Sunday, September 30, 2007


It was with a heavy heart I watched the Jays lose today. Their season is now over, 4 games above 500. It wasn't supposed to end like this but they finished pretty strong and I'm already looking forward to next year. However, playoffs start right away and there is nothing like playoff baseball. (I can't believe the Mets choked, can't wait to hear Artie and Gary go at it tommorow....

Apparently ECW will be getting a new injection of talent soon. I haven't seen a show since Punk won the belt, I have to burn them and check it out. Are they any good...? Grizz?

PWA was a lot of fun last night, matches were good and the crowd had fun. Look for the dvd.....

Thursday!! Flames!! Thursday!!

Full count is tonight, it's gonna be a long fuckin' night.

Friday, September 28, 2007

October 19 2007

Things That Must Be Said

-The Office sucked last night. Almost shark jumping-worthy. If the new romantic storyline is going to ne Dwight and Angela then they are in trouble. And Michael Scott may be turning dangerously unlikeable.

-Silversun Pickups are coming and the only way to get tickets is through Sonic. Bullshit.

-Beer in the afternoon is good.

-New Hart Foundation on Smackdown is good.

-Joe and AJ in PWA is good.

-Other stuff was to be written but I forgot it all in the time it took me to walk down the stairs. Fuck.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I'm watching TNA Impact from last week, haven't watched an episode in a while. Where the fuck did Rikishi, Goldust, Matt Morgan and the WSX champ come from? Shit.....

My PVR is now up and running (Thanks Richard!) So I can start recording stuff and get caught up on this crap.

Quote of the Day

"There are soooo many lesbians here that I almost feel bad lookling at them..." - Shigs, in a pin from the Tegan and Sarah show.


Back from the Halo launch, it went very very well. I can't really go into sales numbers but it was "great success."

I'm pretty proud of myself, I think I kept it together and was a pretty good leader tonight.

My goal for tommorow: burn some of the shit on my computer and try and catch up on some wrestling. And finish Season 3 of The Office.

I'm fucking hungry.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Pictures & Shit

I realized I never posted any pictures from our vacation or the Karaoke Birthday Extravaganza or any of that shit, so here is some.....

The view atop Mt. Norquay was amazing.

Foothills Stadium, Vipers won, I had such a good time at the game.

This was at Karaoke, although you can't tell as someone is.... substantially blocking the view...

Phil and I rocked some Proclaimers, although I wentback and listened to it, I suck.

Our birthday cake courtesy of M. W-S. Half of it was awesome.

Someone couldn't quite handle the Ocean Motion despite proclaiming herself a thrill-seeker.
The main street in Banff was rippied up for contruction which bummed me out.
But it didn't stop me from enjoying a frosty beverage.
After all, discovering Alberta made me thirsty....
I did however have help, she is a sturdy rower.....


Tyler fixed the port forwarding on the desktop and the notebook and now the torrent are humming along quite nicely. I'm very happy.

I am so behind in my wrestling again, it sucks. I have 3 (and soon to be 4) weeks of ECW tv, an episode of Dragon Gate infinity, the new ROH ppv and much more. Not to mention the throngs of tapes I have in the closet in the office.

Don't have to work until 8 tonight due to the stupid fucking midnight Halo launch.... It's cool though because the Jays have a day game at Yankee Stadium that just started.

Talked to Woody and Peter the other day and got some bad news. Paul, who played guitar in the last band that I was in here in Edmonton, passed away. If I remember correctly, he had a lot of issues with cancer many years ago including having a tumor removed from his head. He was an amazing guitar player. If I can find the cd I will upload a song or 2 so you can hear him play.

I'm done with pre-season bullshit, drop the puck already! And how could the Stamps lose to fucking Hamilton?? Bullshit.

If anything funny or interesting happens dureing this lame Halo bullshit, I will post it with the Blackberry. And speaking of blackberrys, Chantal had to get one for her new job which I find funny as hell.

Friday, September 21, 2007


So Dick won Big Brother.... I had a feeling Danielle wouldn't have the cakewalk that everyone figured.

The Oilers white jerseys look like practice jerseys... Did I say that already?

We have the kids this weekend which is always awesome.

New cd's:

The problem is, when I get a new cd it gets thrown on the ipod and I always shuffle songs on the ipod so I never really listen all the way through. Sometimes I miss the old discman days.

Saved By The Bell: Wedding in Vegas is on TBS right now, not a bad way to kill a couple of hours before work.

All out Halo 3 shit is arriving, I've never done a midnight launch before so I am a little nervous about it but I think it will be fun. Nerve racking but fun.

WWE released The Sandman, leaving Tommy as the only 'ECW Original' left from the failed experiment..... Oh yeah, I guess Balls is still there too. I'm 3 weeks behind. I just don't have the time to keep up on it all, stupid life.

Chris Crocker, best known for his YouTube plea to “leave Britney alone”, has signed with 44 Blue Productions. So far, the video has been watched by 8.3 million people, although he “had developed a large Net audience via numerous video performances posted on,” Variety reports. The company’s president, Rasha Drachkovitch, told the paper that “Chris first got on our radar a year ago. It’s going to pretty much be the ‘Chris Crocker experience.’ We consider him a rebel character that people will find interesting. He’s going to be a TV star.”

Are you fucking serious? Everything that is wrong with the world today.

Stamps are on a roll with 3 big wins.... Jays are just playing out the string and the Flames have looked less then impressive so far in the pre-season. Beer me strength.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

More Stuff

I may have hastily judged Xbox live a little. I played hockey with my brother yesterday afternoon and it was totally fun. I think because Shigs is queer and runs his Xbox wireslessly is why we had so much trouble the last time.

We were victorious at trivia last night, and I was introduced to the Dick Chicken, and now I am a better man.

Apparently The White Stripes have cancelled their remaining tour because Meg White is suffering from anxiety. Maybe she realized that she is useless and her band sucks.

The journey that is Big Brother ends tonight. I have a sinking feeling in my gut that Dick is going to win, but I'm probably nuts.

I'm fucking sick of Halo 3 and its not even the 25th yet.

Quote of the Day

"I think he tried too hard..." - Drew on Terry Fox.

Monday, September 17, 2007

New Oiler Uni's

Not sure how I feel about them, I think I need to see them in game action. Flames ones are much nicer but the Alberta flag would look nicer on these.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Stuff with extra Stuff...

Well, so far Xbox live really sucks. I'm not sure if it was the connection I had with Shigs but the gameplay is choppy and the earpiece is useless because it cuts in and out constantly.

However, NHL 08 is pretty sweet. The graphics are phenominal and thanks to 'classic controller' I can play it and not want to shoot myself.

Had some folks over last night for no particular reason, they had quite the time playing with the kids old wrestlers. (Video to come hopefully.)

It annoys me that all these cool gadgets we have that are supposed to be so amazing, and none of them work. Our wireless internet is really cool, but very unreliable and is hurting my torrent business (not that I condone anything illegal like uploading torrents...)

Anyway.... Jays are tied with Baltimore in the top of the 11th, may go to Dustins to watch the ppv tonight but I am so out of the loop not sure if I'll get anything out of it.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Quote of the Day

"That's dick. You know what, fuck you Wii." - Drew.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


No idea if I can remember all this.....

My folks came out for the weekend for our birthdays, it was pretty good. Saturday we went to the Whyte Avenue farmers market and walked around Whyte Ave for a while. I picked up Attack in Black at Megatunes, I miss shopping at indy record stores.

Saturday night we had a little birthday shindig, thanks to everyone that came out. We had a blast. Sunday the folks headed out, and we went to Chantals friends daughters birthday party. I was a little claustrophobic but we had a good time.

Last night we hit up trivia for the first time in a while, lost by 2 and a half points but we had fun as usual.

Hornswoggle is Vince's son? Nice fucking payoff.....

Jays fucked it against Tampa, Dolphins are 0-1 but the Stamps took both from the Eskies.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

BBB's Notebook: ECW 08/28/07

-Lets get this trifecta of crap over with. Time for another beer.

-Remind me not to burn more then 2 episodes on one dvd.

-Fiyaaaah!! Holy fuck, only Artie can do that.....

-"Sorry Boogey..." Fuck this guy blows.

-Seriously, fucking cut this guys Mic time......

-Nice BWO sign for Stevie.

-You had a good run Stevie, see ya later.

-"This is some tasty Cantaloupe." Fucking gold.

-Balls loses the match but gets the girl....

-Punk wins another shot with the GTS.

BBB's Notebook: ECW 08/21/07

-Big Samoan drop and Tommy jobs again.

-Balls and Vince should have their own show.

-Joey tells the "Balls punched a referee" story every fucking week....

-Balls gets the win over Burke in a decent match.

-Mic time for Thorn? Not much but it was there.

-Punk and Vince's small tete et tete was interesting.

-I didn't really watch the main event because I am distracted by shiny things, but I assume it was crap.

BBB's Notebook: ECW 08/14/07

-Fuck, I can't remember if I watched this episode already....

-Chantal used to like Viscera in the huge jammies, but hates Big Daddy V.

-Is the the Big Daddy V show? First Punk and now Tommy.

-If this were a just world, Balls would hand Mizanin his fucking spleen.

-Dammit Stevie!! Snap out of it.

-Hahahah!! Fuck you Thorn!! Reverse decision, Stevie wins!!! I'm drunk....

-Cant get enough main event dq's...... Bring on the worms.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


A word of advice. Don't go to a store at ten to nine and buy a big tv. That means the staff has to keep the fucking store open until 9:30 when all they want to do ia go home to their families and stupid dogs.

Now, some news:

-AP: ATLANTA — A doctor who examined brain matter from former pro wrestler Chris Benoit is saying the wrestler had brain damage from multiple concussions that was consistent with what's seen in Alzheimer's patients.Dr. Julian Bailes told ABC's Good Morning America that the "striking and maybe shocking" damage may have been a leading cause for Benoit killing his wife, children and himself at their Atlanta-area home in June.Bailes showed the show's hosts images of a healthy brain and of part of Benoit's brain — which had large brown spots he said were dead brain cells and their connecting tissue. He said such damage is not caused by steroid use.

Yes, but steroid stories sell papers and apparently get people elected.

-Andrew "Test" Martin is done with TNA. The word from backstage is that he was not fitting in well backstage and was pretty much sent home following the Hard Justice PPV. He never signed a contract and it doesn't appear as if he will be back. Credit:

Test was in TNA?

-Wade Keller is reporting that Ric Flair quit WWE this week due to being frustrated with his push and the lack of encouraging communication from management. Both sides are apparently already trying to work things out.

Flair's decision to quit doesn't appear to have anything to do with the recent suspensions.

TNA is said to be aware of Flair's decision to quit WWE and is interested in possibly trying to get him to come in for the launch of the two hour Impact in October. Credit:

Interesting and not wise IMO considering his supposed financial situation. I don't see him going anywhere.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

New Flames Uniforms

The Flames unveiled their new jerseys this afternoon:
They're not bad other then the terrible out of place Alberta flag on the shoulder. You can do a 'tour' here.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Quote of the Day Part 2

"Whatever I do, is what I do". - Braden.

Quote of the Day

"If it was a sandwich, I would walk." - Shigs.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Holy Shit Really?!

Dogs really chase their own tails? I thought that was made up on TV. Holy fuck what a moron....

Sunday Sunday SUNDAY!!

-I'm going to go on a little rant here for a second about video games. I remember a few years ago when playing NHL hockey, there was a button for shoot, one for pass, and one for body checking.

I downloaded the demo for NHL '08 and to shoot you need to use the right thumb-stick and all this other bullshit and its annoying.

A bunch of my co-workers want me to play Rainbow Six online with them but after playing it for a few minutes at my brothers, there is no way I can keep up. I'm not built for shit lilke that.

When did games get so involved and technical? X Box Live is cool but I'm having issues figuring out how the fuck to do anything. Anyway.....

-I am having a brutal day at work so far. 500 people have come to me looking for a specific cd or dvd and we don't have any of it. Sent more people to HMV then I've sold stuff to.

-Tuesday the Flames unveil their new jerseys, wonder what they will look like. Word is that the horse won't be on the shoulder anymore. That horse was certainly a failed experiment. I didn't like it at first but it gre on me after a while.

-WWE is in some serious turmoil right now. I wonder the long-term effects of what is happening now on our business. If you don't know what I'm talking about, go, read.

Quote of the Day

"I want to give her an eating disorder by Christmas" - Me.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

The Latest and Greatest

We got the wireless network set up yesterday so as I type this I am sitting on the couch with the notebook in front of the TV. Could I be any more lazy and lame.

The kids are in bed with minimal freaking out that both of their moms are not around..... And now I am debating what to do..... Try and play some more (mega-confusing) X-Box Live, watch some Kissology volume 2, some wrestling, maybe some Dawson (yeah, that's right fuckers)... Who knows, the world is my proverbial oyster.

So, we have a dog..... A Jack Russel Terrier named Sadie (Who the fuck is Jack Russel anyway?) It's a harmless enough dog other then the boundless energy and the fact that it thinks I am a toilet. It will get better......