhino's destroying everything! He's mowing through the Impact Zone like a...... Rhino...

-The Jarrett package was well done.

-Wow, Chris Harris vs. Raven sucked. Raven doesn't look good at all.

-Who is Ed Hardy?

-Nice vingette for Ricky Banderas.

-Well, thanks for coming out Jay, hope you enjoyed your title run. Match was decent but short.

The Weekend & Stuff...

Well, this past weekend was suppsoed to be awesome but it turned out to be a bag of shit. Sunday was ok I guess but it wasn't what I wanted.... Oh well, nothing worth anything is easy.

Evan Almighty was a pretty good movie. It was a little preachy in places (what with the ark and all....) but it had it's share of guffaws.

The Stamps killed Hamilton in round one on the way to the Grey Cup.

Looking forward to watching the ROH ppv provided it burns ok... Fuckin' codecs....

Owen Nolan, interesting. Regher signed for 5 years which is good.

The Edmonton Oilers have signed free agent goaltender Mathieu Garon to a two-year contract.

Zeitgeist and New Maps of Hell next Tuesday, cool.

Not really much to say, I have a lot of shit to catch up on... 2 Impacts, 1 ECW, 1 Raw, 1 ROH ppv and about a zillion other tapes and dvd's.