Thursday, January 31, 2008

And The Beat Goes On....

I went to the Oilers/Sharks game with a bunch of the guys the other night, I was quite the sickening display of hockey. So sickening that I have become sick. I don't know what's going on but it feels like my insides are coming out. My head hurts like a bitch because I'm so dehydrated because all the water I'm drinking is going right through me. Sorry for being gross but it sucks.

Luckily the Flames came through and beat the Sharks last night, and according to TSN they may be close to signing Pheneauf which is awesome news.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Oh yeah....

One more thing.....

Hey Chris, thanks for the well wishes from you and your lady friend. She seems pretty cool. Maybe we can get together or something next time we're in town.

The Weekend

And what a weekend it was. On Friday we took the kids to the Drillers home opener. Now I'm not a big fan of soccer but I really enjoyed it, especially since they played the team from Calgary, which I always get behind. Calgary United FC got their asses kicked 10-4 but it was fun. Looking forward to going back in March, if not sooner.

Saturday we all went shopping, thanks to bonus time. We got the first thing for the new baby, a stroller/car seat that is cool and has the Chantal-required cup holder. The kids did really well, especially seeing as I didn't look at the prices of the fucking toys they picked. I don't know who the fuck Ben 10 is but they love it. I also got a little tiny Bobby Lashley figure that I forgot to give to Dustin last night.

Saturday night we decided to have a "sleepover pajama party" in the living room being that we all got new jammied. The kids each got Pokemon jammies and Chantal got an awesome Flames night shirt. I got Playboy bottoms that are the most uncomfortable fucking things I have ever worn.

We watched the Empire Strikes Back. Now, it is incredibly frustrating trying to explain to Chantal how Star Wars works. The first star wars is episode 4. And then the ones that came out in the 90's were prequals. Episode 1 was in 1999. Simple as that.

We heard about the blizzard on Friday and it wasn't supposed to hit until Sunday at about noon so we figured we would get up Sunday at about 9 and hit the road about 930 to take Braden back to Wabamun. Unfortunatly we got up at 9 and it was full-fledged fucking blizzard-mania. So it was a white-knuckled drive to Wabamun to bring Braden back to his mom.

Now on our way back into town we decided to go have breaky at Dennys because we were all starving, we got there and the wait was over an hour so we said fuck it and went to McDonalds. During the trip we get a call from Chantals mom asking if we wanted to come over for chili and to help roll change. We said sure, why not and we headed over. Now I figured helping roll change was just a few bucks in change or whatever. Little did we know that we got there and Chantals mom and her boyfriend Chris had been throwing all their change into jars for 2 fucking years and they had tons. We counted up when we finished and they had (I shit you not) two thousand fucking dollars in change. It weighed a ton. But it was all good because I always had a Caeser in my hand and it was good times.

After that it was off to Dustins for the Royal Rumble. It was a good time as usual, talking shit with all the boys and watching the show. From what I actually paid attention to, the show was good and the big surprise was the return of Cena. The WWE did the near impossible by keeping his return a secret and continue feeding false information that he wouldn't return until summer.

I have a ticket to go to the Oilers/Sharks game tommorow which should be fun. Anyway, that's the latest.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Fuck Fuck Fucking Fuck.

Stupid Xbox 360 doesn't want to read the dvd's I burned on the computer. Cocksucker, I wanna watch Dragon Gate!

Thursday, January 24, 2008


I am currently burning Dragon Gate dvd's and I'm giddy as fuck.

It's a Boy!

Just got back from the Ultrasound, it's a boy. He has my eyes, don't you think?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Trying to remember what the fuck has been happening lately.

Sunday night after the store closed it was game night. It was pretty impressive, a bunch of the guys brough in their gear and out Home Theatre department was turned into game land. It was a lot of fun playing Rock Band with everyone.

Speaking of Rock Band, it is pretty fun but the drums are taking some getting used to. I can't seem to play "Black Hole Sun" on hard.

The Flames play the Wild tonight, their only game in 11 days so I hope to fuck they win.

Heath Ledger died today. I don't really know all that much about him but that he is going to be the new Joker. Anyway, its a shame when someone that young and talented wastes it.

The new set on Raw last night was pretty cool. No idea what the hell is going on though. When did Jeff Hardy become a main eventer?

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Quote of the Day

"Is that a cell phone in your pocket? No, its my dick bitch!!" - Kar-Wing.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


So I bit the bullet and bought Rock Band today. Well actually Chantal bought it and I will pay her for it on Friday. I'm stuck and work and I'm bummed out because I wanna go home and try it.

The Flames killed LA last night 6-1, they have a pretty fucked up schedules. Tuesdays game against Minnesota is their only game for 11 days. Pretty bizarre.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Don't Forget Who's Taking You Home.....

So last night was the Michael Buble concert. Chantals been looking forward to it since she got the tickets at Christmas and asked me to go with her.

I didn't know what to expect but I have to say it was a great show and I had a really good time. His band was incredible and he had little bits prepared and really put on a good show. I'm glad I went.

Flames got back into the win column the other night against Minnesota (and I didn't have to get my own pie....) Interested to see when Cujo will get his first start.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I read this today and it brought me much joy:

Filter is close to finishing a new album, Anthems for the Damned, and will be releasing the album sometime between April and May.

Richard Patrick, frontman of Filter, told in November of 2007, "I'm not straying from that classic Filter sound, but, because I'm a little older and a little wiser, [the sound has] definitely evolved. The first two or three songs are just straight-up industrial powerhouses, and then it goes into the huge-sounding stuff that people are kind of familiar with."

A source close to the band has said that the new album will feature a line-up of contributors and that Patrick is currently getting members together for the live shows.

I thought they were done and I'm excited to hear the new stuff. Check out their last 2 (especially Title of Record) they are very underrated.

Spring Training

Pitchers and Catchers report in 28 days baby!!!!

Blue Harvest

I just watched the Family Guy Blue Harvest dvd (Why is it called Blue Harvest anyway?)

This is of course, their Star Wars remake. It was pretty good but shorter then I thought it would be. My only complaint was that some of the jokes were a little "hackey."

Watch it and let me know what you thought.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Calgary Flames agree to terms with veteran goaltender Curtis Joseph

CALGARY - Curtis Joseph is headed back to the NHL.

The 40-year-old goaltender agreed to terms on a US$1.5-million, one-year contract with the Calgary Flames on Monday, a source told The Canadian Press.

Since a little more than half of the season is already gone, he'll earn about $650,000 for the rest of the year.

A Flames spokesman would not confirm the signing Monday and said the team had no announcement at this point.

Joseph, who led Canada to a Spengler Cup title late last month, is one NHL victory shy of tying Terry Sawchuk for fourth all-time on the goalie career win list at 447.

Joseph went 18-31-2 with a 3.19 goals-against average and .893 save percentage with the Phoenix Coyotes last season.

He's 446-341-95 in 913 NHL regular-season games with St. Louis, Edmonton, Toronto, Detroit and Phoenix.

The Flames need to give star No. 1 goalie Miikka Kiprusoff a breather once in a while in the second half of the season. He's started in 45 of 46 games while rookie Curtis McElhinney has started just once.

The New York Rangers were also believed to be in the running for Joseph's services before he ultimately decided to join with the Flames.

Stuff and Shit....

We decided to take the kids to Calgary for the weekend to see grandma and grandpa. I felt like shit and still do but we had fun. Did a little shopping and my mom made lasagne which was awesome and then later Saturday we got Gondola Pizza. It was "The Boss" pizza and it was killer. Anyway, we had fun.

Last night we hit The Keg for supper which was also awesome. (I talk about food a lot....)

In 2 weeks we were thinking of taking the kids to Jasper but we can't seem to find a hotel room. If anyone has connections or knows a way we can get a hotel room please let me know.

The Flames are on a bit of a skid and dropped one to the Oilers last night which I'm sure I will hear all about when I get to work.

We watched the Triumph and Tragedy of World Class Championship Wrestling last night which was as depressing as I expected. It must be hard for Kevin to recount all that stuff but he got through it like a trooper. I've heard if you watch the shoot interviews of a lot of the guys that were around back then you hear a lot more about the dark side of that promotion then you will oviously hear about in a WWE-made documentary. And there was quite a dark side if there is any truth behind some of the things I have read.

I also bought the 2nd volume of JCW Slam TV. They certainly shelled out some cash to bring in a lot of big names for the shows on this go 'round. Jimmy Jacobs vs. Ultimo should be good. Still waiting for the WSX dvd's to turn up around here somewhere.

Friday, January 11, 2008


I was digging through some old shit and I found this. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 10, 2008


I watched disc 3 of the Best of Raw XV tonight and when I came across the segment where Eugene has a group play musical chairs for a title shot, I realized that I'm sure back in '03 I hated it but it was damn funny now.

But on to other business, I think the temporary home for the potential internet TV show will be over on my video blog ( Right now it is the home of videos I hae put up on Dailymotion, stuff I find interesting such as wrestling, music and overall zaniness.

Also, I have decided that the show will feature an advice segment..... A segment entitled "Ho Ass Help." So kids, sharpen your pencils and send any questions to "Dr. Ho" to

.....I know, you all think I'm nuts but I'm gonna make this happen.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

BBB's Notebook: Best of RAW 15th Anniversary Disc 1

-Taking the ring up that elevator for the first Raw in the Manhattan center must have SUCKED!!

-Holy, Vince's commentary is pretty over the top on Hennig vs. Flair.

-The little "pop up video" facts are a nice addition.

-Ah, the birth of the 1-2-3 Kid....

-Oh! My favorite tape/dvd game, Spot Fonzie!!! Ref for Jannetty/Michaels.

-Shawn and Marty put on a hell of a match, didn't care for the finish though.

-Savage is hilariously brutal on commentary.

-Bret and Waltmans match was pretty great as well.

-Lawler and William Shatner was well done.

-Nice little tribute to Owen.

-Goldust giving Ahmed Johnson mouth to mouth was a tad disturbing....

-Ah the Pillman gun angle. The classics never die.

-Haha the original ECW Invasion segment is taken right from the "Rise and Fall" dvd.

-Owen and Bulldogs Euro-title match was very good.

-Wow, I forgot what great shape Austin was in in 1997.

-Bret screwed Bret......

-Disc 1 was greas success.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Drew gave me the Best of Raw 15th Anniversary dvd as a late Christmas present. Will probably dive into disc one tommorow.

Quote of the Day

"I think my show could be a lot like Laguna Beach..." - Drew (upon my asking for his participation in my show.)

Sunday, January 06, 2008

BBB's Notebook: WWE Royal Rumble 1990

-It's odd seeing Tony Schiavone doing WWF events.

-"The fans are whacking away".... "The 2 teams are feeling each other out"... Man, the Rougeaus and The Bushwhackers has a lot of homoerotic undertones.....

-The Bushwhackers are quite over.

-"Savat kick." You don't hear that anymore. I'm gonna start using it.

-Only DiBiase could use the word "Gestapoism" into a promo.

-A battle of PWA alumni, Brutus vs. The Genius.

-Poffo plays gay very well, almost too well......

-A double DQ? These 2 need to settle this at Night of Champions 2008!

-Ah the Greg The Hammer faceplant. Awesome.

-Valentine and Ronnie Garvin was an interesing match. Submission matches were pretty rare back then.


-The late Saphire. "Tons of fun" as Jesse the Body would say.

-Good lord, what the fuck is the Warrior talking about?

-Fuck Jake was good.

-What the hell is on Neidharts head?

-It's Rumble time! DiBiase drew #1, Koko is #2.

-Koko is out, up next is Jannetty.

-Jannetty is out, up next is Jake. Wow, he's over huge.

-Piper is a house of fire!

-The Red Rooster..... Sigh......

-Akeem looks retarded.

-Hogan and the Warrior are the final two.

-Oh wait, they aren't. Nevermind....

-Wow, I was way off. Serves me right for falling asleep during the damn Rumble.

-Hogan, Rude and Perfect are the final 3.

-Rude is out..... And Hogan is Hulking up!!!!!

-And Hennig is out, Hogan wins. I for one am shocked......

February 02 2008


So I always joke around with coworkers that my potential is being wasted doing what I do for a living.

So in discussing this I have decided to take matters into my own hands and myself and some other interested parties are going to start an internet TV show. Short "webisodes" full of stuff that makes us laugh. And if it makes us laugh maybe it will make you laugh as well.

Nothing fancy, just low-fi entertainment in a bite sized package.

I have no timeline for when we will start, but hopefully you will see something sooner then later.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

BBB's Notebook: The Hardcore Diaries by Mick Foley

Well, I'm sure I am in the minority, but on the whole I don't think this was a very good book.

Its not totally without merit, the story of the buildup to One Night Stand was quite enthralling, and to be honest it was the only part of the book that wasn't throw-away to me.

A lot of it seemed very self-serving and tried too hard to be humorous.

The amount of name dropping was staggering and there was a definite political agenda as well that I could have done without.

Maybe I look for something different in a "wrestling book." What it can teach me, what I can learn about the business and what I can learn about certain performers but I don't think I really learned anything, but perhaps that wasn't the point.

I do however enjoy the recounting of certain events that I can go back and watch tapes and dvd's of and see it from a different perspective.

I guess I just didn't get what I was looking for out of this one.

BBB's Notebook: ECW 12/18/07

I haven't watched ECW since about September so I have no idea what's cookin'. Here we go.......

-Morrison and The Miz are tag champs? Fuck I am out of it...

-Shannon Moore looks relatively normal.... Is he on Smackdown now?

-Yang is underrated.

-Wow, Yang and Moore vs. Morrison and Miz was really good.

-Benjamin destroyed that jobber.... What's his deal, the gold standard? Is he on ECW full time now?

-Kofi Kingston.... Interesting.

-Victoria is with Kenny Dykstra? I don't like all these SD guys on ECW. Its stripping the show of its identity.

-Nunzio the elf.......?

-Dykstra's leap to the top was impressive, but its the only part of the match I will remember.

-Punk vs. MVP was good, didn't like the dq finish but it made sense considering the circumstance.

-A Punk/Chavo feud could produce some quality matched.

The show was good but the "Smackdown Talent Exchange" kind of dilutes the feel and identity of the show.