Friday, November 30, 2007


Well, I am currently at NAIT waiting for Christmas Slam to begin, to officially launch the WrestleChristen weekend.

Tommorow morning all 4 of us are on the way to Calgary for my nephews christening. I have no idea what that is but we're invited so away we go.....

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

BBB's Notebook: Controversy Creates Cash by Eric Bischoff and Jeremy Roberts

I have no idea why but I loved this book. Almost as good as the Dynamite Kids book but not nearly as depressing.

Its in Bischoffs own words so there is a lot of revisionist history but its still a great read I highly recommend.

He doesn't pull punches and gave a lot more credit to others then I thought. He also had some surprisingly harsh words for folks like Bill Watts and Sean Waltman and others.

Bischoff had an interesting take on the demise of WCW as well as why the purchase by himself and Fusient Media Ventures.

Anyhow, I recommend checking it out.

Up next I will be reading Foleys latest book and then I purchased Pain and Passion (The history of Stampede Wrestling) and I'll be reading that.

I have a bunch of new Dragon Gate on the way that I'm pretty pumped about.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Saturday, November 24, 2007

BBB's Notebook: TNA iMPACT! Thanksgiving Edition

-I haven't watched TNA in a long time so here goes.

-The opening video was killer, the Angle dinner scene was horrible.

-The TNA Turkey Bowel? I see TNA hasn't stopped making their tournament-style ideas mega confusing.

-I don't like Sabins new gear.

-Who the fuck is relic? And he sucks for ripping off Mutas mask.

-When did Scott Hall get so tight with Psychopathic Records?

-Oilers are losing, junk. (Changed the channel during a commercial.

-I see Traci Brooks still has huge boobs.

-The Angle family dinner reeks of the old Smackdown Thanksgiving dinner segments they has when SD was on Thursday nights. (Eric Young at the kids table was funny though.) The food-fight is inevitable.

-Havoc is back as Jonny Devine and I see they aren't too concerned with covering his stabbing scar anymore.

-Velvet Sky? Angelina Love? They all sound like porn stars.....

-Why does ODB keep smacking herself in the tits?

-Wow... The TNA Knockouts...... Fucking terrible.

-I wish I could fast forward live tv.

-I never realized how thick the ropes are on the TNA ring.

-Joe, Styles and Sabin was awesome.

-AJ in the turkey suit was actually kinda funny.

-My girlfriend just said the most disturbing thing I have ever heard: "I am in love with Tomko."

-Not a bad show, but the usual TNA lameness was present.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Quote of the Day

"He's the Great Muta of barf." - Larry Rivera.

The Best Radio On Radio....

The new Sirius Radios came in today and they are cool-ass!! They have the same LCD screen as the Stilettos, I want one!!

Of course, if I got one I would have to get a new boombox as well, being the new radios aren't compatible with the old boomboxes.

The backlight is starting to go on my Sportster so now is as good a time as any I guess......

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I Just Realized...

....I am buying too many books.

BBB's Notebook: The History of TNA Year 1

While it's not up to the standards of the WWE documentry-style dvd, it was quite enjoyable.
I thought they could have gone into more details of the planning phase of the company but with only an hour and change of time to use, what can you do. They did spend a lot of time discussing the first show and the problems that came up including "Cheex" breaking the ring minutes before they went live.

I thought Dixie Carter and Panda Energy came along much after year one but apparently it was quite early in the existence of TNA. I also found it quite interesting that although they showed a couple of clips of him, they didn't discuss Vince Russo at all, and also very little discussion of Jerry Jarrett.


A sudden outburst of generosity has befallen my girlfriend which is pretty sweet for me.

Last night she picked me up the new Nine Inch Nails cd, the TNA Year One dvd (which I am sitting down to watch right now) and the Bob and Doug McKenzie Two-Four Anniversary dvd.

Finally watched Transformers yesterday, it was pretty amazing.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Quote of the Day

Boris: "Could you be more of a queer right now?"

Drew; "I guess I could have a cock in my mouth."

Monday, November 19, 2007

Big Brother 9 won’t have America’s Player but “will be different from any other” season

The upcoming winter season of Big Brother 9 will not contain last summer’s twist America’s Player, which allowed the producers to control the game and act arbitrarily while generating revenue from text message votes.

“That’s really hard to do twice. Anyone coming to be a part of ‘Big Brother’ this year would know about it and we’d hate to have people act differently because they think that the viewers are in control. … That doesn’t mean that it couldn’t return in some other way, but doing exactly what we did again, no,” executive producer Allison Grodner told the New York Daily News.
However, she says viewers should expect something different. “We really want it to stand out. We want it to be special, because we’ve never done something like this before. I promise you it will be different from any other ‘Big Brother’ you’ve ever seen.” Hey, maybe you could
not manipulate the outcome to fit your narrative?

Casting for the new season starts this weekend, but Grodner says that the debut date is uncertain. “We have been told by CBS to get ready for anything, so there’s nothing that is certain at this point. It is a wait-and-see. We are preparing for anything,” she said.

The Latest, Greatest and Lamest

Busy days as is becoming the usual....

Worked 2 overnights this week which was great to get a lot of shit done but really fucked with my system. I need to start taking some vitamins or something because I'm always so tired.

We went shopping at the mall where Chantals office is and because she is too nice to me she picked me up some dvd's. She got me the new John Cena set, I know I know.... Its John Cena but over the last year or so he's been the go to guy and has been putting on some hot matches. And being that I haven't been able to watch too much wrestling lately I hope I can see some of the stuff I missed.

She also got me the re-release of XPW's Baptized in Blood 1 and 2. I think its kinda hilarious that XPW is re-releasing all this stuff. Some of it is brutal but its not all totally without merit. I also picked up XPW TV season 1. I remember watching XPW tv on America One online many years ago so this will be a trip down memory lane, for better of worse.

Saturday I went to Amber and Richards to watch UFC 78 and boy did it suck. I haven't really followed MMA for many years and I know its changed a lot but this show blew.

We had the kids this weekend which is always good even though they make us nuts sometimes.

Last night was the annual Best Buy Christmas Party at Kelsys. I don't really like the way we do our party but BB have a deal with Kelsys and they like to pretty much suck the fun out of everything we do. We still had fun though and I won a copy of Mad TV season one which was cool. I've wanted to pick up the early Mad TV stuff to see Artie.

I goofed around with the camera and took some pictures on the way home from the party that I will post later.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

To Whom it may Concern

Word is Rock Band has been delayed in Canada until 12/17.

BBB's Notebook: ROH 'Driven' pay per view

-We are live (kinda) from Chicago, Dave Prazak is your ring announcer.

-Delirious is fucking awesome.

-Opening match was hot, reminded me why I love wrestling. No Remorse Corps was fucking sweet.

-Pop for Aries was ridiculous. Cut a nice promo.

-Giant Swing? Nice job Claudio.

-Man, Sydal and Castagnoli pulled out some crazy shit!!

-Post-match with Sweeney and Matt Sydal went a little long.

-Marafuji and Whitmer was good, nothing groundbreaking. I assume they are burying Whitmer for storyline reasons......

-Brent Albright destroyed Pelle Primeau. Fucking brutal.

-Mark Briscoe appears to be missing some choppers.

-Steen and El Generico vs. The Briscoes was epic.

-My fucking Xbox stopped being able to read my dvd right before Jimmy Rave and Morishima. Fuck.

-Ok, put the dvd on my notebook and I'm back in business..... And I can watch in bed!

-Rave and Morishima was.... There.

-I quite enjoy Adam Pearce's promos.

-Holy fuck, Danielson and Nigel Mginnis was fucking amazing.

CBS holding 15 Big Brother 9 casting calls over the next three weeks

With Big Brother 9 set to debut in the early part of 2008, CBS is launching a series of 15 open casting calls for cast members.

The casting notices specifically mention the ninth season, and thus the possiblity that the show could feature celebrities seems to be less likely now—unless the house will be stocked with both real people and whatever D-list celebrities would subject themselves to the expereince

In a casting notice specifically for Sunday’s open call in New York, producers say they want “attractive males and females ages 21 to 60, must be fun and outgoing and energetic. ‘characters’ a must, and NY accents are a plus !” Capitalization and proper sentence punctuation is apparently unnecessary.

Not That it was Much of a Secret Anyway...

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Quote(s) of the Day

"I've always wanted to see senior citizen dykes polevaulting"

"I think one of those chicks is my dad"

-Chantal, both while watching The Amazing Race.

Movie Day Continued

Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants was quite the chick flick but it wasn't totally without merit. After that, my pick was High Fidelity, one of my favorite movies. Chantal seemed to enjoy it too.

Now we are watching the Amazing Race.

As Borat would say, movie day has been Great Success!

Movie Day

Today is the second annual movie day, Where Chantal and I hang out in our pajamas and take turns picking movies the other hasn't seen.

I went first and chose Clerks because she hasn't seen it and everyone should see Clerks. She didn't care for it much, what can I say... You can't teach good taste :-).

Her first pick was Blue Crush, a chick-surfer movie. It was ok, some of the visuals looked really incredible. Hawaii looks like an amazing place. All the chicks in the flick had small boobs which was a tad of a bummer.....

My next choice was Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny. I love that movie, but Chantal didn't care for it again, but said it was better then Clerks.

The Stamps play the Riders this afternoon, hopefully I will be able to catch a little bit of it later.

Chantals next pick is Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants... Sweet fucking lord....

Friday, November 09, 2007

Bullet Points of Goodness

-HIM was an awesome show but greatly overshadowed by the greatness that is Drew. He re-invented rock and took it home to his mom.

-The Flames are mired in a pit of suck.

-The Stamps shall break Ridervilles hearts on Sunday

-Had to miss the show tonight because of work. Crud.

-Work Sucks.

-Chris Masters was released, Quel suprise.....

-Raw vs. Smackdown 2008 comes out next week, should be cool.

-I forget everything else I wanted to say.... Fuck.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Big Brother could return in late January

Earlier this week came word that CBS could bring Big Brother back early, perhaps in March, due to the strike. Now, word comes that CBS is getting ready to air Big Brother 9 even earlier, in late January or February.

CBS “quietly began casting for the next edition of the show a few weeks ago,” Variety reports. And “[executive] producer Allison Grodner is also said to be working on a new creative twist … There’s been buzz that the next edition of ‘Big Brother’ might actually use celebrities as opposed to civilians. A long strike might work in favor of such a plan, since some celebs normally busy working on sitcoms and dramas might have some time on their hands.”

But Big Brother 9 may even earlier than February. “CBS is quietly ramping up production on a ninth cycle of the reality show to begin airing in late January or early February if the strike persists well into the holidays,” Entertainment Weekly reports. Citing a “reliable source,” the magazine says “executive producer Allison Grodner is already hiring production staff.” If this happens, EW says, “it is unlikely to affect the regular summer run of the show.”

On the Early Show, “Hanna Storm joked that the show might be back sooner than the summer, prompting a roll of the eyes from Chen. Chen then expressed her hope that the strike is settled soon,” Variety reports.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

"Free Mandela.... That's a good idea." - Chantal.

WGA Strike Fallout


“The Office” showrunner Greg Daniels is picketing his own Van Nuys set. Cast members – including Rainn Wilson, Jenna Fischer and John Krasinski as well as WGA members Steve Carell, B.J. Novak, Mindy Kaling and Paul Leiberstein – are not crossing the picket line.

Losing its cast shuts down NBC’s highest-rated sitcom a lot faster than a lot of other series, which are trying to put into production the last few scripts written before the strike.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Fabulous Moolah passes away

WWE is saddened by the passing of Lillian Ellison, who was known to sports-entertainment fans as Hall of Famer Fabulous Moolah. She passed away last night in Columbia, S.C.

In the world of women’s wrestling, there will always be one irrefutable legend that stands head and shoulders above the rest: The Fabulous Moolah. She was the longest reigning champion in the history of her chosen sport, or any sport for that matter. And with more than 50 years in the business to her credit, she established a legacy that will never be forgotten, making her name synonymous with female wrestling.

WGA Strike

The writers guild have gone on strike..... Those kind folks who write a lot of those TV shows we enjoy are walking the picket line.

From the LA Times:

The writers' strike would take an immediate toll on television viewers' favorite programs, dealing a setback to shows that are written day-to-day -- such as Jon Stewart's "The Daily Show" -- as well as scripted programming already underway or about to go into production.
Soap operas would theoretically start disappearing from the airwaves soon, since most have episodes to last them only until the end of the year. But during the 1988 strike, producers wrote in place of striking writers, and soaps stayed on the air.

Prime-time scripted series have episodes through mid-January or early February, depending on how many reruns they space out in the next few months. Unscripted shows -- such as "Survivor," "The Amazing Race," and, when it returns in January, "American Idol" -- would continue uninterrupted.

I am quite sure we will see and onslaught of brutal reality tv shows depending how long this lasts. There is already talk of moving up the next Big Brother to March and have it be a celebrity edition.

One of the most visible effects of the film and TV writers’ strike may involve CBS’ summer reality staple, Big Brother.

The series “could easily return as soon as March,” Variety reports. Every other season of the show has aired in the summer, debuting in July and concluding about three months later.
Even more surprisingly, Big Brother 9 may be “a long-rumored celebrity edition.” Almost two years ago,
TMZ incorrectly reported that CBS was announcing a celebrity edition of the show.
Exactly which celebrities would subject themselves to
Allison Gordner’s self-serving whims.

Dancing with the Stars can’t draw A-list talent, and it doesn’t have ridiculous challenges or a camera in the bathroom. (Reality Blurred)

Saturday, November 03, 2007


I feel inspiration like I haven't in a long time and it has grown to you all.

Don't look for inspiration in typical avenues. It is out your window, in your newspaper or your tv show. In your records or radio. In your sidewalk or dashboard.

It is wherever you wish it was.

It Never Ends....

It's been a fuck of a week, I don't even know where to begin. Last Sunday we got some pretty shitty news, I'd rather not discuss it here, if you wanna know just ask me.

We've dealt with that all week and it has sucked but today was Bradens birthday party which was pretty fun. Lots of friends and food, now he and Jon are playing Star Wars Lego and I am trying to unwind......