Saturday, March 31, 2007

BBB's Notebbok: WrestleMania X7

This one has a special feeling, with the huge crowd at the Astrodome.

-Nice. This is during the Lawler-less era as Paul Heyman is handling the color.

-Jericho and Regal was solid.

-The Right to Censor. Forgot all about them.....

-It was quite fun watching Kane, Big Show and Raven beat the shit out of each other in the bowels of the Astrodome.

-Angle and Benoit was excellent.

-The crowd was hot as fuck for Shane vs. Vince!

-The pop Linda got for standing up off that chair was ridiculous.

-TLC 2 was more spotty goodness.

-Iron Sheik wins the gimmick battle royal. Where's his title shot?? Cena vs. Sheik WrestleMania 24!!!


-'Taker and HHH was very good as well

-Austin and Rock was a good match but I didn't like the finish.

BBB's Notebook: ECW on Global 03/30/07

-I liked Burkes slam on RVD in the bridge spot.

-Van Dam and Burkes match was pretty solid.

-Kelly Kelly sucks at life.

-Crowd was dead as fuck for Snitsyky and Balls.

-Vince is good at cheap heat.... Its awesome. Vince was "partying down."

-Did Vince say "Count your lucky charms?"

-Main event 8 man was fun.

-The Hardys at the top of the ladder seemed odd and out of place. Why not feature Punk, being that it is his tv program....

Friday, March 30, 2007

BBB's Notebook: XPW Exit Sandman

Holy fuck, this is the worst show I have ever seen and I'm only 3 matches in. Sandmans "retirement" is the worst segment in wrestling history and I want to commit suicide.

Everytime Joey Styles says "XPW" it sounds like he wants to vomit...


It slipped my mind a little.... 20 years ago yesterday..... I was 10 years old, in the first row at the Saddledome watching WrestleMania 3 on closed circuit TV with my Dad.

March 29th 1987. Man, time flies. Here we are 20 years later and I have a little boy of my own, and its WrestleMania 23. I think that's why I'm a little extra specially excited for Sunday.



Thursday, March 29, 2007

Stuff to Watch

Holy crap, I have a lot of shit I need to watch.... I may never catch up:

The rest of the WrestleMania box set
The entire Royal Rumble box set
WrestleMania 3 Championship Edition
TNA Best of the tag teams volume 1
XWF in your face
The new and improved DX
The best of CM Punk in FIP
ECW double tables
ECW tv 1996
WCW Slamboree 1997
WCW Clash of the Champions #35
Mayfield Mayhem 1970's
Best of Tully Blanchard volume 1
History of Misawa vs. Kawada
The Swifter in New Japan
Matches from the 70's Volume 2
Matches from the 70's Volume 3
Chris Benoit in Stampede Volumes 1 to 7
All/New Japan March-April 1990
Bobby Heenan Shoot
Kamala Shoot
Dusty Rhodes Shoot
10 episodes of MLW tv
Paul London in Zero One
Stampede Harts on Fire
Owen Hart in Stampede Volumes 1 to 3
WWF Champions
New Japan 02/06/03
Roddy Piper Shoot
Jack Brisco Shoot
6 tapes of Saturday Nights Main Event
AAA tv July '94
AWA 06/28/86
AWA 12/31/86
AWA May-June '84
AWA Turkey day Turmoil
AWA April-May '86
XPW After the Fall
WWE Survivor Series '06
XPW Exit Sandman
TNA Best of the X Division Volume 2
ECW return of the Funker
ECW super summer sizzler
ECW when worlds collide
ECW 06/30/96
ECW 07/07/00
Tully Blanchard Shoot
Buddy Landell Shoot
WWF Bret Hitman Hart
WWF Shawn Michaels
WWF Most unusual matches ever
Before they were WWF superstars
The Stone Cold truth
UWF tag team tandems
Great American Bash 1988
All Japan 01/28/01
All Japan 1979 real world tag league
All Japan classics Road Warriors
All Japan champions carnival classics
NOAH 03/01/04
NOAH 03/22/04
NOAH 05/05/04
Zero One 08/10/03
NWA 1989
NWA Clash of the Champions #8
NWA 01/24/88
ROH reborn completion
ROH final battle 2004
Sabu shoot interview
ROH all star extravaganza 2
ROH gold
ROH Joe vs. Punk 2
ROH testing the limit
ROH scramble cage melee
ROH death before dishonor 2 part 1
ROH death before dishonor 2 part 2
ROH glory by honor 3
ROH midnight express reunion
Rev Pro spirit of the revolution phase 2
ROH uncensored
New Japan 09/23/95
History of the IWGP Jr. Title volume 1-5
New Japan 06/13/04
New Japan 07/26/04
New Japan G1 climax 2003
New Japan 12/09/03
New Japan 07/05/03
New Japan 07/09/04
New Japan 11/23/02
New Japan 03/09/03
New Japan 07/04/04
World Combat first strike
The best of Chris Benoit
WWE the videos volume 1
Hulk Hogans Rock n Wrestling
WWF greatest champions
WWF greates hits
WWF greatest matches
CZW street fight 2k4
CZW trifecta elimination 2
CZW possession
IWA mid south stylin in the summertime
CZW best of the best 4
Big Japan tv 03/22/04
Big Japan tv 05/10/04
CZW tournament of death 3
CZW high stakes 2 night show
PWG secret of the ooze
CZW breaking point
MECW 08/11/01
Best or flair vs. Steamboat
Stan Hansen shoot
PWG bad ass mother 3000
Wrestle Aid project
NOAH 04/25/04
Madman Pondo skull talk volume 2
3PW su su superfly
PWG 88 miles per hour
Best of Curryman
PWG the musical
MLW reloaded
Mick Foley shoot
Necro Butcher comp
NOAH departure 2004
PWG taste the radness
Raven shoot part 2
Japanese hardcore wrestling 4
New Japan top of the super juniors IV
M Pro Sasuke movie
M Pro farewell of Kaienti DX
Hiro Hase prefessor of pain
New Japan valis #5
M Pro volume 2
IWA glass crash deathmatch
All Japan real world tag league 80-82
IWA kawasaki dream
ECCW 05/24/01
ECCW 04/28/01
PWF lockdown
PWF big impact
IWA house deathmatch
Big Japan pre crocodile deathmatch
Big Japan amazon pirhana deathmatch
IWA dual of the wilds
W*ing who is the emperor
IWGP choshu vs. Fujinami
Best of Great Muta volume 3
M Pro reunion
Tokyo Pro Wrestling
New Japan '94 G1

Ok, so that is everything I need to still watch, to the best of my knowledge. I need to watch them, and then convert the VHS ones to dvd, as well as convert the rest of my other tapes I've watched to dvd.

Am I nuts or is that a lot of stuff? Am I kidding myself? Yikes.

(Disgusting) Quote of the Day

"I bet he has the sweetest little pink asshole." - Gay Ramone discussing Sanjaya.


So Miss Chantal, you wanna play the annoying-pictures-of-people-carrying-the-microphone-stand game huh. Well I shall rebut with YOUR next American Idol. Sanjaya motherfuckin' MALAKAAAAAAAAAAAR!!!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

BBB's Notebook: WrestleMania 16 (AKA WrestleMania 2000)

-Ice T and the Godfather.... Good lord.... "Grab your bitches!" LoL

-D Lo and The Godfather vs. Bossman and Bull is killing my will to live. Was Bull Buchanen one of the Truth Commission? I don't remember. Grizz?

-Ahh back when Tazz was still over and had a chance to shine. Its cute.

-Tazz wins the Hardcore title!!

-Viscera wins the Hardcore title!!

-Funaki wins the Hardcore title!!

-Rodney wins the Hardcore title!!

-Joey Abs wins the Hardcore title!!

-Thrasher wins the Hardcore title!!

-Pete Gas wins the Hardcore title!!

-Tazz regains the Hardcore title!!

-Crash Holly regains the Hardcore title!!

-Hardcore Holly wins the Hardcore title and the (shitty but not totally without merit) hardcore battle royal.

-Now that I think back, this was the WrestleMania All Day pay per view. I remember it well.

-Head Cheese.... Sigh.

-JR having microphone problems is too funny. Surprised they didn't edit that out.

-T & A vs. Head Cheese was surprsingly good.

-The Kat and Mae Young. Booty and the beast.

-Bubba Ray Dudley was still trying to run with the Southern accent.

-The ladder match was full of spotty goodness.

-The Kat vs. Teri was dreadful. Thank god it was short.

-Eddies first WrestleMania....

-Kurt Angles first WrestleMania as well.

-I may be incorrect but this may have been Jericho and Benoits first WrestleMania as well. Grizz?

-Benoit/Jericho/Angle was excellent.

-X Pac Sucks! X Pac Sucks! X Pac Sucks!

-Oh Pete... You are incorrigable.

-The 4 way main was really good (Rock/Foley/HHH/Show). The Rock is one of the best "late kick-outers."

-Ah the Infamous Foley short-jump to the table.

A pretty enjoyable and solid show.

BBB's Notebook: Wrestling Society X

I finished watching the 5 episodes of WSX and I don't know what else to say other then it was fun.

If you go in expecting a half-hour sugar coated spotfest then you will enjoy it. If you want psychology and logic then maybe its not for you.

Some of the explosions and camera-shaking was lame but I appreciate the fact that they tried to offer something different.

I'm looking forward to Big Vision releasing the whole run on dvd. Yossino on my tv makes me giddy.

BBB's Notebook: WWE RAW 03/26/07

-Steve Austin is no longer relevant. There, I said it.

-The 6 diva tag was brutal.

-Pretty sweet pop for CM Punk.

-Punk and Kenny put on a fun little match.

-I love the black mat they used for the Cutting Edge. They should use it permanantly.

-The MITB interview segment started slow but it finished pretty strong and did a good job of adding some hype to the match.

-Orton and Kennedy vs The Hardys was decent.

-I like JR in the Hall.

-Flair vs. Khali made me hate wrestling.

-The Condemned looks kinda lame.

-the boo-birds were out for Cena big time in Chi-town

Quote of the Day

"I'm just playing in the park that I'm in." - Jason Alexander.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Sanjaya is so fucking bad, I love it!

Monday, March 26, 2007

BBB's Notebook: ECW on Global 03/23/07

-(In Adam Sandler voice) Lashley broke the Master Lock.... WHOOPITY DOO!!!!

-I kinda dig the new opening video.

-Sabu wearing Daivaris gear is too funny.

-Sabu and RVD vs. Cor Von and Thorn was a solid match.


-The Sheik in the HoF was a nice touch on the ECW program.

-Punk vs. Holly was good as well. I'm enjoying the New Breed trying to lure Punk angle.

-Burke vs. Dreamer was sloppy and unfun.

-Why would you show the same vingette twice in a fucking one hour show?

-Lashley and Masters was blah.

-A pretty good show and miles above this weeks Impact.

I'm pretty excited about the SmackDown/ECW tapings here in July. I've wanted to go to an ECW show since forever and even though its the new bastardized version, I'll take it. I just hope all the "originals" are still under contract.

BBB's Notebook: TNA Impact 03/22/07

I think the "notebook's" are going to be written a little differently from now on. Less recap and more opinion. After all, its my fuckin' notebook isn't it....

-A "hell froze over match?" Really Vince?

-Man Rhino is chunking up again.

-They better pull the trigger on whatever they are gonna do with Serotonin. I'm losing interest.

-Sting is annoying me.

-LOVED Team 3D bringing out all those belts. Drove the point home. Liked the intense exchange between Buh Buh and Konnan which is big considering how much Konnan blows.

-Enough with fucking Backlund.

-I like the new Chris Daniels.

-I think Jim Cornette plays his part very well and adds a lot to the show.

-Jacqueline has the charisma of wallpaper paste.

-The Best of AJ Styles Volume 2? Sweet.

-The woman (who I assume to be Abyss' mom) was such a lame fucking angle. Terrible.

-Impact is just bad. It needs something, I don't know what it is but its a terrible show.

Quote of the Day

"I was inches away from Crash-Hollying" - Funkmaster Dustapopolous

I almost forgot...

I finally got one. My very own 30 GB iPod. And the best part is that it was clearance so I got a killer deal on it. Can't wait to start loading it up.


Had a pretty great weekend with the kids, especially Saturday. We went out for dinner and then took them to see TMNT. It was a pretty fun movie and some of the animation was incredible. Especially the Raphael/Leonardo fight scene in the rain on top of the building.

BBB's Notebook: American Hardcore

Inspired by Steven Blush's book "American Hardcore: A tribal history" Paul Rachman's feature documentary debut is a chronicle of the underground hardcore punk years from 1979 to 1986. Interviews and rare live footage from artists such as Black Flag, Bad Brains, Minor Threat, SS Decontrol and the Dead Kennedys.
I've been seeing the trailer for this at work and I finally broke down and picked it up and I was pleasantly surprised. It's a great documentry of the hardcore punk scene in the US from 1980 until 1985 or so.

I've read a lot of reviews and a lot of people slag the film for being too vague and for leaving out too many bands but you can only fit so much in in a 2 hour film. I was surprised they left out Bad Religion even though they spoke with Brett Gurewitz, Brian Baker and Greg Hetson. (Baker and Hetson were in other influential bands before they joined BR.)

It's very well done, no narrator as they let those who lived it tell the story. Some of the violence is shocking and the political backlash is very present. I really liked it and look forward to watching it again and maybe checking out some of the more featured bands.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Gene Simmons Family Jewels

Its a pretty fun show but I'm sure its just as contrived as Hogan Knows Best.

But Gene makes me laugh so all I forgiven.

Friday, March 23, 2007


So I was thinking today that it seemed a little early for bands to be releasing Nirvana covers from "Nevermind."

Then I took a look and realized the fucking record came out sixteen years ago! Where does the time go....

There are 15 year old kids that work in my store that weren't born when "Nevermind" was released.

Quote of the Day

"Bond girls give me wood." - Tyler Lewis.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


So I'm thinking of starting a 2nd blog just for videos. Good idea?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

BBB's Notebook: WWE Royal Rumble 1988 Thoughts

Its Box Set time kids! I'm too lazy to do a full review, and I want to sit back and enjoy but here's the bullet points.

-Crowd is hot!

-The broad with the megaphone in the front row needs to die.

-Whats with the scar on Steamboats face?

-Ricky Steamboat vs. Rick Rude was an excellent match.

-The Dino Bravo bench press segment is horrible. Mean Gene had to keep reminding the crowd Bravo wanted quiet to get heat.

-The Jumping Bomb Angels vs. The Glamour Girls was surprisingly good. Quite funny that Vince got the Angels names just in time for the third fall.

-Loved the old footage of DiBiase trying to buy the belt from Hogan.

-The Hogan/Andre contract signing was all kinds of old cheesy goodness. DiBiase is hugely underrated.

-Fuck, I really thought Brunzell was gonna win.

-Ventura is GOLD. I hated him so much when I was a kid.

-Duggan wins! Where's his title shot!? Hacksaw vs. Cena WrestleMania 23.

-The Young Stallions and The Islanders as the main event?

-Man, the building cleared out fast!

-Awesome show, a lot of fun.

Sanjaya Malakar Makes Girls Cry


Word is that Paul McCartney sent Heather Mills flowers for her opening night on Dancing with the Stars. What the fuck is that all about?

I'm Stoked!!

I got a (perfectly legal.....) Copy of Nero from Tyler and I tested it by downloading the episode of Greys Anatomy that Chantal missed and I burned it and it works on the dvd player.

SO.... I downloaded the last 5 episodes of WSX from bit torrent last night and I am now burning them. I'm excited to finally see this shit.

And the calls are coming in from Stern listeners that voted for Sanjaya.... Apparently "" is saying he got solid votes from California, Texas and New Jersey. But there is talk that there is fine print in the Idol rules that they can basically ignore votes and do whatever they want. Tonight will be interesting.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

So I have decided....

That the iPod is the second greatest invention ever, behind the Satelite Radio.

I have grown quite fond of my little 4 GB pink mini and I'm looking forward to getting a nice big fat 80 GB that I can load up with all my tunes.

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Baby Quinn is so adorable. Baby and mom are doing fine which is awesome. Logan on the other hand is having a rough stretch but he's going to be good as new (which he is!) In no time.

BBB's Notebook: ECW on Global 03/16/07

I keep forgetting to record the ECW show so I'm a little out of the loop but hey, how hard could it be to catch up. Let's get this shit over with.

Show opens with Randy Orton yelling at Edge because he has to face Lashley tonight.

New opening video.

We are live in Trenton New Jersey. Joey Styles and Tazz have the call.

The New Breed make their way to the ring for....

Over the top rope battle royal. Elijah Burke, Matt Striker, Marcus Cor Von, Kevin Thorn, Sabu, Rob Van Dam, Sandman, Tommy Dreamer - Everyone pairs off early. Striker eliminates Sandman. Sabu and RVD eliminate Cor Von. Thorn eliminates Sabu. Nice sunset flip powerbomb by RVD on Striker. Van Dam eliminates himself and Kevin Thorn witha cross body. Tommy is alone with Burke and Striker. Dreamer fights his way out of a corner and eliminates Striker. Burke jumps him from behind. Burke dropkicks Tommy off the top rope but Dreamer hangs on to avoid hitting the floor, Burke puts the boots to Tommy but he won't fall and Dreamer eliminates Burke for the win. All the originals celebrate with Dreamer in the ring. Mick Foleys music hits and he heads to the ring. Commercial break.

Back from commercial, Foley has the mic and says people think he's there for a cheap pop and a book plug and they are right. But he's also here to talk about WrestleMania. Foley says he sold out at ONS 2. He says he's proud of his book. He says everyone should buy it including Tommy Dreamer. Foley says his pop isn't like it used to be because of ONS because he shined the spotlight on Dreamer. Foley says he will be at WrestleMania hiding in the upper deck. He says he will chant ECW with all the fans. Awesome promo, I'll try and put it up ASAP. Snitsky video. Commercial break.

Kellys Expose. Dancing broads, but Snitskys (awesome new) music hits and he hits the ring and the Nitro Girls bail.

Snitsky vs. Michael Deacon and Danny Jacks - He dispatches one to the floor, Big boots the other one and its over before it started. He is an ugly motherfucker.

Backstage CM Punk is taping up when Elijah Burke approaches and says he went about it wrong when he asked Punk to join the New Breed. He says he has a better chance of winning Money in the Bank with the New Breed in his corner. Commercial.

Battle of the Billionaires promo video.

Bobby Lashley vs. Randy Orton - Edges music hits and he makes his way to ringside. Orton takes the advantage early, choking him on the middle rope but Lashley fights back and Orton powders. Commercial. Back from commercial, Orton has Lashley in a Boston Crab. Lashley struggles to the ropes and Orton unleashed the Garvin Stomp. Lashley gets up and hits Orton with an ugly backdrop but Orton holds on the the offense. Orton goes for the RKO but Lashley shrugs him off. Edge tries to interfere but gets caught by the ref and banished from ringside. Hmmm a little fishy. Orton is pissed and Edge has a shit eating grin as he walks to the back. Commercial break. Back from the break, they battle on the floor with Orton using the ring steps. Orton hits a vertical suplex on the floor. Back in the ring Orton gets a 2 count. Orton once again stomps all over Lashley and drops a big knee for another 2 count. "Sanjaya Sucks" sign in the crowd, too funny. Orton reapplies the Boston Crab and this match is really starting to suck. Orton uses the top rope for leverage. Lashley grabs to bottome rope to break the hold. Boring chants from the crowd. Lashley avoids a charge from Orton and he hits the ringpost shoulder first. Lashley shoulder blocks Orton in the corner more then once and gets a 2 count. Lashley beats down Orton in the corner and hits a powerslam for the pin and the win. Vinces music hits and out he comes looking pissed. Nice suit though.

Main event was weak but this show beat the shit out of this weeks TNA Impact.

Friday, March 16, 2007

BBB's Notebook: TNA Impact 03/15/07

Show opens with clips of Sundays.... Stellar pay per view. Sure made that piece of shit look good.

To the ring, Jim Cornette is in the 6 sides of steel. He announces a 10 man lethat lockdown as the main event for Lockdown. He introduces the team captains. Out first in Christian Cage. The captain of team two is Kurt Angle. Christian says he doesn't like the sound of this match. Corny basically says tough shit and on with the show.

TNA iMPACT! Opening.

Mike Tenay and Don West are at the desk and they go over tonights program.

AJ Styles music hits and he hobbles to the ring on a crutch wearing a neckbrace. He says the doctors are saying his neck and back will never be the same. Says he can't put food on the table for his kids. He says Rhino is going to come out and call his wife and tell her he won't be bringing home a check. Rhino makes his way to the ring. He says he might have already called her and he may knock the crap out of him again. Styles says he wants this to be over. Rhino yells a lot and says its over. And they shake hands. Styles tries to blindside Rhino with the crutch but he catches him but Styles nails a low blow and beats him down with the crutch. Commercial time, including a Shaw WrestleMania ad.

Lockdown ad.

Back from commercial Rhino is fighting back but Christian shows up and jumps Rhino with another crutch but Angle and Joe hit the ring and its a standoff, but Cage scampers over the cage to safety.

Backstage JB is with LAX and Alex Shelly. Shelly says crackalate and Konnan spouts some confusin shit I didn't understand. He says LAX will whip 3Ds asses tonight. Commercial time again.

Back, Kevin Nash is in the ring with Sonjay Dutt. Backstage Chris Sabin is playing PS2. Sabin says he is the god of wrestling. Bob Backlund interrupts and asks why they are being exclusionary. Backlund freaks out on Borash for interrupting his training.

Back to the ring, Nash serenades Jal Lethal with Macho Mans music and out comes Lethal. He hams it up on his way to the ring.

Kaz vs. Jerry Lynn vs. Jay Lethal - 25 minutes into the fucking show, about time for a match. Lethat gets caught in a neckbreaker for a 2. Lynn slides in and attacks Kaz and hits an inverted ddt. Nice roll up/suplex by Kazarian on both men Lethal hits the "Lethal Combo" on Kaz for the win. Chris Daniels hots the ring and clubs all 3 with a baseball bat. Last rites for Jerry Lynn. Hate the face pain.

JB is backstage with Styles and Cage. Cage says AJ is the first member of his team for Lockdown. Styles says Cage promised him a title shot if he was on his team. Commercial.

LAX and Alex Shelly head to the ring.....

LAX and Alex Shelly vs. Team 3D and Brother Runt - Hernandex clubs down Dvon to start. Dvon hits a Thesz press to retaliate. LAX target Rays taped arm, Homicide stretches it on the top rope but Ray cathes him in a side slam for a 2. Runt tags in and hits a big double stomp from the top. Commercial break. Back from ad break Shelly and Hernandez each hit huge splashes on Runt from the top. Dvon takes out all 3 members of LAX, Shelly trys to escape the ring but Ray stops him. Dvon nails Shelly with a powerslam. Hernandez throws Runt at Jonny Rodz. 3D hit the wassup spot. Get the table! Rodz helps Dvon get the table in the ring. They hit 3D on Shelly. Ref is distracted and Hernandez rolls up Dvon for the win. Konnan takes the mic and says next LAX will take 3Ds legacy, whatever that meand.

Backstage Seotonin and Raven argue. Raven says they are entering an adventure in pain. He wants to inflict psychological damage. Raven tells Shane to hit Kaz but he says no. He tells Devine to do it and he says no. Raven says he will help them whether they like it or not. Commercial.

Back, JB is in the loo with Eric Young who is cleaning the toilets. Young says he needs to get out of the contract. Borash tells Young to call his friend. Robert Roode sends JB away and then berates Young.

Back in the ring, Christian and AJ adress the fans. Cage introduces Abyss as the third member of his team. Abyss is hesitant to enter the ring, Stings music hits. He stands atop the ramp and tells Christian Abyss doesn't want to be on his team. He says Abyss is a new man. Christian says Sting doesn't care about Abyss. Cornette comes out and says next week Styles and Cage will face Sting and Abyss. Sting wants to do it now and all 4 brawl in the ring to end the (shitty) show.


The latest Hot Hot Heat is quite good as well.

It's Official

Silversun Pickups gets the big thumbs up.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Quote of the Day

"There's nothing on my horizon but everything" - Dwight Schrute

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Quote of the Day

"Time to play hide and go die." - The Sexy Alien Fiancee Left at the Altar.

BBB's Notebook: Kaiju Big Battel "Shocking Truth"

I've been after a Kaiju dvd for quite some time so when I came across one I was quite excited but it wasn't really what I expected.

The feature explained quickly what Kaiju is and then it launched into a long and sometimes hard to follow storyline that it looks like I came in right in the middle.

I expected less story and more "matches" (or battels as they call them.)

That being said, Dr. Cube and Potato and Hell Monkey etc are all pretty funny and entertaining and if I came across another dvd I'm pretty sure I'd pick it up.

In the dvd extras there are some battels from their live shows so maybe I'll get what I'm looking for there as I haven't watched them yet.

It's Here!

We got in the Royal Rumble Anthology on our truck last night. I put mine aside and touched and fondled it...

Oh shit, did I say that out loud?

Monday, March 12, 2007


The best-worst match ever. That ppv was bad.... Really bad....

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Old News

Fuck I hate Goldberg.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Rock your teeth clean

Rock your teeth clean – and encourage better brushing habits! – with this exciting toothbrush that lets you hear one of your favorite songs while you brush! Sound vibrations stream from the bristles through your teeth – so you can actually hear music inside your head! To increase the volume, simply increase your brushing pressure! If you brush well, you get great sound and you’ll actually hear two full minutes of “Rock & Roll All Night” by the rock group Kiss!
I can't decide if this is brilliance or the dumbest thing I have ever seen.... Either way, I want one!

Positive and Negative

I never went to see Sloan last year when they were here because I'm an idiot. Now I get a second chance, but there is a catch.
We are happy to announce that Sloan have been selected to play with The Police at their upcoming tour stop in Edmonton. The June 2nd show at Commonwealth Stadium will be among the first stops on The Police's first tour in 23 years! Tickets are available through Ticketmaster.

Thats some serious cash but would probably be an amazing show.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Tee Hee

Its too funny looking at Dustin in his little blue shirt cruising around the computer department.....

Thursday, March 08, 2007


How does this Sanjaya or Sonjayi fuck keep getting through?

And I'm quite looking forward to the "Idol depresses the fuck out of you" segment every week.

Oh yeah, Antonella.... You suck.

And the Flames lost too.... Fuck...


To the right in the links section there is a link to my section on Check back because I'll be adding videos I make all the time.

April 7

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Mark McGrath is hosting "The Next Pussycat Doll?"

What a douche.

A Very Special 3BTV

One of the reason I wanted a new computer (other then the fact that the old one is a piece of shit) was that I wanted to start putting some videos on the web from my collection of wrestling (and other stuff.) I have now figired it out and I'm pretty excited. Without any further adieu, I present.... Douchebag.

Here we go again

Big Brother 8 is officially a go.. that's right, everyone's favorite guilty pleasure will be back this summer.
This time the show will be produced by Allison Grodner Productions, with Allison and Rich Meehan returning as co-exec producers.. Arnold Shapiro's new title will be executive consultant, so we can ass-ume he'll be less than involved.

Allison said "We consider 'All-Stars' sort of the end of an era".. she can't really come out and say it tanked as a concept, but this gives some hope for the new regime, however she went on to use the dreaded T-word: "We're getting a chance to start once again with a fresh cast and new twists."

Gluttons for punishment can apply now for the 2007 season.. semi-finalist interviews will be held in May or June.. be sure to read the rules, especially the part that says you must be in "excellent mental health."

Julie Chen will be back in place in her boudoir for live show Thursdays.

Thanks to Hamsterwatch for the details.


McDonald's breakfast burritos are actually pretty tasty.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007



Am I happy with what went down at NAIT on Friday? Absolutely not. I listened to Drew Dalby yammer on about his 'client' like he's the hair club for men..... We had enough of his verbal feces and decided to call him on it. And again, we get screwed..... Our opponent cheats and we lose. I'm tired of this. Sick and tired.

On the other hand, I am very happy about the talent that are on their way to the PWA. Wouldn't mind trying to acquire one of them....

The Pod and the PC

So some cool new stuff has arrived. Last week I got a new computer. It's a Compaq, 200 Gig hard drive and a bunch more bells and whistles that I don't understand. It's a bit of a culture shock going from Windows 98 to XP.
Also, I got Chantal a new 30 gig iPod so I have inherited her old one. It's a 4 gig mini... and it's pink. At first I was a little unsettled having a pink iPod but now I think it's kick-ass. And now that I actually have a decent computer I can run itunes so it's all good. I've loaded all the new cd's I've purchased over the past few months and I'm around 1.4 gigs. Now comes the hard part of going through my 500+ cd's and seeing what makes the cut for the remaining space. I want a 30, or an 80 really bad!

Friday, March 02, 2007

This morning

What's on the cover of both Sports sections this morning? A recap of the Oilers loss last night? No.

A recap of the Islanders game. Fucking pathetic. Get over it Edmonton, this is getting sad.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Oh god....

....Please kill Kellie Pickler.

BBB's Notebook: RAW Thoughts 02/26/07

-Loved the Shawn heel turn video package.

-Shelton Benjamin is an amazing athlete, but that fall off the ropes was ugly. Hate to see that.

-"if my aunt grew a set of testicles, she'd be my uncle." Brilliant.

-Lashley with Trump. This will make the next few weeks of ECW tv a little shittier.

-Fuck I hate Khali.

-JR's Skittles shil was awesome!

-Lawler in the HoF? Cool.

-I can't decide if Kenny and Carlito was good or not. They gave it a pretty fair amount of time.


Damn, Parkland school district talk have broken down. I want my boy back to school!